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Prometheus Monitoring Mixin for etcd

NOTE: This project is alpha stage. Flags, configuration, behaviour and design may change significantly in following releases.

A customisable set of Grafana dashboard and Prometheus alerts for etcd.

Instructions for use are the same as the kubernetes-mixin.

Grafana 7.x support

By default, this mixin generates the dashboard compatible with Grafana 8.x or newer. To generate dashboard for Grafana 7.x, set in the config.libsonnet:

// set to true if dashboards should be compatible with Grafana 7x or earlier
grafana7x: true,


  • For more information about monitoring mixins, see this design doc.

Testing alerts

Make sure to have jsonnet and gojsontoyaml installed. You can fetch it via

make tools

First compile the mixin to a YAML file, which the promtool will read:

make manifests

Then run the unit test:

promtool test rules test.yaml