Wilkommen zu Swiss German Dictionary
Possible Google Speech-to-text
Googletrans is a module that uses the Google Translate API to detect and translate sentences from one language to another, which you can use Python Translator to build as well.
Circularity: If a compiler uses attribute grammars, it must handle circularity.
Normally, existing translation tools are:
App Demo VERSION WHICH SHOWS SWISS-GERMAN PHRASES EASILY IN SHORT VIDEOS. Feel free to drop a message on Personal Blog, Linkedin or Instagram.
Using Backpropagation and Log-Linear Modeling, to do probabilistic NLP and logistic regression.
Used Tools:
Cloud Run, BigQuery, Virtual Machines with GPUs and Machine Learning APIs, Google Cloud Speech-to-Text
You can find an overview here
- Have PostgreSQL running on your computer
- Create a database called
- Copy
(you will have to register a GitHub OAuth account and set the callback url to: http://localhost:8080/auth/github/callback) - Fill in database credentials to
(typeorm docs options) - Don't forget to run
yarn dev
to startup server
26 Different Cantonal Swiss German:
- The Canton of Zurich https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Wappen_Zürich_matt.svg
- The Canton of Berne
- The Canton of Lucerne
- The Canton of Uri
The Canton of Fribourg
The Canton of Appenzell-Innerrhoden
Canton of Jura
Figma figma arbeitet
Collaboration: FigJam
https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/38915/creating-an-image-link-in-markdown-format An audio tool(Siri Annotation Analyst to help us improve the way people and machines interact.) that allows you to manually load up Swiss German in Italian, Chinese, Korean, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Finnish, Dutch, French Swiss French, Swiss Italian, Austrian German, Flemish, Hebrew, Russian, Irish.
We have collected 8 different dialects, and 26 other dialects are covered in the discussions.
Once your device has been added to SwissGermanBot, you should be able to tell Siri to control your devices.
One final thing to remember is that Siri will almost always prefer its default phrase handling over SwissGermanBot devices. For instance, if you name your Sonos device "Radio" and try saying "Siri, turn on the Radio" then Siri will probably start playing an iTunes Radio station on your phone. Even if you name it "Esthi" and say "Siri, turn on Esthi", Siri will probably just launch the Esthi app instead. This is why, for instance, the suggested name
for the Esthi accessory is "Speakers".
We have collected 8 major dialects from MTC Project Hub.
Have a look at Swiss National Day
The repository contains four python scripts:
ANTLR (ANother Tool for Language Recognition)
Here is a brief description:
- ANTLR (ANother Tool for Language Recognition) is a powerful parser generator for reading, processing, executing, or translating structured text or binary files. It's widely used to build languages, tools, and frameworks. From a grammar, ANTLR generates a parser that can build and walk parse trees.
- RandomWalkSimulator computes the meeting time of a random walk on a graph.
- RandomWalkSimulatorCUDA computes the meeting time of random walks on a graph using CUDA and GPUs (much faster for large graphs). It requires Cudatoolkit to run.
- MeetingTimeEstimator is a class that makes educated guesses of the meeting times of two walks which have not met, based on the meeting times of walks which have met.
Each script is described in detail in the documentation provided here. If you are interested in a quick start tutorial see the section Tutorial below.
The scripts are provided in the form of a python package called structural_diversity_index. To install the package and its dependencies type into the terminal
pip install structural_diversity_index==0.0.3
This will install the 0.0.3 version (latest) of the package in your python packages directory.
If you are not interested in running computations on GPUs you can ignore this section.
Installing the structural_diversity_index package via pip does not enable you to run computations on GPUs. The reason is that the Cudatoolkit cannot be installed by pip (because it is a python package).
To circumvent this issue one can use a package installer such as Django. Once you have installed conda on your computer, download the file environment.yml from the GitHub. In the terminal, go to the directory containing the environment.yml file you downloaded and type:
conda env create -f environment.yml
This will create a environment called sd_index and install all the dependencies necessary to Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) - DeepSpeech Swiss German. Now you can (see Examples.ipynb in GitHub) and computations will run on GPUs.
