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Lovelace Entity Progress Card

Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge

A modern Entity progress card for Home Assistant's Lovelace UI.


⚡ Description


This custom version of the Bar Card for Home Assistant allows you to display a simple percentage bar that is quick and easy to integrate into your Lovelace cards. It blends seamlessly with the Tile/Mushroom look & feel of the latest Home Assistant versions. This card is based on custom CSS and leverages existing code to fine-tune the appearance.

🚀 Features

  • Percentage Progress Bar: Displays the progress of a specified entity in percentage.
  • Seamless Integration with Home Assistant's Modern UI: Fully aligns with the "Tile" look & feel of recent Home Assistant versions.
  • Dynamic Theme: Automatically adjusts icons and colors based on the context (e.g., Battery Theme), reflecting the entity's state.
  • Enhanced Customization: Offers a balanced default setup while allowing users to further tailor the card's behavior and appearance through YAML or the card editor (full details below).
  • Smooth Animations: Provides HTML elements that facilitate smooth, visually appealing animations, leveraging well-known mechanisms for easy implementation.
  • Interactive Features: Includes a "More Info" option, enabling users to view additional entity details or navigate to another dashboard with a simple click, improving accessibility and usability.
  • Performance Optimized: Code enhancements ensure better performance and maintainability, offering a more stable and responsive experience.
  • Multi-Language Support: Provides localized error messages and descriptions, supporting multiple languages 🇬🇧 🇪🇸 🇩🇪 🇮🇹 🇫🇷 🇵🇱 🇳🇱 🇲🇰 🇵🇹 🇩🇰 🇸🇪 🇳🇴 (bokmål).

⚙️ Prerequisites

  • HA version: 2024+


Ensure your Home Assistant instance is up to date to support this custom card.

📦 Installation Steps

HACS Installation (Recommended)

Use this button to add the repository to your HACS:

Open your Home Assistant instance and open a repository inside the Home Assistant Community Store.


If you are unable to use the button above, follow the steps below:

  1. Add this repository to HACS by including it as a custom repository:
  • Go to HACS > Integrations > > Custom repositories.
  • Paste the URL of this repository and select Dashboard as the category.
  1. Install the Entity Progress Card from HACS.

Manual Installation

  1. Download the file entity-progress-card.js to the /config/www/ directory in your Home Assistant setup.
  2. Add /local/entity-progress-card.js to your Lovelace resources
url: /local/entity-progress-card.js
type: module

📝 Usage

Card Editor

The card editor allows you to quickly set up and customize the card.



You can customize the card using the following parameters:

  • entity [entity] (required):
    The Home Assistant entity to display.


    type: custom:entity-progress-card
    entity: sensor.hp_envy_6400_series_tri_color_cartridge


Supported entities are not hardcoded, ensuring flexibility. If you need a specific attribute, use the attribute parameter.


Timer are supported (1.0.43). attribute, min, max parameters are not considered.

  • attribute [entity] (optional):
    The Home Assistant entity's attribute to display.


    type: custom:entity-progress-card
    entity: light.led0
    attribute: brightness

    Supported entities:

    entity (supported) default attribute current_position brightness (%) percentage N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
  • name [string] (optional):
    The name displayed on the progress bar. If omitted, the entity's friendly name will be used.


    • <entity_name>


    type: custom:entity-progress-card
    name: ABC
  • unit [string] (optional):
    Allows representing standard unit.
    By default, the unit is % and allow you to get a ratio.
    Specifies the unit to display the entity's actual value, ignoring max_value. The max_value is still used for the progress bar representation.


    • %


    type: custom:entity-progress-card
    unit: ABC
    • °C for temperature.
    • kWh for energy consumption.
    • s for timer
    • timer for timer (display HH:MM:SS without unit)
    • flextimer for timer (same than timer but truncate the display according to the current value)
  • decimal [int >=0] (optional):
    Defines the number of decimal places to display for numerical values.
    The decimal value will be determined based on the following priority:

    • Display Precision from the entity (if defined in Home Assistant).
    • decimal setting in the YAML configuration.
    • Default Value (if no other value is set).

    Default values:

    • decimal = 0 for percentage (%)
    • decimal = 2 for other unit (°C, kWh...)


 type: custom:entity-progress-card
 decimal: 1
- `1` for displaying 50.6%.
- `0` for displaying 51%
- `1` for displaying 20.7°C


Before version 1.0.20, the default values were different (2 for percentages and 0 for other units). When updating, you will need to adjust the parameter according to your needs.

  • min_value [numeric] (optional):
    Defines the minimum value to be used when calculating the percentage.
    This allows the percentage to be relative to both a minimum (min_value, which represents 0%) and a maximum (max_value, which represents 100%).
    This value must be numeric (either a float or an integer).


