This adds mappings/keystrokes to vim to allow you to more easily maneuver and traverse ruby blocks. Additionally it adds some very helpful features for showing context/describe hierarchy in rspec.
]b Goes to next sibling block, or next sibling of parent block
[b Goes to previous sibling block, or previous sibling of parent block
]p Goes to the beginning of the first parent block
]c Go to the beginning of the first spec context block (describe/context)
]s Goes to start of current block
]e Goes to end of current block
]h Print the block hierachy to the current line
]v Prints the various 'lets', 'subjects', and '@=' variables
This will go to the beginning of the line of the next block at the sibling level. If run on the last block inside another block, it will go to the first sibling of the parent block.
This will go to the beginning of the line of the previous block at the sibling level. If run on the first block inside another block, it will go to the first previous sibling of the parent block.
This will go to the beginning of the line of the immediate block surrounding the block you are currently in.
This will go to the beginning of the line of the immediate rspec block surrounding the block you are currently in. Limited to describe/context/shared_example.
This will go to the start of the current block.
This will go to the end of the current block.
This will print the hierarchy of surrounding parent blocks of the current line. This can be useful in large spec files to learn where you are. For example, it will print:
describe "foo" do
context "bar" do
it "baz" do
EXPERIMENTAL This should really only be used in RSpec style files, and it
is tailored to those. It will print out the first line all let/subject
blocks, as well as anytime an @=
varable is defined in a setup section for
a test. So it will show you your "environment" for a given spec.
For example, it will print:
describe "foo" do
let(:thing1) { "thing 1" }
context "bar" do
@thing2 =
it "baz" do
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