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๐Ÿฟ snacks.nvim

A collection of small QoL plugins for Neovim.

โœจ Features

Snack Description Setup
animate Efficient animations including over 45 easing functions (library)
bigfile Deal with big files โ€ผ๏ธ
bufdelete Delete buffers without disrupting window layout
dashboard Beautiful declarative dashboards โ€ผ๏ธ
debug Pretty inspect & backtraces for debugging
dim Focus on the active scope by dimming the rest
explorer A file explorer (picker in disguise) โ€ผ๏ธ
git Git utilities
gitbrowse Open the current file, branch, commit, or repo in a browser (e.g. GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket)
image Image viewer using Kitty Graphics Protocol, supported by kitty, wezterm and ghostty โ€ผ๏ธ
indent Indent guides and scopes
input Better vim.ui.input โ€ผ๏ธ
layout Window layouts
lazygit Open LazyGit in a float, auto-configure colorscheme and integration with Neovim
notifier Pretty vim.notify โ€ผ๏ธ
notify Utility functions to work with Neovim's vim.notify
picker Picker for selecting items โ€ผ๏ธ
profiler Neovim lua profiler
quickfile When doing nvim somefile.txt, it will render the file as quickly as possible, before loading your plugins. โ€ผ๏ธ
rename LSP-integrated file renaming with support for plugins like neo-tree.nvim and mini.files.
scope Scope detection, text objects and jumping based on treesitter or indent โ€ผ๏ธ
scratch Scratch buffers with a persistent file
scroll Smooth scrolling โ€ผ๏ธ
statuscolumn Pretty status column โ€ผ๏ธ
terminal Create and toggle floating/split terminals
toggle Toggle keymaps integrated with which-key icons / colors
util Utility functions for Snacks (library)
win Create and manage floating windows or splits
words Auto-show LSP references and quickly navigate between them โ€ผ๏ธ
zen Zen mode โ€ข distraction-free coding

โšก๏ธ Requirements

๐Ÿ“ฆ Installation

Install the plugin with your package manager:


A couple of plugins require snacks.nvim to be set-up early. Setup creates some autocmds and does not load any plugins. Check the code to see what it does.


You need to explicitly pass options for a plugin or set enabled = true to enable it.


It's a good idea to run :checkhealth snacks to see if everything is set up correctly.

  priority = 1000,
  lazy = false,
  ---@type snacks.Config
  opts = {
    -- your configuration comes here
    -- or leave it empty to use the default settings
    -- refer to the configuration section below
    bigfile = { enabled = true },
    dashboard = { enabled = true },
    explorer = { enabled = true },
    indent = { enabled = true },
    input = { enabled = true },
    picker = { enabled = true },
    notifier = { enabled = true },
    quickfile = { enabled = true },
    scope = { enabled = true },
    scroll = { enabled = true },
    statuscolumn = { enabled = true },
    words = { enabled = true },

For an in-depth setup of snacks.nvim with lazy.nvim, check the example below.

โš™๏ธ Configuration

Please refer to the readme of each plugin for their specific configuration.

Default Options
---@class snacks.Config
---@field animate? snacks.animate.Config
---@field bigfile? snacks.bigfile.Config
---@field dashboard? snacks.dashboard.Config
---@field dim? snacks.dim.Config
---@field explorer? snacks.explorer.Config
---@field gitbrowse? snacks.gitbrowse.Config
---@field image? snacks.image.Config
---@field indent? snacks.indent.Config
---@field input? snacks.input.Config
---@field layout? snacks.layout.Config
---@field lazygit? snacks.lazygit.Config
---@field notifier? snacks.notifier.Config
---@field picker? snacks.picker.Config
---@field profiler? snacks.profiler.Config
---@field quickfile? snacks.quickfile.Config
---@field scope? snacks.scope.Config
---@field scratch? snacks.scratch.Config
---@field scroll? snacks.scroll.Config
---@field statuscolumn? snacks.statuscolumn.Config
---@field terminal? snacks.terminal.Config
---@field toggle? snacks.toggle.Config
---@field win?
---@field words? snacks.words.Config
---@field zen? snacks.zen.Config
---@field styles? table<string,>
---@field image? snacks.image.Config|{}
  image = {
    -- define these here, so that we don't need to load the image module
    formats = {

