- Behave like normal, friendly, welcoming human beings or get the hell out.
- Any reference to a non scientific, verifiable element is irrelevant.
- Design of an event logging infrastructure cluster
- Throughput: how many events per second (005-design-event-logging/005-design-event-logging.md//eps) are you going to collect?
- Retention: how long do you want to keep your data, hot and cold?
- Size: what is the average size of a collected event?
- Fault tolerance: can you afford losing your indexed data?
- Queries
- Which hardware do I need?
- How to design my indices?
- What about some tuning?
- Design of an event logging infrastructure cluster
- Elasticsearch most common operations
- Get useful information about your cluster
- Nodes information
- Monitor your search queues
- Indices information
- Shard allocation information
- Recovery information
- Segments information (006-operating-daily/006-operating-daily.md//can be extremely verbose)
- Cluster stats
- Nodes stats
- Indice stats
- Indice mapping
- Indice settings
- Cluster dynamic settings
- All the cluster settings (006-operating-daily/006-operating-daily.md//can be extremely verbose)
How we reindexed 36 billion documents in 5 days within the same Elasticsearch cluster
Use Case: Migrating a Cluster Across the Ocean Without Downtime
Use Case: An Advanced Elasticsearch Architecture for High-volume Reindexing
This is the Markdown styling used in this book. If you plan to contribute, please use it.
# This is a chapter title
## A chapter part title is preceded by an horizontal line
### A level 1 subpart
#### A level 2 subpart

An `inline code block` goes like this
API calls go the Curl way
curl -X POST "localhost:9200/_search" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
"query" : {
"match_all" : {}
"stats" : ["group1", "group2"]
Yaml code is expanded for more readability
goes: "like this"
[An internal link](has/a/relative.path)
[An external link](https://has.an.absolute/path)
Urdered lists:
Only one line break between a paragraph and
* An
* unordered
* list
* with
* subitems
Ordered lists:
1. An
2. Ordered
3. List
1. With
2. subitems