Simple playground of turbo-rails, hotwire-rails to learn about Hotwire.
Inline creation, and edit via turbo/hotwire.
Small use of stimulus to reset the form on the client.
Launch redis easily with: bin/dev-docker-redis
We use two different broadcast channels for post changes:
to update on the post show page- "posts" to update the index page
bundle add hotwire-rails
bundle add turbo-rails
rails stimulus:install
rails turbo:install
And then adding import "../controllers"
to packs/application.js
to get stimulus running.
Also, the <%= turbo_stream_from ... %>
and the <%= turbo_frame_tag ... do %>
littered across the views.
- experiment with validation feedback
- deploy on heroku
- document the trace of a message starting in the broadcast concern all the way back through to the web client over websockets
- create a version that drops webpacker and uses importmap-rails