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A Visual Studio Code extension to enhance developer experience by enabling a keyboard-driven workflow. Inspired by LunarVim.


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Lunar Keymap

Enhancing developer experience by enabling a keyboard-driven workflow. Inspired by LunarVim.

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Table of Contents

  1. About The Project
  2. Getting Started
  3. Usage
  4. Known Issues
  5. Contributing
  6. License
  7. Contact
  8. Acknowledgments

About The Project

LunarKeymap is a Visual Studio Code extension to enhance developer experience by enabling a keyboard-driven workflow. Features include code editor navigation, file and folder creation, component visibility toggles, debugging and git keybindings, and many more.

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Getting Started


  • Visual Studio Code


Install LunarKeymap via Visual Studio Marketplace.

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Full list of shortcuts are available on Feature Contributions.

Editor Navigation


Key Features
ctrl+h Move focus left
ctrl+j Move focus down
ctrl+k Move focus up
ctrl+l Move focus right
alt+j Move focus terminal
tab Cycle next editor
shift+tab Cycle previous editor


Key Features
ctrl+j Cycle next suggestion or option
ctrl+k Cycle previous suggestion or option
ctrl+shift+h Increase editor size
ctrl+shift+l Decrease editor size

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Explorer Navigation


Key Features
ctrl+e Open explorer
h Collapse list
j Move down
k Move up
l Expand list
o Expand list


Key Features
a Add new file
shift+a Add new folder
d Delete file
x Cut file
y Copy file
p Paste file
r Rename file
enter Select file

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Menu (Common)


Key Features
ctrl+space Open shortcut menu
ctrl+space+; Open command palette
ctrl+space+/ Toggle comment
ctrl+space+? View all references
ctrl+space+e Toggle file explorer
ctrl+space+h Horizontally split editor
ctrl+space+v Vertically split editor
ctrl+space+m Toggle minimap
ctrl+space+x View extensions
ctrl+space+z Toggle zen mode

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Menu (Editor)


Key Features
ctrl+space Open shortcut menu
ctrl+space+b+n Cycle next editor
ctrl+space+b+p Cycle previous editor
ctrl+space+b+d Close current editor
ctrl+space+b+u Reopen closed editor
ctrl+space+b+x Close other editors
ctrl+space+b+N Open new editor
ctrl+space+b+y Copy editor to clipboard
ctrl+space+b+h Move current editor to left group
ctrl+space+b+j Move current editor to below group
ctrl+space+b+k Move current editor to above group
ctrl+space+b+l Move current editor to right group

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Menu (Others)

  • Buffer b
  • Debug d
  • Find & Replace f
  • Git g
  • LSP l
  • Open o
  • Peek p
  • Terminal t
  • UI toggles u
  • Window w

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Default Settings

"vim.useSystemClipboard": true,
"vim.useCtrlKeys": true,
"vim.easymotion": true,
"vim.incsearch": true,
"vim.hlsearch": true,
"vim.sneak": true,
"vim.handleKeys": {
  "<C-space>": false,
  "<C-e>": false,
  "<C-h>": false,
  "<C-j>": false,
  "<C-k>": false,
  "<C-l>": false,
  "<C-d>": true

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Change Menu Shortcut

  1. Open command palette ctrl+shift+p
  2. Open Keyboard Shortcuts (JSON)
  3. Add
    "key": "ctrl+space",
    "command": ""

  // replace ctrl+space with your keybinding e.g.

    "key": "ctrl+w",
    "command": ""
  1. Save file ctrl+s
  2. Open command palette ctrl+shift+p
  3. Open User Settings (JSON)
  4. Add
"vim.handleKeys": {
  "<C-space>": false,

// replace ctrl+space with your keybinding e.g.

"vim.handleKeys": {
  "<C-w>": false,
  1. Save user settings ctrl+s

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Known Issues

This extension does not currently support VS Code's Vim Neovim mode or any other Neovim extensions. To use Neovim within VS Code, both VS Code and the user's Neovim configuration must be set up. Since VS Code extensions do not have direct access to external applications such as Neovim, additional configuration is required for integration.

For detailed guidance on embedding Neovim in VS Code, refer to Chris Chiarulli's tutorial.

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Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement". Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!

  1. Go to LunarKeymap GitHub repository.
  2. Open package.json.
  3. Add JSON object to contributes.configurationDefaults or contributes.keybindings.
  4. Open a pull request.

Top contributors: image

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Distributed under the MIT License. See for more information.

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Fathul Fahmy - @fathulfahmy -

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Project Link:

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