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This document describes the process of contributing to the reference FVM implementation (this project).


If you have a general FVM related question or idea, please either as on the Filecoin Slack, or open a new discussion in fvm-specs.

If you'd like to report a bug or suggest an enhancement in the reference FVM implementation, please file an issue.

Pull Requests

To make a change to the FVM.

  1. When in doubt, open an issue first to discuss the change.
  2. Make your change.
  3. Write a test for your change.
  4. Update the crate's If you're making any breaking changes, prefix change with "BREAKING:".
  5. Finally, open a PR.


Primary Crates

The primary crates are fvm, fvm_shared, fvm_sdk, and the integration testing framework fvm_integration_tests. These are the crates that have version.workspace = true.

Crate Dependency Graph

The crates in this workspace have the following structure:

Workspace Graph


All changes should be well tested.

Builtin-Actors Testing

If you're releasing any non-trivial changes to crates used by the builtin actors, please test them. This includes:

  • Any crates in ipld/ except car.
  • shared/ (fvm_shared).
  • sdk/ (fvm_sdk).

To test:

  1. Checkout this repo as ref-fvm/ and the builtin-actors repo as builtin-actors/ in the same directory.
  2. Uncomment the "patch" section in builtin-actors/Cargo.toml that starts with:
    fvm_shared = { path = "../ref-fvm/shared" }
  3. Run cargo test --all (or, at a minimum, cargo check --all --tests --lib.

If that works, proceed with releasing these crates.


Release Schedules

The FVM is a workspace of crates which have different release schedules:

  • The primary crates are released together.
  • The fvm_ipld_* crates (living in ipld/) are released independently and only live in this repo for convenience.
  • The rest of the crates are for local testing and are not released.


Versioning of the primary crates is not strictly semver compatible:

  • Major releases are used to signal when the FVM drops support for old network versions.
  • Minor releases are used to signal breaking changes.
  • Patch releases are used for bug fixes, new features and other non-breaking changes.

Versioning of the fvm_ipld_* crates follows standard semver rules.

Preparing Primary Crates

To propose a new release, open a pull request with the following changes:

  1. Update the version in Cargo.toml: workspace.package→version.
  2. Update the version of the coupled workspace dependencies in Cargo.toml to match the new version (leaving semver range specifier ~ intact):
    1. wokspace.dependencies→fvm→version
    2. wokspace.dependencies→fvm_shared→version
    3. wokspace.dependencies→fvm_sdk→version
    4. wokspace.dependencies→fvm_integration_tests→version
  3. Update the lockfile with a rebuild: cargo check --all.
  4. Make sure the files in each of fvm, sdk, and shared are all up-to-date (look through git log -- path/to/crate), set the release date & version, and add a new "Unreleased" section. It may be appropriate to duplicate some entries across these crates if the changes are relevant to multiple crates.

See PR #2002 for an example.

Preparing Other/Non-Primary Crates

To propose a release of a crate other than fvm, fvm_shared, fvm_sdk, or fvm_integration_tests, open a pull request with the following changes:

  1. Install cargo-edit (cargo install cargo-edit).
  2. Use cargo set-version to set the version for each crate you're releasing. This will both update the crate version, and make all other crates in the workspace depend on the latest version.
  3. Make sure the files are all up-to-date (look through git log -- path/to/crate), set the release date & version, and add a new "Unreleased" section.

Review and Release

Once the release is prepared, it'll go through a review:

  1. Make sure that we're ready to release. E.g., make sure downstream can consume the release.
  2. Make sure that we're correctly following semver.
  3. Make sure that we're not missing anything in the changelogs.

Finally, an FVM "owner" will:

  1. Merge the release PR to master.
  2. For each released crate, create a git tag: crate_name@crate_version.
  3. Run cargo publish for each released crate (in dependency order).

Example steps for an FVM "owner" to release MINOR and PATCH crates:

  1. Merge the PATCH release PR to master (e.g., PR #2030).
  2. Publish all primary crates . For each crate (fvm, fvm_shared, fvm_sdk, fvm_integration_tests):
# Declare an associative array for crate_name → crate_directory
declare -A crates

workspace_package_version = `tomlq '.workspace.package.version' Cargo.toml`

for crate_name in "${!my_map[@]}"; do
   crate_directory = ${crates[$key]}     
   pushd $crate_directory
   cargo publish
   git_tag = "$crate_name@v$workspace_package_version"
   git tag $git_tag
  1. After creating all tags, push them:
git push --tags
  1. Verify the releases on