Inspired by @agamm and @mmccaff, this repository is a non-exhaustive list of awesome places for developer-first products.
- awesome-developer-experience
- awesome-developer-first
- awesome-deved
- awesome-devops
- awesome-devtools
- awesome-dx
- awesome-foss-apps
- awesome-generative-ai
- awesome-open-company
- awesome-oss
- awesome-oss-alternatives
- awesome-oss-devsec
- awesome-oss-saas
- awesome-product-hunt
- awesome-selfhosted-product
- awesome-side-project
- ai-enablement-stack
- ai-tools-integrations-market-map
- find-oss
- foss-for-dev
- free-for-dev
- landscape
- learn-from-open-source
- openapi-tools
- usage-based-pricing
- BeansAndBytes
- Bytes
- Console
- Cooperpress
- iOS Dev Tools
- The Breakpoint by Product Hunt
- The Pragmatic Engineer
- Quastor
- Real Python
- Unzip
- 99 Dev Problems
- Command Line Heroes
- Compressed FM
- Front End Happy Hour
- Modern CTO
- North meets South
- Open Source Startup
- Real Python
- Screaming in the Cloud
- Software Daily
- Syntax — Tasty Web Development Treats
- /r/AlphaandBetausers
- /r/api
- /r/apidevelopment
- /r/bash
- /r/coolgithubprojects
- /r/commandline
- /r/cybersecurity
- /r/dataengineering/
- /r/devops
- /r/Entrepreneur
- /r/EntrepreneurRideAlong/
- /r/ExperiencedDevs
- /r/github
- /r/golang
- /r/hacking
- /r/HowToHack
- /r/InternetIsBeautiful
- /r/kubernetes
- /r/netsec
- /r/netsecstudents
- /r/learnprogramming
- /r/opensource
- /r/ProductHunters
- /r/programming
- /r/QualityAssurance
- /r/ReverseEngineering
- /r/selfhosted
- /r/software
- /r/sysadmin
- /r/softwaretesting
- /r/sre
- /r/startups
- /r/technology
- /r/terraform
- /r/webdev
- APIs You Won't Hate
- Changelog Developer Community
- CTO Craft
- DataTalks.Club
- Developer Marketing
- DevOpsChat
- LeadDev
- MLOps
- Rands Leadership
- Software Crafters
- The Hangar
- Write the Docs
- awesome-dev-discord
- awesome-discord-communities
- awesome-slack
- awesome-slack-communities
Ranked by # of community members. Full list here.
- Software Engineering (132.1K)
- Web Developers (74.6K)
- Machine Learning (39.2K)
- DevOps / SRE (20.8K)
- JavaScript Developers (17.3K)
- React (14.5K)
- Next.js (11.6K)
- React / NextJS Devs (10.6K)
- Rust Programming Language (10.1K)
- JavaScript (7.5K)
- Vue.js (7.5K)
- Laravel (6.4K)
- ReactJS / NextJS / ReduxToolkit (6.2K)
- Open Source Software (5.6K)
- v0 Creators (1.6K)
Including Domain Ratings, as measured by Ahrefs.
- Airport
- Awesome AI Directory (28)
- Beautiful Open Source SaaS
- BetaList (73)
- Beta Console (54)
- Build your DXP (16)
- Crunchbase (90)
- Curations
- DevHunt (54)
- Devlightful
- (26)
- Find Dev Tools
- FreeStuffDev
- Future Tools (63)
- Futurepedia (71)
- Hacker News (ShowHN) (90)
- (20)
- LibHunt (69)
- Microlaunch (43)
- Open Source Alternative To
- Open Source Builders
- Open Source Marketplace
- Open Source Software
- Product Hunt (90)
- SaaSHub
- StackShare
- Stackradar
- Tool Finder (62)
- Uneed
- CodeProject (84)
- Daring Fireball (88)
- Datanami (77)
- DEV (89)
- DevOps (79)
- DevTools Academy
- devSwag
- DX Tips
- DZone (85)
- Hackernoon (87)
- Hashnode (84)
- Indie Hackers (79)
- InfoQ (86)
- Nordic APIs (74)
- (84)
- RTInsights (72)
- Security Boulevard (82)
- Sifted (80)
- Smashing Magazine (90)
- Speaker Deck (89)
- Stack Overflow
- TechCrunch (92)
- (78)
- The Changelog (77)
- The New Stack (82)
- The Verge (91)
- VentureBeat (91)
- XDA Developers
I welcome every contribution. To do so, please open a Pull Request (PR).
I still do want to keep the quality of the list, so I may not merge all PRs.
Some guidelines:
- Add one link per PR
- Make sure the PR title is in the format of
Add resource-name
- In your PR, please add the URL into the description
- Make sure the PR title is in the format of
- Add the link:
* [resource-name](
- Check your spelling and grammar
- Remove any trailing whitespace
- Description and content must be in English
Thank you for making this list more awesome! Enjoy!