cURL Commands to control Newtek's NDI Studio Monitor on the Windows platform.
Opensource Google Coral Module on M.2 2242 Card with USB 3 connection to Host
Archive of the LSIUtil RAID controller software binaries and source.
Command & Conquer: Remastered Collection
Example of Android/Erlang communication with Jinterface; fork from knewter's code
D4no0 / erlanglauncher
Forked from knewter/erlanglauncherattempt to get android/erlang working for JInterface purposes...
Developer discussion about possible changes to the protocol.
Elixir mix task to generate Ecto models from already existing tables
Pixie is a PubSub server, based on the Bayeux protocol and compatible with Faye written in Elixir.
Create ZIP archives in streaming fashion with simple, embeddable code
h4cc / loppers
Forked from narrowtux/loppersValidate quoted elixir code against a function whitelist
A simple sidebar for Windows desktop that displays hardware diagnostic information.
Store and manipulate a set of bit flags, mostly used for syncing the state over the wire between peers in a peer to peer network, such as BitTorrent.
A wrapper for Dalli with support for AWS ElastiCache
Collection of John Carmackβs .plan files
A rich text editor for everyday writing
Ane (atomics and ets) is a library to share mutable data efficiently by utilizing atomics and ets modules.