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Platform Channel Samples

A sample app which demonstrates how to use MethodChannel, EventChannel, BasicMessageChannel and MessageCodec in Flutter.


  • Demonstrate how to use MethodChannel to invoke platform methods.
  • Demonstrate how to use EventChannel to listen continuous value changes from the platform.
  • Demonstrate how to use BasicMessageChannel and MessageCodec to send messages of different types across the platform.

The important bits

Demonstrates how to implement a MethodChannel to increment and decrement a counter.

Demonstrates how to implement an EventChannel to listen to value changes from the Accelerometer sensor from native side.

Demonstrates how to implement a BasicMessageChannel using StandardMessageCodec to load an image from native asset.

Demonstrates how to implement BasicMessageChannel using JSONMessageCodec, BinaryCodec and StringCodec to send and receive data about pets.


If you have a general question about Platform Channels in Flutter, the best places to go are:

If you run into an issue with the sample itself, please file an issue here.