- Encapsulates all fields in the NIST NVD Vulnerability JSON feeds.
- JSON annotations in proto definitions for JSON marshalling/unmarshalling.
- A bash script to assist in downloading JSON feeds.
The protobuf definition has been precompiled for easy import and usage.
import "github.com/fkautz/protonvd"
import "google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protojson"
msg := &protonvd.NvdMessage{}
err := protojson.Unmarshal([]byte(str), msg)
buf, err := protojson.Marshal(msg)
import "github.com/fkautz/protonvd"
import "google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protojson"
msg := &protonvd.NvdMessage{
// ...
jsonBytes, err := protojson.Marshal(msg)
There is one minor departure from the spec.
is an integer rather than a string.
Emitted JSON for this field is an int32
instead of a string
"CVE_data_numberOfCVEs": 1,
instead of
"CVE_data_numberOfCVEs": "1",