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Repository files navigation

This is the content of

It is built with the Hugo static site generator, plus some Python scripts that generate a few of the pages.

Contributions welcome; file a pull request.

Software requirements

Install Git and Git-LFS, and initialize it:

$ brew install git
$ brew install git-lfs
$ git lfs install

Install Hugo, e.g. on macOS:

$ brew install hugo

To run the website locally

Get the content:

$ git clone --recurse-submodules
$ cd

Note that the theme is a submodule, so you need to use --recurse-submodules to get it. If you do not, you'll likely see an error related to shortcode templates when you try to run the site. In this case, run git submodule update --init --recursive to synchronise the submodule content.


$ hugo server

Then go to http://localhost:1313/ (actual port will be printed to the terminal).

Making changes

If you are not familiar with Hugo, leave all files and directories alone except for what's in the content/ directory. There, you'll find the Markup files that make up the content of the site.

By and large, there are two kinds of content files:

  • Standard Markdown files, such as content/foo/bar/ This is a "leaf" node in the page hierarchy, i.e. it will have no child pages. The content will be at URL http://localhost:1313/foo/bar/baz/.

  • Markdown files named with an underscore prefix, such as a content/bar/foo/ This is a "directory" node in the page hierarchy, i.e. it can have further child pages. It is a regular Markdown file whose content will be at URL http://localhost:1313/bar/foo/. It uses a different layout generation algorithm that automatically inserts links to its child pages.

Intended structure of the site

This describes files below content/.

  • Front page: Welcome, overview

  • notes/: Notes from meetings

  • people/: A table listing those who have chosen to be involved and identified as moving the project forward. Note that this is not an exclusive list, and we welcome contributors!

  • practices/: A collection of practices that we consider useful. Not standards, but more tips and tricks how to best apply the standards to solve certain problems.

  • projects/: Contains all information about Fediverse software projects, further subdivided by category.

  • projects/libraries/: Information about Fediverse-related software libraries.

  • projects/server-apps/: Information about Fediverse server-side applications.

  • projects/mobile-apps/: Information about Fediverse mobile apps.

  • reference/: Collection of reference information that is useful for development, such as an overview over how the ActivityPub actor files look for different server apps. Much content here is generated.

Other directories

  • static/: Static assets, such as images.

  • scripts/: Scripts that generate content for the site.


  • Python 66.7%
  • HTML 23.5%
  • Makefile 8.3%
  • CSS 1.5%