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vscode-shards License: BSD 3-Clause

Shards language Support in VSCode.

This extension provides comprehensive support for the Shards programming language in Visual Studio Code. Developed in TypeScript and tmLanguage, the extension offers:

  • Syntax highlighting
  • Custom shards path
  • Go to definitions
    • Wires
      • Cross-file
    • Variables
    • @define
    • @template
    • macro
    • mesh
  • Go to references
  • Outline
    • Meshes with go to definitions
    • Wire definitions with go to definitions
      • Variable definitions with go definitions
      • Wire references (activator type too?) with go to definitions
  • Red file on:
    • no ast
    • duplicate wire definitions
  • Red squiggle under duplicate wire definitions
  • Warnings:
    • Shards executable wasn't found. Try to show only once, in case user only wants syntax highlighting.

Install extension

Grab it from the VS Code Marketplace, or issue the command:

code --install-extension fragcolor.shards

You could also copy this repo or just copy the relevant files to <user home>/.vscode/extensions folder in VS Code. Check the relevant files with vsce ls.


  1. Setup full path to shards executable in the settings: search for "shards"
  2. Open any .shs file to activate the extension.


Development using TypeScript and VS Code debugger.

Install dependencies:

npm install

Compile in watch mode:

npm run compile

Debug extension

Start debugger

Start debugging this extension:

  • Go to Run -> Start Debugging to open a new window with your extension loaded.
  • Set breakpoints in your code inside src/extension.ts to debug your extension.

Test functionality

Syntax highlighting: Verify code is highlighted and that the language configuration settings are working. Try with shards*.shs files. To inspect tokens and scopes for syntax highlighting, go to VS Code command palette, and run Developer: Inspect Editor Tokens and Scopes.

Go to definition: Try with test*.shs files.

Shards path: Go to settings, look for shards, setup a non-default path for shards and test with a go to definition.

Making changes

When making changes to shards.tmLanguage.edn, generate shards.tmLanguage.json using a tool like jet, here as:

cat shards.tmLanguage.edn |jet --to=json > shards.tmLanguage.json

Reload extension

Reload (Ctrl+R or Cmd+R on Mac) the VS Code window with your extension to load your changes. Otherwise, relaunch the extension from the debug toolbar.

Publish this extension

Build code for release:

npm run compile

Make sure you're going to publish the required and only the required files:

vsce ls

Bump the version number in package.json before publishing this extension, then:

vsce package

Finally, upload the generated .vsix file to the Fragcolor's VS Code marketplace if you're a member of the organization, or in your own stall.

What's in the folder?

The package.json file is the entry point of the extension.

tmLanguage syntax highlighting

The highlight folder contains all of the files necessary for syntax highlighting.

  • package.json - this is the manifest file declaring language support and locating the grammar file.
  • shards.tmLanguage.json - this is the Text mate grammar file that is used for tokenization, generated from shards.tmLanguage.edn.
  • language-configuration.json - this is the language configuration, defining the tokens that are used for comments and brackets.

Language Support in TypeScript

The src folder contains the TypeScript code implementing the language features:

  • extension.ts - Main extension activation and setup
  • definitionProvider.ts - Implements go-to-definition functionality
  • symbolProvider.ts - Implements document symbol outline functionality


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.

To share this extension with the world, read on about publishing an extension.

vscode-shards-syntax source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license.