- Vancouver, Canada
- 8h behind - https://nandovieira.com
- https://fnando.com/@fnando
zee Public
A mini web framework.
iron_oxide Public
An experiment that brings most of Rust's `Result` and `Option` patterns to Ruby.
minitest-utils Public
Some utilities for your Minitest day-to-day usage.
email_data Public
This project is a compilation of datasets related to emails. Includes disposable emails, disposable domains, and free email services.
ar-sqlite-uuid Public
Use uuid/ulid as your primary keys with ActiveRecord and SQLite without having to be explicit about it.
url_signature Public
Create and verify signed urls. Supports expiration time.
attr_keyring Public
Simple encryption-at-rest with key rotation support for Ruby.
superconfig Public
Access environment variables. Also includes presence validation, type coercion and default values.
ll Public
A prettier terminal's ls command, with color and nerdfonts.com icons.
loofah Public
Forked from flavorjones/loofahRuby library for HTML/XML transformation and sanitization
Ruby MIT License UpdatedDec 31, 2024 -
page_meta Public
Easily define <meta> and <link> tags. I18n support for descriptions, keywords and titles.
winget-pkgs Public
Forked from microsoft/winget-pkgsThe Microsoft community Windows Package Manager manifest repository
PowerShell MIT License UpdatedDec 19, 2024 -
record_store Public
Forked from Shopify/record_storeManage DNS through a git-based workflow
Ruby MIT License UpdatedDec 16, 2024 -
i18n Public
A small library to provide the I18n translations on the JavaScript.
sublime-text Public
My SublimeText settings
sublime-gem-description Public
Show Rubygems description and annotate your code right from Sublime Text.
sublime-codefmt Public
A Sublime Text plugin that allows applying code formatting with minimum configuration.
svg_sprite Public
Create SVG sprites using SVG links.
browser Public
Do some browser detection with Ruby. Includes ActionController integration.
sublime-rubocop Public
RuboCop autocompletion and server management for Sublime Text
asdf-stellar-cli Public
Stellar CLI plugin for asdf version manager
i18n-js Public
It's a small library to provide the I18n translations on the Javascript. It comes with Rails support.
cnpj Public
π§π· Validate, generate and format CNPJ numbers
cpf_cnpj Public
π§π· Validate, generate and format CPF/CNPJ numbers. Include command-line tools.