For now the latest release does not have this feature.
git clone https://benbjohnson/litestream
cd litestream
# build litestream
LITESTREAM_VERSION=0.4.0 go build -v -ldflags "-s -w -X 'main.Version=${LITESTREAM_VERSION}'" -o dist/litestream ./cmd/litestream
# install litestream
cp dist/litestream ../bin
includes the steps to run the primary and secondary litestream instances.
There are 4 terminals configured to enable easy play.
Run ./
and then from the sqlite3 instances:
# in primary sqlite
sqlite> create table foo (id integer not null primary key, name varchar(55));
# in secondary sqlite
sqlite> select * from foo; # empty
# in primary sqlite
sqlite> insert into foo (name) values ('bob');
# in secondary sqlite
sqlite> select * from foo; # returns boo