I'm a MERN Stack Developer, also I secure 3rd Postion rank in Contributor all over Pakistan, along passionate about building innovative driven by a passion for creating scalable, cutting-edge applications with a strong emphasis on user experience and user-friendly applications with a professional scalability..
🔭 I’m currently working on ReactJS & React Native
🌱 I’m currently learning NextJS
💬 Ask me about react, html, css, firebase, react native, nodejs, mongodb, nextjs, typescript
📫 How to reach me farazmohammad1900@gmail.com
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❮\/__-__\/❯ Programming isn't about what you know
❮(|~o.o~|)❯ It's about what you can figure out
❮/ \`-'/ \❯
( . . ) .----------------------------.
/ / \ \ | while( ! (succeed=try() ) ) |
\ | , | / '----------------------------'
| |"| |
( ) ( ) Testing leads to failure
|_| |_| and failure leads to understanding
_.-' _j L_ '-._
(___.' '.___)
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❮\/__-__\/❯ Programming isn't about what you know
❮(|~o.o~|)❯ It's about what you can figure out
❮/ \`-'/ \❯
( . . ) .----------------------------.
/ / \ \ | while( ! (succeed=try() ) ) |
\ | , | / '----------------------------'
| |"| |
( ) ( ) Testing leads to failure
|_| |_| and failure leads to understanding
_.-' _j L_ '-._
(___.' '.___)