dumps the log from data directory.
Install the tool by running the following command from the etcd source directory.
$ go install -v ./tools/etcd-dump-logs
The installation will place executables in the $GOPATH/bin. If $GOPATH environment variable is not set, the tool will be installed into the $HOME/go/bin. You can also find out the installed location by running the following command from the etcd source directory. Make sure that $PATH is set accordingly in your environment.
$ go list -f "{{.Target}}" ./tools/etcd-dump-logs
Alternatively, instead of installing the tool, you can use it by simply running the following command from the etcd source directory.
$ go run ./tools/etcd-dump-logs
The following command should output the usage per the latest development.
$ etcd-dump-logs --help
An example of usage detail is provided below.
etcd-dump-logs [data dir]
* Data dir is where the snapshots and WAL logs are located. The structure of the data dir should look like this:
- data_dir/member
- data_dir/member/snap
- data_dir/member/wal
- data_dir/member/wal/0000000000000000-0000000000000000.wal
-wal-dir string
If set, dumps WAL from the informed path, rather than following the
standard 'data_dir/member/wal/' location
-entry-type string
If set, filters output by entry type. Must be one or more than one of:
ConfigChange, Normal, Request, InternalRaftRequest,
IRRRange, IRRPut, IRRDeleteRange, IRRTxn,
IRRCompaction, IRRLeaseGrant, IRRLeaseRevoke
-start-index uint
The index to start dumping
-start-snap string
The base name of snapshot file to start dumping
-stream-decoder string
The name and arguments of an executable decoding tool, the executable
must process hex encoded lines of binary input (from etcd-dump-logs)
and output a hex encoded line of binary for each input line
Filter entries by type from WAL log.
$ etcd-dump-logs -entry-type IRRTxn /tmp/datadir
Start dupmping log entries from snapshot.
WAL metadata:
nodeID=0 clusterID=0 term=0 commitIndex=0 vote=0
WAL entries:
term index type data
7 13 norm ID:8 txn:<success:<request_delete_range:<key:"a" range_end:"k8s\000\n\025\n\002v1\022\017RangeAllocation\022#\n\022\n\000\022\000\032\000\"\000*\0002\0008\000B\000z\000\022\01310.0.0.0/16\032\000\032\000\"\000" > > failure:<request_delete_range:<key:"a" range_end:"k8s\000\n\025\n\002v1\022\017RangeAllocation\022#\n\022\n\000\022\000\032\000\"\000*\0002\0008\000B\000z\000\022\01310.0.0.0/16\032\000\032\000\"\000" > > >
Entry types (IRRTxn) count is : 1
$ etcd-dump-logs -entry-type ConfigChange,IRRCompaction /tmp/datadir
Start dupmping log entries from snapshot.
WAL metadata:
nodeID=0 clusterID=0 term=0 commitIndex=0 vote=0
WAL entries:
term index type data
1 1 conf method=ConfChangeAddNode id=2
2 2 conf method=ConfChangeRemoveNode id=2
2 3 conf method=ConfChangeUpdateNode id=2
2 4 conf method=ConfChangeAddLearnerNode id=3
8 14 norm ID:9 compaction:<physical:true >
Entry types (ConfigChange,IRRCompaction) count is : 5
Decode each entry based on logic in the passed decoder. Decoder status and decoded data are listed in separated tab/columns in the output. For parsing purpose, the output from decoder are expected to be in format of "<DECODER_STATUS>|<DECODED_DATA>". Please refer to as an example.
However, if the decoder output format is not as expected, "decoder_status" will be "decoder output format is not right, print output anyway", and all output from decoder will be considered as "decoded_data"
$ etcd-dump-logs -stream-decoder /tmp/datadir
Start dupmping log entries from snapshot.
