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Firebase JS SDK E2E Tests

This directory contains end-to-end tests for the Firebase JS SDK package as well as minimal quick start sample apps for debugging and development.

E2E Tests


Before running the tests, you will need:

  • a project config
  • a test user with an email/password login which has read/write privileges for Storage, Realtime Database, and Firestore
  • an App Check debug token
  • to deploy the callTest Cloud Function

Project Config and Test User

Create a file named firebase-config.js in the top level of this e2e/ directory. The contents of the file should be:

// A config for a project
export const config = {
  apiKey: ************,
  authDomain: ************,
  databaseURL: ************,
  projectId: ************,
  storageBucket: ************,
  messagingSenderId: ************,
  appId: ************,
  measurementId: ************
// A user account with read/write privileges in that project
// for storage, database, firestore
export const testAccount = {
  email: ************,
  password: ************

App Check Debug Token

Create an App Check debug token in the Firebase Console. Assign it to an environment variable in your shell named APP_CHECK_DEBUG_TOKEN.

Deploy callTest Cloud Function

From the top level of the firebase repo, ensure you have the Firebase CLI (firebase-tools) installed (if not, npm install -g firebase-tools).

Ensure you are logged in using the CLI (firebase login);

Then deploy the function with: firebase deploy --only functions:callTest --project YOUR_PROJECT_ID

Running the Tests

To run the tests on the default modular API:

yarn test:modular

To run the tests on the compat API:

yarn test:compat

Sample Apps

Two minimal sample apps are provided for quick debugging and development. These apps import and initialize every product in the SDK and call some basic methods. Products can easily be commented out to focus on one or more products you are interested in looking at.


The setup is the same as for the E2E tests above. Certain tests can be skipped if you are commenting out that product (e.g, no need to deploy the Cloud Function if you are commenting out the callFunctions() line in the sample app, and no need to set the App Check debug token env variable if not using App Check).

Running Sample Apps

To run the modular sample app (uses current default version of the API):

yarn start:modular

Then open localhost:8080 in a browser.

To run the compat sample app (uses current compat version of the API):

yarn start:compat

Then open localhost:8080 in a browser.