Generate digests and manifests of go module zip contents.
npm install zipdigest
const {zipDigest, zipManifest} = require('zipdigest');
// generate the digest of the contents of a go module zip file
var digest = await zipDigest(pathToZip)
// generate the manifest of the contents of a go module zip file
var metafile = await zipManifest(pathToZip);
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Read the Development documentation, Code of Conduct and Contributing Guidelines.
- Check out existing issues The issue list has many that are marked as 'help wanted' which make great starting points for development, many of which can be tackled with no prior IPFS knowledge
- Perform code reviews More eyes will help a. speed the project along b. ensure quality, and c. reduce possible future bugs.
- Add tests. There can never be enough tests.
MIT License Β© 2021 Andrew Nesbitt.