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File metadata and controls

178 lines (124 loc) · 6.33 KB

All rights reserved release

Source for my personal site running on Jekyll and Foundation.

The rest of this README, except for the License, is just cloned from Jekyll & ZURB.

Demo at

Lots of baked in features that work even if you don't want to use Foundation.

If you like this, check out the sister project Jekyll & deck.js.

Bare bones Jekyll site or blog: HTML5 & CSS3 ready.

  • Basic Rake tasks with support for dev and testing modes, run rake -D for info.
  • Automatically publish to GitHub pages with GitHub Actions.
  • LiveReload support. Just run guard.
  • Plugins for easy responsive images and YouTube videos.
  • Optional pagination using Foundation.
  • Includes Foundation Icon Fonts.

Asset pipeline with Jekyll::AssetsPlugin.

  • Bower for asset dependency management.

Modern web libraries and patterns.

Analytics and social features.

  • Social media button support.
  • Disqus ready: set disqus: your_shortname in _config.yml.
  • Google Analytics ready: see google_analytics variable in _config.yml.
  • Piwik ready: set piwik: in _config.yml ( points to the piwik install root).

Quick start

You will need Ruby ≥ 2 with Bundler and Bower.

Just clone this with

$ git clone my-blog

run bundle && bower install and create the _posts folder. Head over to the Jekyll Docs for the rest of the details.

Running off the master branch may be unstable and is not suitable for production. Only tagged releases are considered stable.

Demo site and documentation

The master branch of this project is designed to be used as a starting point for your site and as a branch to pull updates from. Thus, most features are disabled by default, and only the index.html page has been created with minimal markup.

The demo branch is a full website that will contain real examples and documentation for the included features. That branch is automatically built and published by GitHub Actions.

Demo site hosted on GitHub pages:

Add future update support

If you want to merge in future updates from this project and have your own origin, set up a separate branch to track this.

$ git remote rename origin upstream
$ git branch jekyll-and-zurb
$ git branch -u upstream/master jekyll-and-zurb

Then add an origin and push master

$ git remote add origin
$ git push -u origin master

Now, the jekyll-and-zurb branch will pull changes from this project, which you can then merge into your other branches.

If you later clone your repo you will need to create the update branch again.

$ git remote add upstream
$ git fetch upstream
$ git checkout -b jekyll-and-zurb upstream/master

Automatic publishing to GitHub pages with GitHub Actions

If you are hosting at you will need to leave the master branch empty and put your code in a different branch. The master branch otherwise functions like the gh-pages branch below.

See here for details on the different use cases.

First, make a gh-pages branch unless you are using master as discussed above,

$ git checkout --orphan gh-pages

and remove all files and folders except the .git directory.

$ git reset .
$ git clean -fdx

Then, make an initial commit with only index.html, push it, and make sure it goes live online.

$ echo "GitHub Pages placeholder" > index.html
$ git add index.html
$ git commit -m "GitHub Pages placeholder"
$ git push -u origin gh-pages
$ git checkout master

Staging site

If the environment variable STAGING_URL is set, then this value will be used to set domain, baseurl, and the assets baseurl. This is useful when you want to setup a staging site on a separate development repository.

You may override the CNAME for the staging site by setting the CNAME environment variable. Set CNAME to false to remove the CNAME file on build.


The Gemfile is using pessimistic version constraints for everything, so if you don't want to wait for updates, you need to bump the versions yourself, run bundle update and commit the updated Gemfile.lock.

JavaScript library versions need to be updated in bower.json and _config.yml (for CDN support). If you want to update Foundation, update the version number in bower.json.


The code and content for this site is Copyright © 2013-2015 Evan Sosenko.

This site is built with Jekyll & ZURB which is licensed under the MIT license.


This software is provided "as is" and without any express or implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.