WAL metadata:
nodeID=0 clusterID=0 term=0 commitIndex=0 vote=0
WAL entries:
term index type data decoder_status decoded_data
1 1 conf method=ConfChangeAddNode id=2 ERROR jhjaajjjahjbbbjj
3 2 norm noop OK jhjjabjjaajfbfgjfagdfhcjbbahgbbbfhfegibbcabbfhffbbbcbbfhfibbcaebbbgiffbbedgdbhjacbjjchjjdjjjdhjiejjjehjafjjjfhjjgjjjghjahjjajjhhjajj
3 3 norm method=QGET path="/path1" OK jhjaabjdeadgdeedaajfbfgjfagdfhcabbacgbbbcjbbcabbcabbbcbbcbbbcaebbbccbbedgdbhjjcbjjchjjdjjjdhjiejjjehjafjjjfhjjgjjjghjahjjajjhhjajj
7 4 norm ID:8 txn:<success:<request_delete_range:<key:"a" range_end:"b" > > failure:<request_delete_range:<key:"a" range_end:"b" > > > OK jhjhcbadabjhaajfjajafaabjafbaajhaajfjajafaabjafb
8 5 norm ID:9 compaction:<physical:true > ERROR jhjicajbajja
9 6 norm ID:10 lease_grant:<TTL:1 ID:1 > ERROR jhjadbjdjhjaajja
12 7 norm ID:13 auth_enable:<> ERROR jhjdcbcejj
27 8 norm ??? ERROR cf
Entry types () count is : 8
$ etcd-dump-logs -stream-decoder /tmp/datadir
Start dupmping log entries from snapshot.
WAL metadata:
nodeID=0 clusterID=0 term=0 commitIndex=0 vote=0
WAL entries:
term index type data decoder_status decoded_data
1 1 conf method=ConfChangeAddNode id=2 decoder output format is not right, print output anyway jhjaajjjahjbbbjj
3 2 norm noop decoder output format is not right, print output anyway jhjjabjjaajfbfgjfagdfhcjbbahgbbbfhfegibbcabbfhffbbbcbbfhfibbcaebbbgiffbbedgdbhjacbjjchjjdjjjdhjiejjjehjafjjjfhjjgjjjghjahjjajjhhjajj
3 3 norm method=QGET path="/path1" decoder output format is not right, print output anyway jhjaabjdeadgdeedaajfbfgjfagdfhcabbacgbbbcjbbcabbcabbbcbbcbbbcaebbbccbbedgdbhjjcbjjchjjdjjjdhjiejjjehjafjjjfhjjgjjjghjahjjajjhhjajj
7 4 norm ID:8 txn:<success:<request_delete_range:<key:"a" range_end:"b" > > failure:<request_delete_range:<key:"a" range_end:"b" > > > decoder output format is not right, print output anyway jhjhcbadabjhaajfjajafaabjafbaajhaajfjajafaabjafb
8 5 norm ID:9 compaction:<physical:true > decoder output format is not right, print output anyway jhjicajbajja
9 6 norm ID:10 lease_grant:<TTL:1 ID:1 > decoder output format is not right, print output anyway jhjadbjdjhjaajja
12 7 norm ID:13 auth_enable:<> decoder output format is not right, print output anyway jhjdcbcejj
27 8 norm ??? decoder output format is not right, print output anyway cf
Entry types () count is : 8
Only shows WAL log entries after the specified start-index number, exclusively.
$ etcd-dump-logs -start-index 30 /tmp/datadir
Start dumping log entries from index 30.
WAL metadata:
nodeID=0 clusterID=0 term=0 commitIndex=0 vote=0
WAL entries:
term index type data
25 31 norm ID:26 auth_role_get:<role:"role3" >
26 32 norm ID:27 auth_role_grant_permission:<name:"role3" perm:<permType:WRITE key:"Keys" range_end:"RangeEnd" > >
27 33 norm ID:28 auth_role_revoke_permission:<role:"role3" key:"key" range_end:"rangeend" >
27 34 norm ???
Entry types () count is : 4