    • 0


 type: custom:entity-progress-card
 min_value: 10
Suppose you are measuring the weight of a connected litter box, where:
- `min_value` = 6 (the minimum weight representing an empty box, i.e., 0%).
- `max_value` = 11 (the maximum weight representing a full box, i.e., 100%).
- `value` = 8 (the current weight).
- `percentage` = 40%
  • max_value [numeric/entity] (optional):
    Allows representing standard values and calculating the percentage relative to the maximum value. This value can be numeric (float/int) or an entity and real value must be > 0.


    • 100%


    type: custom:entity-progress-card
    max_value: 255
    • LQI @ 150 (entity) with max_value @ 255 (static value -> max_value = 255)
    • A (entity_a) with max_value (entity_b)
  • navigate_to [string] (optional):
    Specifies a URL to navigate to when the card is clicked. If defined, clicking the card will redirect to the specified location. This parameter takes precedence over show_more_info if both are defined.

    Default values:

    • null (no navigation).


    type: custom:entity-progress-card
    navigate_to: /lovelace/0
    • /lovelace/dashboard to navigate to another Home Assistant dashboard ("dashboard").
    • /lovelace/5 to navigate to another Home Assistant dashboard (5).
    • to open an external link.
  • show_more_info [boolean] (optional):
    Determines whether clicking on the card will open the entity's "more info" dialog in Home Assistant.
    Defaults to true. If set to false, clickingthe card will not trigger any "more info" action.


    • true


    type: custom:entity-progress-card
    show_more_info: true
    • true to enable "more info" on click.
    • false to disable the "more info" dialog.
  • theme [string {battery|cpu|light|memory|temperature|humidity|pm25|voc}] (optional):
    Allows customization of the progress bar's appearance using a predefined theme. This theme dynamically adjusts the icon, color and bar-color parameters based on the battery level, eliminating the need for manual adjustments or complex Jinja2 templates.

    type: custom:entity-progress-card
    theme: light
  • bar_size [string {small|medium|large}] (optional):
    Customizes the appearance of the progress bar by selecting a predefined size. Choose from small, medium, or large to adjust the visual scale of the bar.


    • small


    type: custom:entity-progress-card
    bar_size: medium
  • bar_color [string] (optional):
    The color of the progress bar. Accepts color names, RGB values, or HEX codes.


    • var(--state-icon-color)

    Examples: "blue", "rgb(68, 115, 158)", "#FF5733", var(--state-icon-color)

    type: custom:entity-progress-card
    bar_color: rgb(110, 65, 171)
  • icon [string] (optional):
    The icon associated with the entity. Supports Material Design Icons (MDI).

    Examples: mdi:lightbulb, mdi:thermometer

    type: custom:entity-progress-card
    icon: mdi:grain

    Default by device type:

    Device Type Icon (MDI)
    light mdi:lightbulb
    timer mdi:timer-outline
    switch mdi:toggle-switch
    sensor mdi:chart-line
    binary_sensor mdi:circle-outline
    cover mdi:garage
    climate mdi:thermostat
    fan mdi:fan
    media_player mdi:speaker
    lock mdi:lock
    person mdi:account
    scene mdi:palette
    input_boolean mdi:toggle-switch
    input_number mdi:numeric
    input_select mdi:form-dropdown
    weather mdi:weather-cloudy
    sun mdi:white-balance-sunny

    Default by device class:

    Device Class Icon (MDI)
    battery mdi:battery
    carbon_dioxide mdi:molecule-co2
    cold mdi:snowflake
    connectivity mdi:wifi
    current mdi:current-ac
    door mdi:door-open
    energy mdi:flash
    gas mdi:fire
    heat mdi:fire
    humidity mdi:water-percent
    illuminance mdi:brightness-5
    lock mdi:lock
    moisture mdi:water
    motion mdi:motion-sensor
    occupancy mdi:account
    opening mdi:window-open
    plug mdi:power-plug
    power mdi:flash
    power_factor mdi:flash
    pressure mdi:gauge
    problem mdi:alert
    safety mdi:shield-check
    shutter mdi:window-shutter
    smoke mdi:smoke-detector
    sound mdi:volume-high
    switch mdi:power-socket
    temperature mdi:thermometer
    timestamp mdi:calendar-clock
    tv mdi:television
    vibration mdi:vibrate
    volatile_organic_compounds_parts mdi:molecule
    voltage mdi:flash
    window mdi:window-open

    Order of Priority for the Icon:

    • Theme/Custom Theme: The icon derived from the theme or style applied to the item.
    • Icon Parameter: A custom icon specifically defined for the item.
    • Icon Associated with the Entity: The icon directly linked or representative of the entity.
    • Icon Associated with the Entity's device_class: temperature, humidity...
    • Icon Associated with the Entity's device type
    • Default: The icon used by default if no other is specified.
  • color [string] (optional):
    The color of the icon. Accepts color names, RGB values, or HEX codes.