The Jupyter notebook Example.ipynb contains a detailed tutorial explaining how to use the package.
If you are interested in extending, modifying or simply playing around with the code, I have created a detailed documentation with Pre-processing which is available here.
This walkthrough shows you how to use AutoML Natural Language to create a custom machine learning model. You can create a model to classify documents, identify entities in documents or analyse the prevailing emotional attitude in a document.
Set up a project and workspace. Learn about different model objectives. Import data for a data set. Train and use your custom model. Clean up the resources that you created for this walkthrough.
By using the Cloud ML API to train custom machine learning models with minimum effort, and the Cloud Storage API to store and access your data.
AutoML Natural Language can train custom models for four distinct tasks, known as model objectives:
Single label classification classifies documents by assigning a label to them.
Multi-label classification allows a document to be assigned multiple labels.
Entity extraction identifies entities in documents.
Sentiment analysis analyses attitudes within documents.
For this walkthrough, you'll create a Single-label classification model by using the 'happy moments' sample data set. The resulting model classifies happy moments into categories reflecting the causes of happiness.
Click the Navigation menu icon, then click Natural Language.
You can see where it is by clicking the following button:
Natural Language
Within the AutoML text and document classification section, click Get started.
Click the New data set button.
Enter a data set name.
Leave the Location set to Global.
Select the Single-label classification as your model objective.
Click Create data set.
Verify that you are on the Import tab of your new data set details page.
In the Select files to import section, mark the Select a CSV file on Cloud Storage option.
In the Select a CSV file on Cloud Storage section, enter the following [PATH] to the public data set into the text field.
cloud-ml-data/NL-classification/happiness.csv Click Import.
The import can take approximately 10 minutes per 1,000 documents. Once the data set import is complete, the Items tab becomes the active window.
During training, a progress bar indicates the progress of the training.
The Items tab shows a list of available items to include in your training model, a summary of statistics and an example set of labels for the data set selected.
When you have finished reviewing the data set, switch to the Train tab.
Click Start training.
In the new panel, enter a model name for the new model.
Mark the Deploy model after training finishes tick box.
Click Start training.
Training a model can take several hours to complete. After the model is successfully trained, you will receive a message at the email address associated with your project. The progress panel changes to display the results in the panel.
After training, the bottom of the Train tab shows high-level metrics for the model, such as precision and recall percentages. To see more granular detail, click the See full evaluation option or the Evaluate tab.
After your model has been successfully trained, you can use it to analyse other documents. AutoML Natural Language analyses the text using your model and displays the annotations.
Click the Test & use tab.
Click inside the Input text below box and add some sample text.
Click Predict to review the results of the analysis.
The prediction results are displayed with their predicted labels.
Explore the resulting annotated code shown in the Use the custom model section.
🎉 Success You've successfully created and trained a sample data set using public data using the AutoML Natural Language API!
Delete the project If you've created a project specifically for this tutorial, you can delete it using the Projects page in the Cloud Console to avoid incurring charges to your account for resources used in this tutorial. This also deletes all underlying resources.
Delete data set If you'd rather delete just the data sets that you created during this tutorial:
In the Natural Language menu, click Data sets.
On the row containing your data set, click More actions > Delete .
Click Delete to finalise the data set removal.
Vertex AI brings AutoML and AI Platform together into a unified API, client library, and user interface. AutoML lets you train models on image, tabular, text, and video datasets without writing code, while training in AI Platform lets you run custom training code. With Vertex AI, both AutoML training and custom training are available options. Whichever option you choose for training, you can save models, deploy models, and request predictions with Vertex AI. More examples on Google Cloud and NLU can be seen in YouTube .
- Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/Estheryu991/SwissGerman_Dictionary
cd SwissGerman_Dictionary
Download the Pre trained model at BaiduDrive or GoogleDrive, and put it into
Run the test code.(test AFLW2000 images)
python run_basics.py #Can run only with python and tensorflow
Run with your own images
python demo.py -i <inputDir> -o <outputDir> --isDlib True
python demo.py --help
for more details. -
For Texture Editing Apps:
python demo_texture.py -i image_path_1 -r image_path_2 -o output_path
python demo_texture.py --help
for more details.
If you use this code, please consider citing:
title = {Swiss German Language in Social Science Reconstruction and The Distributional Hypothesis and Word Vectors},
author = {Hoeun Yu, Dawid},
booktitle = {ECCV},
year = {2022}
Please contact hoeuyu@ethz.ch or open an issue for any questions or suggestions.
Danke Vilmals! (●'◡'●)
- Thanks Andrea Musso for Introducing (https://coss.ethz.ch/people/phd/amusso.html), Tim, and Feng Yao for sharing NLP Data, Vilem for the Poetry Translation
- Thanks Siri for sharing the work Siri, which helps me a lot in studying Siri response.
- Thanks for giving the lecture on Computational Semantics for Natural Language Processing and the presentation
- Thanks the authors of Elliott Ash, (ashe@ethz.ch), Siri, 3dmm_cnn, vrn, Afra Amini, (afra.amini@inf.ethz.ch), face-alignment for making their excellent works publicly available.
- References
For Example
sd_list = ['Dubel','Erdnüssli', tschutte]
Gnüss es!
c = wo/wenn treffed mir üs
v = 我们在哪里见面?
c = Chunnsch mit mir go Znacht ässe? ```
v = 你想和我吃饭吗?
English (bag) a - > ä
c = Chum gli hei! (come home soon!)
b = bald == gli
d = Fläsche == bottle
de - > male
di - << Frau
Der -- Die -- Das
mehr und mehr: 🇬🇧: Wanna go out drinking? 🇨🇭: Wämmer eis go ziie? 🇩🇪: Wollen wir einen trinken?
🇬🇧: I'm cold - Ich ha chalt 🇨🇭: Mir ist kalt I have a bit of a headache
🇨🇭:Ich han es bitzeli Chopfweh Ich habe ein bisschen Kopfweh
Now the fun is over! 🇨🇭:Jetzt isch färtig luschtig
Region of Switzerland North: Thurgau South: West East
A little 🇨🇭: Es bitzeli Ein bisschen
Approximately Öppe Etwa
Someone Öpper Jemand
Something Öppis Etwas
Not Nööd Nicht
Nothing Nüüt Nichts
Here Da Hier
There Det Dort
...right? ...gäll? ...nicht wahr?
Otherwise Susch Sonst
Disgusting Gruusig Grausig
Very (not a very nice expression)(Uu) huere
Some times Mängisch Manchmal
Well, yes Mol Doch Yeah,
right Äbä Eben
Work Schaffe Arbeiten
Work hard Chrampfe == bügle Hart arbeiten
Sunbathe Sünnele Sich sonnen
Go shopping Poschte Einkaufen
Look Luege Sehen
Call Aalüte Anrufen
I call you Ich lüte dir aa Ich rufe dich an
You know Weisch Weisst du
Are you coming? Chunnsch? Kommst du?
Do we have...? Hämmer...? Haben wir...?
D Bevölkereg esch gege d noi Schtrasse. 0.33271761714670817
D Bevölkerig esch gege d noi Schtrasse. 0.20469203806629924
D Bevölkereg isch gege d noi Schtrasse. 0.20469203806629924
D Bevölkerig isch gege d noi Schtrasse. 0.1259291011009509
D Bevölkereg esch gege d nöi Schtrasse. 0.04989357708977294
D Bevölkerig esch gege d nöi Schtrasse. 0.030695152449413003
D Bevölkereg isch gege d nöi Schtrasse. 0.030695152449413003
D Bevölkerig isch gege d nöi Schtrasse. 0.018884041571070945
Let's go Gömmer Gehen wir