Some plugins have examples in their documentation. You can include them in your config like this:

  dashboard = { example = "github" }

If you want to customize options for a plugin after they have been resolved, you can use the config function:

  gitbrowse = {
    config = function(opts, defaults)
      table.insert(opts.remote_patterns, { "my", "custom pattern" })

๐Ÿš€ Usage

See the example below for how to configure snacks.nvim.

  priority = 1000,
  lazy = false,
  ---@type snacks.Config
  opts = {
    bigfile = { enabled = true },
    dashboard = { enabled = true },
    explorer = { enabled = true },
    indent = { enabled = true },
    input = { enabled = true },
    notifier = {
      enabled = true,
      timeout = 3000,
    picker = { enabled = true },
    quickfile = { enabled = true },
    scope = { enabled = true },
    scroll = { enabled = true },
    statuscolumn = { enabled = true },
    words = { enabled = true },
    styles = {
      notification = {
        -- wo = { wrap = true } -- Wrap notifications
  keys = {
    -- Top Pickers & Explorer
    { "<leader><space>", function() end, desc = "Smart Find Files" },
    { "<leader>,", function() Snacks.picker.buffers() end, desc = "Buffers" },
    { "<leader>/", function() Snacks.picker.grep() end, desc = "Grep" },
    { "<leader>:", function() Snacks.picker.command_history() end, desc = "Command History" },
    { "<leader>n", function() Snacks.picker.notifications() end, desc = "Notification History" },
    { "<leader>e", function() Snacks.explorer() end, desc = "File Explorer" },
    -- find
    { "<leader>fb", function() Snacks.picker.buffers() end, desc = "Buffers" },
    { "<leader>fc", function() Snacks.picker.files({ cwd = vim.fn.stdpath("config") }) end, desc = "Find Config File" },
    { "<leader>ff", function() Snacks.picker.files() end, desc = "Find Files" },
    { "<leader>fg", function() Snacks.picker.git_files() end, desc = "Find Git Files" },
    { "<leader>fp", function() Snacks.picker.projects() end, desc = "Projects" },
    { "<leader>fr", function() Snacks.picker.recent() end, desc = "Recent" },
    -- git
    { "<leader>gb", function() Snacks.picker.git_branches() end, desc = "Git Branches" },
    { "<leader>gl", function() Snacks.picker.git_log() end, desc = "Git Log" },
    { "<leader>gL", function() Snacks.picker.git_log_line() end, desc = "Git Log Line" },
    { "<leader>gs", function() Snacks.picker.git_status() end, desc = "Git Status" },
    { "<leader>gS", function() Snacks.picker.git_stash() end, desc = "Git Stash" },
    { "<leader>gd", function() Snacks.picker.git_diff() end, desc = "Git Diff (Hunks)" },
    { "<leader>gf", function() Snacks.picker.git_log_file() end, desc = "Git Log File" },
    -- Grep
    { "<leader>sb", function() Snacks.picker.lines() end, desc = "Buffer Lines" },
    { "<leader>sB", function() Snacks.picker.grep_buffers() end, desc = "Grep Open Buffers" },
    { "<leader>sg", function() Snacks.picker.grep() end, desc = "Grep" },
    { "<leader>sw", function() Snacks.picker.grep_word() end, desc = "Visual selection or word", mode = { "n", "x" } },
    -- search
    { '<leader>s"', function() Snacks.picker.registers() end, desc = "Registers" },
    { '<leader>s/', function() Snacks.picker.search_history() end, desc = "Search History" },
    { "<leader>sa", function() Snacks.picker.autocmds() end, desc = "Autocmds" },
    { "<leader>sb", function() Snacks.picker.lines() end, desc = "Buffer Lines" },
    { "<leader>sc", function() Snacks.picker.command_history() end, desc = "Command History" },
    { "<leader>sC", function() Snacks.picker.commands() end, desc = "Commands" },
    { "<leader>sd", function() Snacks.picker.diagnostics() end, desc = "Diagnostics" },
    { "<leader>sD", function() Snacks.picker.diagnostics_buffer() end, desc = "Buffer Diagnostics" },
    { "<leader>sh", function() end, desc = "Help Pages" },
    { "<leader>sH", function() Snacks.picker.highlights() end, desc = "Highlights" },
    { "<leader>si", function() Snacks.picker.icons() end, desc = "Icons" },
    { "<leader>sj", function() Snacks.picker.jumps() end, desc = "Jumps" },