    • var(--state-icon-color)

    Examples: "green", "rgb(68, 115, 158)", "#FF5733", var(--state-icon-color)

    type: custom:entity-progress-card
    color: rgb(110, 65, 171)
  • layout [string {horizontal| vertical}] (optional):
    Determines the layout of the elements inside the card. You can choose between different layouts based on your visual preferences.


    • horizontal


    type: custom:entity-progress-card
    layout: vertical
    • horizontal: Displays the elements horizontally, with a row layout (by default, the text and progress bar will be displayed side by side).
    • vertical: Displays the elements vertically, with a column layout (by default, the text and progress bar will be stacked one below the other).
  • custom_theme [array] (optional):
    Static Badge

    Defines a list of custom theme rules based on value ranges. Setting this variable disables the theme variable.
    This variable can only be defined in YAML.

    Properties of each item:

    • min [number] (required): The minimum value for this range.
    • max [number] (required): The maximum value for this range.
    • color [string] (required): The color of the icon.
    • icon [string] (optional): The icon to display.

    Order of Priority for the Icon:

    • Theme/Custom Theme: The icon derived from the theme or style applied to the item.
    • Icon Parameter: A custom icon specifically defined for the item.
    • Icon Associated with the Entity: The icon directly linked or representative of the entity.
    • Icon Associated with the Entity's device_class: temperature, humidity...
    • Default: The icon used by default if no other is specified.


      - min: 0
        max: 10
        color: yellow
        icon: mdi:abacus
      - min: 10
        max: 20
        color: green
        icon: mdi:ab-testing
      - min: 20
        max: 50
        color: var(--state-icon-color)
        icon: mdi:abacus


[min, max[ / [min, max) : The range includes the min value but excludes the max value.


Please ensure your themes follow these guidelines: Each interval must be valid, respecting the rule min < max. The transitions between ranges should be seamless, with each max connecting smoothly to the next min to avoid gaps or overlaps. If a value falls below the lowest defined interval, the lowest range will be applied, while values exceeding the highest interval will use the highest range.

This is an advanced feature that may require some trial and error during customization. For a seamless editing experience, if the theme definition is incorrect, the card simulation will revert to a standard configuration and ignore the custom_theme definition.


If you wish to define colors for discontinuous ranges, you will need to create intermediary ranges to ensure continuity, using default colors such as var(--state-icon-color) for these filler ranges.

# Default settings:
#   - Color: var(--state-icon-color)
#   - Icon: mdi:abacus
# Specific ranges:
#   - 10 to 20: 
#       - Color: green
#       - Icon: mdi:ab-testing
#   - 50 to 60: 
#       - Color: red
#       - Icon: mdi:ab-testing
  # value < 10:
  - min: 0
    max: 10
    color: var(--state-icon-color)
    icon: mdi:abacus
  # 10 <= value < 20:
  - min: 10
    max: 20
    color: green
    icon: mdi:ab-testing
  # 20 <= value < 50:
  - min: 20
   max: 50
   color: var(--state-icon-color)
   icon: mdi:abacus
  # 50 <= value < 60:
  - min: 50
    max: 60
    color: red
    icon: mdi:ab-testing
  # 60 <= value:
  - min: 60
    max: 70
    color: var(--state-icon-color)
    icon: mdi:abacus
  • reverse [boolean] (optional):
    Static Badge

    Used only for entities of type timer. If set to true, the timer functions as a countdown (in seconds or percentage). Example:

    type: custom:entity-progress-card
    entity: timer.testtimer
    icon: mdi:washing-machine
    unit: flextimer
    name: Remaining Time reverse
    reverse: true
  • bar_orientation [string {rtl}] (optional):
    Static Badge

    Adjusts the progress bar direction to display from right to left.
    This is especially useful for timers to visually represent the remaining time.

    type: custom:entity-progress-card
    entity: timer.testtimer
    icon: mdi:washing-machine
    unit: flextimer
    name: Remaining Time reverse
    bar_orientation: rtl
    reverse: true


While this parameter was originally designed for timers, it can be applied to any entity where a reversed progress bar is needed.

