Lose health, gain bullets! Shoot or get shot! Collect powerups! Beat the boss and the highscore!
"Pew Pew Pew: Danger Zone!" is a minimalistic shmup with bullet hell tendencies, created during Go Godot Jam 4. The theme was "LESS IS MORE", and thus, the less health you have, the more bullets you shoot.
For a look behind the scenes, take a look at this thread on my Mastodon account.
You can play it on its itch.io page: https://foosel.itch.io/pew-pew-pew-danger-zone
- Move: WASD
- Shoot: Space
- Bomb: Shift
- Pause: ESC
- Programming, Graphics & Sound Effects by Gina Häußge (me 👋)
- Music by DavidKBD, https://davidkbd.itch.io/
- Fonts:
- JetBrainsMono by JetBrains, https://www.jetbrains.com/lp/mono/
- DIGITAL-7 by Sizenko Alexander, http://www.styleseven.com/
- Godot Engine 4: https://godotengine.org/
- gdfxr addon: https://github.com/timothyqiu/gdfxr
- Inkscape: https://inkscape.org/
- ENDESGA 64 color palette: https://lospec.com/palette-list/endesga-64
Unless otherwise noted (see assets/music
and assets/fonts
!) the code in this repository is licensed under MIT.