NOTE: This project is alpha stage. Flags, configuration, behaviour and design may change significantly in following releases.
A customisable set of Grafana dashboard and Prometheus alerts for etcd.
Instructions for use are the same as the kubernetes-mixin.
By default, this mixin generates the dashboard compatible with Grafana 8.x or newer. To generate dashboard for Grafana 7.x, set in the config.libsonnet:
// set to true if dashboards should be compatible with Grafana 7x or earlier
grafana7x: true,
- For more information about monitoring mixins, see this design doc.
Make sure to have jsonnet and gojsontoyaml installed. You can fetch it via
make tools
First compile the mixin to a YAML file, which the promtool will read:
make manifests
Then run the unit test:
promtool test rules test.yaml