    { "<leader>sk", function() Snacks.picker.keymaps() end, desc = "Keymaps" },
    { "<leader>sl", function() Snacks.picker.loclist() end, desc = "Location List" },
    { "<leader>sm", function() Snacks.picker.marks() end, desc = "Marks" },
    { "<leader>sM", function() end, desc = "Man Pages" },
    { "<leader>sp", function() Snacks.picker.lazy() end, desc = "Search for Plugin Spec" },
    { "<leader>sq", function() Snacks.picker.qflist() end, desc = "Quickfix List" },
    { "<leader>sR", function() Snacks.picker.resume() end, desc = "Resume" },
    { "<leader>su", function() Snacks.picker.undo() end, desc = "Undo History" },
    { "<leader>uC", function() Snacks.picker.colorschemes() end, desc = "Colorschemes" },
    -- LSP
    { "gd", function() Snacks.picker.lsp_definitions() end, desc = "Goto Definition" },
    { "gD", function() Snacks.picker.lsp_declarations() end, desc = "Goto Declaration" },
    { "gr", function() Snacks.picker.lsp_references() end, nowait = true, desc = "References" },
    { "gI", function() Snacks.picker.lsp_implementations() end, desc = "Goto Implementation" },
    { "gy", function() Snacks.picker.lsp_type_definitions() end, desc = "Goto T[y]pe Definition" },
    { "<leader>ss", function() Snacks.picker.lsp_symbols() end, desc = "LSP Symbols" },
    { "<leader>sS", function() Snacks.picker.lsp_workspace_symbols() end, desc = "LSP Workspace Symbols" },
    -- Other
    { "<leader>z",  function() Snacks.zen() end, desc = "Toggle Zen Mode" },
    { "<leader>Z",  function() Snacks.zen.zoom() end, desc = "Toggle Zoom" },
    { "<leader>.",  function() Snacks.scratch() end, desc = "Toggle Scratch Buffer" },
    { "<leader>S",  function() end, desc = "Select Scratch Buffer" },
    { "<leader>n",  function() Snacks.notifier.show_history() end, desc = "Notification History" },
    { "<leader>bd", function() Snacks.bufdelete() end, desc = "Delete Buffer" },
    { "<leader>cR", function() Snacks.rename.rename_file() end, desc = "Rename File" },
    { "<leader>gB", function() Snacks.gitbrowse() end, desc = "Git Browse", mode = { "n", "v" } },
    { "<leader>gg", function() Snacks.lazygit() end, desc = "Lazygit" },
    { "<leader>un", function() Snacks.notifier.hide() end, desc = "Dismiss All Notifications" },
    { "<c-/>",      function() Snacks.terminal() end, desc = "Toggle Terminal" },
    { "<c-_>",      function() Snacks.terminal() end, desc = "which_key_ignore" },
    { "]]",         function() Snacks.words.jump(vim.v.count1) end, desc = "Next Reference", mode = { "n", "t" } },
    { "[[",         function() Snacks.words.jump(-vim.v.count1) end, desc = "Prev Reference", mode = { "n", "t" } },
      desc = "Neovim News",
          file = vim.api.nvim_get_runtime_file("doc/news.txt", false)[1],
          width = 0.6,
          height = 0.6,
          wo = {
            spell = false,
            wrap = false,
            signcolumn = "yes",
            statuscolumn = " ",
            conceallevel = 3,
  init = function()
    vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("User", {
      pattern = "VeryLazy",
      callback = function()
        -- Setup some globals for debugging (lazy-loaded)
        _G.dd = function(...)
        end = function()
        vim.print = _G.dd -- Override print to use snacks for `:=` command

        -- Create some toggle mappings
        Snacks.toggle.option("spell", { name = "Spelling" }):map("<leader>us")
        Snacks.toggle.option("wrap", { name = "Wrap" }):map("<leader>uw")
        Snacks.toggle.option("relativenumber", { name = "Relative Number" }):map("<leader>uL")
        Snacks.toggle.option("conceallevel", { off = 0, on = vim.o.conceallevel > 0 and vim.o.conceallevel or 2 }):map("<leader>uc")
        Snacks.toggle.option("background", { off = "light", on = "dark", name = "Dark Background" }):map("<leader>ub")

๐ŸŒˆ Highlight Groups

Snacks defines a lot of highlight groups and it's impossible to document them all.

Instead, you can use the picker to see all the highlight groups.

Snacks.picker.highlights({pattern = "hl_group:^Snacks"})