A full featured, fast Command Line Argument Parser for Rust
Raspberry Pi config for all things Internet.
The /r/place Atlas is a project aiming to catalog all the artworks created during Reddit's 2022 /r/place event.
☕ GDBFrontend is an easy, flexible and extensible gui debugger.
A performance profiler for Minecraft clients, servers, and proxies.
Easily enable fast Ajax navigation on any website (using pushState + xhr)
Keep iFrames sized to their content.
📕 Barebones boilerplate with Parcel 2, options handler and auto-publishing
Plugin for Poetry to enable dynamic versioning based on VCS tags
Poetry plugin for dynamically extracting the package version from a __version__ variable or a Git tag.
A Python library to conjugate verbs in French, English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Romanian (more soon) using Machine Learning techniques.
PoC Minecraft client written in Javascript (1.16.5 offline mode working)
A new kind of Progress Bar, with real-time throughput, ETA, and very cool animations!
Website for generating Minecraft crafting recipe JSON files
SSR tool. Tiny yet powerful. Based on Parcel.
QEMU and helper scripts in a docker container for emulating a raspberry pi environment
A bridge/proxy allowing you to connect to Minecraft: Java Edition servers with Minecraft: Bedrock Edition.
A workbench for developing Composer packages.
Create Minecraft bots with a powerful, stable, and high level JavaScript API.
C/C++ WebRTC network library featuring Data Channels, Media Transport, and WebSockets