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- https://github.com/flumpus-dev
Lists (27)
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GitHub ActionsActions Resources
Not the actual actions from the marketplace, these are useful for working with GitHub Actions.Automation
Command Line/Terminal
Repositories that contain packages, programs, libraries and command line interfaces that are used in the terminal, the shell, or the command line.Contributing
GitHub Template
Templates for repos, issues, prs, commits, anything on githubInstall list
List for things I should look into installing or usingJapanese/Animanga
Resources and stuff for learning Japanese and other anime/manga stuff.Learning
Look into
List of repos that are worth looking into for installation/using as a resourceMusic
List of software and repositories that are used or have been used by me for any reason, not just development.Package Manangement
Packages and Libraries
Programming packages and LibrariesProject Templates
Programming project templates, generators, and boilerplates.Requirements/Dependencies
Resource list/compilation
Repositories that are a bit more notable and worth giving a higher status than othersSetup
Repositories of code samples, scripts, or snippets that are useful as pieces of a larger project.Standard Practices
Good resources for standard practices and consistent workflowsStandards/Specification
Repositories which define or help enforce standards, best practices, or a specification for a certain process.Top stars
For the repos that are really notable, probably still going to be an unnecessarily long list lmaoUndertale/Deltarune
Starred repositories
yomidevs / yomitan
Forked from FooSoft/yomichanPop-up dictionary browser extension. Successor to Yomichan.
A useful gitignore online generator.
Python 练习册,每天一个小程序
dscape / clarinet
Forked from isaacs/sax-jsSAX based evented streaming JSON parser in JavaScript
isaacs / node-mkdirp
Forked from dominictarr/node-mkdirpRecursively mkdir, like `mkdir -p`, but in node.js
ronzil / 2048-ai-cpp
Forked from nneonneo/2048-aiMonteCarlo AI for the 2048 game
ovolve / 2048-AI
Forked from gabrielecirulli/2048A simple AI for 2048
github / super-linter
Forked from super-linter/super-linterCombination of multiple linters to install as a GitHub Action
emscripten-core / terser
Forked from terser/terserEmscripen fork of terser, where we keep downstream patches
sindresorhus / awesome-mac
Forked from jaywcjlove/awesome-mac Now we have become very big, Different from the original idea. Collect premium software in various categories.
mootools / slick
Forked from subtleGradient/slickStandalone CSS Selector Parser and Engine. An official MooTools project.
Makes JSON/JSONP easy to read.
mozsearch / livegrep
Forked from livegrep/livegrepInteractively grep source code. Source for http://livegrep.com/
swiftlang / llvm-project
Forked from llvm/llvm-projectThe LLVM Project is a collection of modular and reusable compiler and toolchain technologies. This fork is used to manage Swift’s stable releases of Clang as well as support the Swift project.
flumpus-dev / homebrew-dev
Forked from Homebrew/brew🍺 The missing package manager for macOS (or Linux)
npm / npm-pick-manifest
Forked from zkat/npm-pick-manifestStandard manifest picker/semver resolver for npm
how big will docs be if we trim some things out?
npm / jthooks
Forked from ceejbot/jthookscreate a github webhook from the command-line
get better errors
`eslint-plugin-import-x` is a fork of `eslint-plugin-import` that aims to provide a more performant and more lightweight version of the original plugin.
vuejs / todomvc
Forked from tastejs/todomvcHelping you select an MV* framework - Todo apps for Backbone.js, Ember.js, AngularJS, and many more
sveltejs / eslint-config
Forked from beyonk-group/eslint-configAn ESLint config for Svelte
yarnpkg / v8-compile-cache
Forked from zertosh/v8-compile-cacheRequire hook for automatic V8 compile cache persistence
pyauth / pyotp
Forked from mdp/rotpPython One-Time Password Library
node.green - Node.js ECMAScript compatibility tables
cognitive-engineering-lab / rust-book
Forked from rust-lang/bookThe Rust Programming Language: Experimental Edition
v8 / node
Forked from nodejs/nodeNode.js JavaScript runtime ✨🐢🚀✨
microsoft / react-native-macos
Forked from facebook/react-nativeA framework for building native macOS apps with React.
Jack12816 / colorpicker
Forked from Ancurio/colorpickerClick on a pixel on your screen and print its color value in RGB. Written for X11.