UVa.tpl Public template
@ https://uva.onlinejudge.org | http://uhunt.felix-halim.net
C++ UpdatedFeb 10, 2017 -
apk-TheReasonWhy Public archive
New Zealand businessman Robert Laidlaw wrote this little booklet, a distillation of his discovery of a credible Christianity, for his nearly 3000 employees, and now shares it with a larger audience.
apk-GospelsInUnison Public archive
The Gospels in Unison "Injil Tuhan Yesus" Android eBook reader
DAIDE10 Public archive
Automated Negotiation in the game of Diplomacy (3rd year group project)
SwapMeSolver Public archive
Solves block puzzles in iOS game 'Swap Me'
Objective-C UpdatedJan 24, 2015 -
stripe-ctf-web-2012 Public archive
Stripe's Capture the Flag (CtF): Web Edition
cxx-prettyprint Public archive
Forked from louisdx/cxx-prettyprintA header-only library for C++(0x) that allows automagic pretty-printing of any container.
UVa-scvalex Public archive
Forked from scvalex/UVaSolutions to ACM problems