- Stanford, CA
- https://feross.org
- @feross
base64-js Public
New repo for ongoing work in https://github.com/beatgammit/base64-js (Base64 encoding/decoding in pure JS)
hostile Public
Simple, programmatic `/etc/hosts` manipulation (in node.js)
dotfiles Public
Configuration files for zsh, screen, git, ssh, sublime, dot dot dot
Signal-Desktop Public
Forked from signalapp/Signal-DesktopA private messenger for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
feross.org Public
Pure concentrated awesome (a.k.a. my blog)
bitmidi.com Public
🎹 Listen to free MIDI songs, download the best MIDI files, and share the best MIDIs on the web
buffer Public
The buffer module from node.js, for the browser.
connectivity Public
Detect if the network is up (do we have connectivity?)
simple-peer Public
📡 Simple WebRTC video, voice, and data channels
express-sitemap-xml Public
Serve sitemap.xml from a list of URLs in Express
arch Public
Better `os.arch()` for node and the browser -- detect OS architecture
cross-zip Public
Cross-platform .zip file creation
timidity Public
Play MIDI files in the browser w/ Web Audio, WebAssembly, and libtimidity
chrome-dgram Public
Use the Node `dgram` API in Chrome Apps
chrome-net Public
Use the Node `net` API in Chrome Apps
TheAnnoyingSite.com Public
The Annoying Site a.k.a. "The Power of the Web Platform"
queue-microtask Public
fast, tiny `queueMicrotask` shim for modern engines
Convert hyperscript attributes to properties
yt-player Public
Simple, robust, blazing-fast YouTube Player API
drag-drop Public
HTML5 drag & drop for humans
simple-sha256 Public
Generate SHA-256 hashes (in Node and the Browser)
thanks Public
🙌 Give thanks to the open source maintainers you depend on! ✨
safe-buffer Public
Safer Node.js Buffer API
git-pull-or-clone Public
Ensure a git repo exists on disk and that it's up-to-date
prezto Public
Forked from sorin-ionescu/preztoThe configuration framework for Zsh
simple-get Public
Simplest way to make http get requests. Supports HTTPS, redirects, gzip/deflate, streams in < 100 lines
speakeasyjs.com Public
The JavaScript meetup for 🥼 mad science, 🧙♂️ hacking, and 🧪 experiments
run-series Public
Run an array of functions in series
run-parallel Public
Run an array of functions in parallel
run-auto Public
Determine the best order for running async functions, LIKE MAGIC!