A collection of tools to improve your containerized apps security posture.
This aspires to be a curated list of awesome tools you can use in order to improve your security posture. The focus is on containerized applications.
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Github Action examples coming soon, providing easy-to-use examples for your CI pipeline
- snyk
- google cloud Container Scanning
- gitlab container scanning
- clair
- docker bench security
- dagda
- harbor
- jfrog xray
- qualys
- aquasec
- twistlock
- trivy
- grype
- kyverno
- falco
- cert-manager
- anchore
- ksniff sniff k8s pods traffic
- k8s pod security policies
- kube-hunter
- k8s network policies
- eksuser
- gatekeeper
- kube-bench
- kube-scan cluster risk assessment
- teleport
- kubescape misconfiguration scanning
- datree E2E policy enforcement solution
- dependabot
- renovate
- greenkeeper for npm dependencies
- doppins
- tidelift
- fossa