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A set of helpers for creating E2E tests for your Microsoft 365 projects using Playwright


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Playwright helpers for Microsoft 365 projects

This repository contains a set of Playwright helpers for Microsoft 365 projects.


npm i playwright-m365-helpers


Login to Microsoft 365

Create a new login.setup.ts file in your tests folder and add the following code:

import { test as setup } from "@playwright/test";
import { login } from 'playwright-m365-helpers';

const AuthFile = "playwright/.auth/user.json";

setup("authenticate", async ({ page }) => {
  await login(
    process.env.M365_OTP_SECRET // Optional

  await page.context().storageState({ path: AuthFile });


In case of using Time-based One-Time Password (TOTP) for two-factor authentication, you can provide the secret key as the fourth parameter. To know more about signing in with TOTP, check the automating Microsoft 365 login with multi-factor authentication in Playwright tests article.

Create a new project in the playwright.config.ts file with the following code:

import { defineConfig } from "@playwright/test";

export default defineConfig({
  projects: [
      name: "setup",
      testMatch: /login.setup.ts/,
      name: "chromium",
      use: {
        storageState: "playwright/.auth/user.json",
      dependencies: ["setup"], // This will run the setup project before the chromium project

Power Platform helpers

There are various helpers for Power Platform projects:


  • getAppFrame - Get the iframe of the Power Platform app

    import { getAppFrame } from 'playwright-m365-helpers';
    test("Check if canvas is loaded", async () => {
      await getAppFrame(page);
  • getControlByName - Get the control by name

    import { getAppFrame, getControlByName } from 'playwright-m365-helpers';
    test("Check if control is loaded", async () => {
      const appFrame = await getAppFrame(page);
      const control = getControlByName(appFrame, "controlName");
      await expect(control).toBeVisible();
  • getControlPart - Get the control by its part name

    import { getAppFrame, getControlPart } from 'playwright-m365-helpers';
    test("Check if control part can be retrieved", async () => {
      const appFrame = await getAppFrame(page);
      const galleryItems = getControlPart(appFrame, "gallery-item");
      await expect(galleryItems).toHaveCount(2);
  • getButton - Get the button by name

    import { getAppFrame, getButton } from 'playwright-m365-helpers';
    test("Check if button is loaded", async () => {
      const appFrame = await getAppFrame(page);
      const button = getButton(appFrame, "buttonName");
      await expect(button).toBeVisible();
  • getDropdown - Get the dropdown by name

    import { getAppFrame, getDropdown } from 'playwright-m365-helpers';
    test("Check if dropdown is loaded", async () => {
      const appFrame = await getAppFrame(page);
      const dropdown = getDropdown(appFrame, "dropdownName");
      await expect(dropdown).toBeVisible();
  • selectDropdownOption - Select the dropdown option by its value

    import { getAppFrame, getDropdown, selectDropdownOption } from 'playwright-m365-helpers';
    test("Check if dropdown option is selected", async () => {
      const appFrame = await getAppFrame(page);
      const dropdown = getDropdown(appFrame, "dropdownName");
      await selectDropdownOption(appFrame, dropdown, "dropdown value");
      await expect(dropdown).toHaveText(/dropdown value/);
  • getGalleryItems - Get the gallery items

    import { getAppFrame, getControlPart } from 'playwright-m365-helpers';
    test("Check if we can retrieve the gallery items", async () => {
      const appFrame = await getAppFrame(page);
      const gallery = getControlByName(appFrame, "galleryName");
      const galleryItems = getGalleryItems(gallery);
      await expect(galleryItems).toHaveCount(2);
  • getInput - Get the input by name

    import { getAppFrame, getInput } from 'playwright-m365-helpers';
    test("Check if input is loaded", async () => {
      const appFrame = await getAppFrame(page);
      // Single line input
      const input = getInput(appFrame, "inputName");
      await expect(input).toBeVisible();
      await input.fill("Hello World");
      // Multi-line input
      const multiLineInput = getInput(appFrame, "multiLineInputName", true);
      await expect(multiLineInput).toBeVisible();
      await multiLineInput.fill("Hello World");
  • getLabel - Get the label by name

    import { getAppFrame, getLabel } from 'playwright-m365-helpers';
    test("Check if label is loaded", async () => {
      const appFrame = await getAppFrame(page);
      const input = getLabel(appFrame, "labelName");
      await expect(input).toHaveText(/Label text/);
  • getRadio - Get the radio by name

    import { getAppFrame, getRadio } from 'playwright-m365-helpers';
    test("Check if radio is loaded", async () => {
      const appFrame = await getAppFrame(page);
      const radio = getRadio(appFrame, "radioName");
      await expect(radio).toBeVisible();
  • selectRadioOption - Select the radio option by its value

    import { getAppFrame, getRadio, selectRadioOption } from 'playwright-m365-helpers';
    test("Select a radio option", async () => {
      const appFrame = await getAppFrame(page);
      const radio = getRadio(appFrame, "radioName");
      await selectRadioOption(radio, "radio value");
  • getRadioOptions - Get the radio option(s)

    import { getAppFrame, getRadio, getRadioOptions, selectRadioOption } from 'playwright-m365-helpers';
    test("Check if radio options are loaded", async () => {
      const appFrame = await getAppFrame(page);
      const radio = getRadio(appFrame, "radioName");
      await selectRadioOption(radio, "radio value");
      const selectedOption = await getRadioOptions(frame, radio, true);
      await expect(selectedOption).toHaveText(/radio value/);
  • getScreen - Get the screen by name

    import { getAppFrame, getScreen } from 'playwright-m365-helpers';
    test("Check if screen is loaded", async () => {
      const appFrame = await getAppFrame(page);
      const screen = getScreen(appFrame, "screenName");
      await expect(screen).toBeVisible();
  • getToggle - Get the toggle by name

    import { getAppFrame, getToggle } from 'playwright-m365-helpers';
    test("Check if toggle is loaded", async () => {
      const appFrame = await getAppFrame(page);
      const toggle = getToggle(appFrame, "toggleName");
      await expect(toggle).toBeVisible();
      await expect(toggle).toHaveAttribute("aria-checked", "true");

API helpers

In order to use the API helpers, you need to know the Power Platform connector ID. You can find this ID if you are going to your Power Platform connections page, and click on the connector you want to use. The connector ID is part of the URL.<environment>/connections/<connector ID>/details


In the following URL:

The connector ID is shared_sharepointonline/4aee3a63496d4e3f998c3910ba712bf2.

The following API helpers are available:

  • mockConnector - Mock the Power Platform connector

    import { mockConnector } from 'playwright-m365-helpers';
    test("Mock the connector", async () => {
      // Mock the connector with a GET request
      await mockConnector(page, "connectorId", "connectorResponse");
      // Mock the connector its POST event + status code
      await mockConnector(page, "connectorId", "connectorResponse", "POST", 201;
  • waitForConnectorRequest - Wait for the connector request to be made

    import { waitForConnectorRequest } from 'playwright-m365-helpers';
    test("Wait for the connector request", async () => {
      // Wait for the connector GET request
      await waitForConnectorRequest(page, "connectorId");
      // Wait for the connector POST request
      await waitForConnectorRequest(page, "connectorId", "POST");
  • waitForConnectorResponse - Wait for the connector response to be received

    import { waitForConnectorResponse } from 'playwright-m365-helpers';
    test("Wait for the connector response", async () => {
      // Wait for the connector GET response
      await waitForConnectorResponse(page, "connectorId");
      // Wait for the connector POST response
      await waitForConnectorResponse(page, "connectorId", "POST");

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