Follow the Main Firebase Readme
- Test-based Development:
- Option 1:
uses cocoapods-generate to create an Xcode Workspace that has the SDK installed for all the SDK's supported platforms. This is useful for test-based development. - Option 2:
open Package.swift
in the root of the firebase-ios-sdk repo. You can run tests using theFirebaseSessionsUnit
- Option 1:
generates and opens a test app with the Sessions SDK included. This is useful for developing the Sessions SDK against a real app.
SDK is configured to send events to different environments. To enforce different environments for sending events, we use an environment variable to configure the specific environment. Since environment variables are enforced in the context of the App, use the TestApp to send events to different environments after using the following configuration steps.
- Enter "Edit scheme" - On the title bar menu "Product" > "Scheme" > "Edit Scheme"
- Ensure "Run" is selected on the left tab
- On the right hand side, choose the "Arguments" tab
- Under the "Environment Variables", add the following variable to configure the environment
- For "AUTOPUSH" - "FirebaseSessionsRunEnvironment" -> "AUTOPUSH"/"autopush"
- For "STAGING" - "FirebaseSessionsRunEnvironment" -> "STAGING"/"staging"
- For "PROD" - "FirebaseSessionsRunEnvironment" -> "PROD"/"prod"
NOTE: Default is PROD. Not configuring any flags would mean the events are sent to PROD environment.
You can access command line parameters by following: Press CMD-Shift-,
=> Run => Arguments.
will print Session Start events to the console for debugging purposes.
You can override the Settings values fetched from the server using the app's Info.plist. The full list of override plist keys can be found in LocalOverrideSettings.swift
- FirebaseSessionsEnabled: Bool representing whether to send Session Events (does not affect Settings requests). We would recommend apps against using this to disable data collection, and instead disable it via products' public data collection APIs.
- If any apps use this flag to disable the Firebase Sessions SDK, keep in mind this may break future metrics features with products like FirePerf and Crashlytics.
- This flag is internal and may break in a future version of FirebaseSessions
- FirebaseSessionsTimeout: Float number of seconds representing the time that an app must be backgrounded before generating a new session
- FirebaseSessionsSampingRate: Float between 0 and 1 representing how often events are sent. 0 is drop everything, 1 is send everything.
To update the Sessions Proto, Protobuf is required. To install run:
brew install protobuf
- Follow the directions in
for updating it - Run the following to regenerate the nanopb source files:
- Update the SDK to use the new proto fields
The Sessions SDK uses the following strategy when determining log level:
- Info should be used rarely. Because the Sessions SDK is a dependency of other products, customers will not expect regular logs from the SDK. Therefore, info events are not recommended except under circumstances where the code path is blocked by another debug parameter (eg.
will log under info because we don't want to require it be paired with-FIRDebugEnabled
) - Debug Is recommended to be used generously in the Sessions SDK for the purposes of debugging customer issues.
- Warning Is used when the Sessions SDK runs into a recoverable issue that still results in events being sent. For example, a problem converting between values that results in an incorrect value being reported.
- Error Is used when the Sessions SDK runs into an unrecoverable issue that prevents functionality from working. If we would want customers to reach out to us when a issue happens, then error logs should be used to convey the issue.