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Test vector runner and benchmarker

This directory contains tooling to run test vectors against the FVM in the form of tests and benchmarks.

Checkout test-vectors

The instructions below assume that the testing/conformance/test-vectors submodule is checked out. Run:

git submodule update --init


  • To run all tests, just run cargo test.
  • To run all test vectors under a specific directory, run eg. VECTOR=test-vectors/corpus/extracted cargo test conformance -- --nocapture
  • To run a specific test vector, run VECTOR=test-vectors/corpus/REST_OF_TEST_VECTOR.json cargo test -- conformance --nocapture
  • To bench a specific test vector, run VECTOR=test-vectors/corpus/REST_OF_TEST_VECTOR.json cargo bench -- conformance --nocapture
  • To bench the system's overhead for the setup of the machine for a given test vector, run VECTOR=test-vectors/corpus/REST_OF_TEST_VECTOR.json cargo bench -- overhead --nocapture. Note that the vector choice doesn't matter much, because the Machine initialization procedure is identicall for all vectors.
  • To get a perf flamegraph, run CARGO_PROFILE_BENCH_DEBUG=true VECTOR=testing/conformance/test-vectors/corpus/REST_OF_TEST_VECTOR.json cargo flamegraph --bench bench_conformance -- --nocapture. The output SVG will be in flamegraph.svg.
  • Overhead measurement scenarios. There are two overhead measurement scenarios included.
    1. bench_init_only: measure the overhead of running the benchmark itself, it doesn't send any messages to the FVM to process.
    2. bench_500_simple_state_access: measures the overhead of calling the pubkey_address method on an account actor 500 times, this is the most lightweight message possible to send that actually executes actor logic (unlike a bare send).

Benchmark notes


cargo build --release --bin perf-conformance

Note that unlike the tests and benchmarks, perf-conformance only expects a single test vector, not a directory. It is meant to be used with the perf tool, as shown in the examples below.

Smoke test

For a single vector:

  VECTOR=testing/conformance/test-vectors/corpus/extracted/0001-shark-01/fil_9_storageminer/PreCommitSector/Ok/ext-0001-fil_9_storageminer-PreCommitSector-Ok-1.json \

Run benchmark

For a single vector:

  VECTOR=testing/conformance/test-vectors/corpus/extracted/0001-shark-01/fil_9_storageminer/PreCommitSector/Ok/ext-0001-fil_9_storageminer-PreCommitSector-Ok-1.json \
  perf record -k mono ./target/release/perf-conformance

Add the JIT data

Note: Dumps random files everywhere.

perf inject --jit --input --output

Generate a report

perf report --input --hierarchy

Visualize traces

The conformance tests support exporting traces for visualization. See under measurements.

Adding new actor bundles

To add support for new actors releases, take the bundle tar file from lotus, add it to testing/conformance/actors/, and register it in testing/conformance/src/