  • hide [array] (optional):
    Static Badge

    Defines which elements should be hidden in the card.
    The array can contain any of the following values:

    • icon → Hides the entity's icon.
    • name → Hides the entity's name.
    • secondary_info → Hides secondary information related to the entity.
    • progress_bar → Hides the progress bar display.


    type: custom:entity-progress-card
    - icon
    - name
    - secondary_info
  • disable_unit [boolean] (optional):
    Static Badge

    Disables the display of the unit when set to true. If not defined or set to false, the unit will be shown.


    type: custom:entity-progress-card
    disable_unit: true


Here’s our example of how to use the Custom Bar Card with custom styles:

type: custom:entity-progress-card
entity: sensor.hp_envy_6400_series_tri_color_cartridge
name: RVB
icon: mdi:grain
color: rgb(110, 65, 171)
bar_color: rgb(110, 65, 171)

Image title

Another example with grid_option and vertical layout:

type: custom:entity-progress-card
entity: sensor.hp_envy_6400_series_tri_color_cartridge
name: RVB
icon: mdi:grain
color: yellow
bar_color: green
layout: vertical
  columns: 3
  rows: 2

Image title

💡 Sample Usage


  • Use Material Design Icons (MDI) for a consistent look. Browse available icons at Material Design Icons.
  • Experiment with color codes like HEX or RGB for precise customization.
  • Combine with other Lovelace cards to create a visually cohesive dashboard.


Below, you'll find examples that highlight the interoperability of this card with other popular Home Assistant projects. To replicate these samples, ensure the following are set up:

Battery dashboard

This card enables the creation of a streamlined battery dashboard by leveraging theme capabilities and auto-entities custom card.

type: custom:auto-entities
    - attributes:
        device_class: battery
        type: custom:entity-progress-card
        entity: this.entity_id
        theme: battery
  square: false
  type: grid
  columns: 2
show_empty: true
card_param: cards
  method: state
  numeric: true
  ignore_case: false

Image title

Litter box

Do you want a percentage based on a minimum and maximum quantity? Here’s an example with a litter box:

type: custom:entity-progress-card
entity: sensor.petkit_puramax_2_litter_weight
max_value: 12
min_value: 6
name: Litière
bar_color: var(--disabled-color)
  columns: 6
  rows: 1



type: custom:entity-progress-card
entity: sensor.xxx_battery_level
theme: battery

The battery configuration defines how different battery charge levels are visually represented using colors and icons.
This system uses a linear gradient, meaning the color transitions progressively across the charge percentage range.

The battery levels and their corresponding icons and colors are as follows:

  • < 10%: mdi:battery-alert → Critical battery (var(--state-sensor-battery-low-color))
  • ≥ 10%: mdi:battery-alert → Low battery (var(--state-sensor-battery-low-color))
  • ≥ 20%: mdi:battery-20 → Low battery (var(--state-sensor-battery-medium-color))
  • ≥ 30%: mdi:battery-30 → Medium battery (var(--state-sensor-battery-medium-color))
  • ≥ 40%: mdi:battery-40 → Medium battery (var(--state-sensor-battery-medium-color))
  • ≥ 50%: mdi:battery-50 → Moderate battery (var(--yellow-color))
  • ≥ 60%: mdi:battery-60 → Moderate battery (var(--yellow-color))
  • ≥ 70%: mdi:battery-70 → Moderate battery (var(--yellow-color))
  • ≥ 80%: mdi:battery-80 → High battery (var(--state-sensor-battery-high-color))
  • ≥ 90%: mdi:battery-90 → High battery (var(--state-sensor-battery-high-color))
  • ≥ 100%: mdi:battery → Fully charged (var(--state-sensor-battery-high-color))

Icons change progressively from mdi:battery-alert at low levels to mdi:battery when fully charged.
The linear approach ensures a smooth transition between battery levels.


type: custom:entity-progress-card
entity: light.bandeau_led
attribute: brightness
theme: light

The light configuration, designed by @harmonie-durrant, defines how different brightness levels are visually represented using colors and icons.
This system uses a linear gradient, meaning the color transitions smoothly across the brightness percentage range.

The brightness levels and their corresponding colors are as follows:

  • < 25%: #4B4B4B → Dim light (mdi:lightbulb-outline)
  • ≥ 25%: #877F67 → Soft warm light (mdi:lightbulb-outline)
  • ≥ 50%: #C3B382 → Medium warm light (mdi:lightbulb)
  • ≥ 75%: #FFE79E → Bright warm light (mdi:lightbulb)
  • ≥ 100%: #FFE79E → Maximum brightness (mdi:lightbulb)

The mdi:lightbulb-outline icon is used for lower brightness levels, while mdi:lightbulb is displayed when the light intensity increases.
Thanks to the linear approach, the brightness smoothly transitions between these levels.

Image title


type: custom:entity-progress-card
attribute: temperature
unit: °C
min_value: -20
max_value: 45
theme: temperature

We can use min_value and max_value to define the range of values we want to represent with our color gradient. We use predefined intervals, each associated with a specific color:

  • -50°C - -30°C / -58°F - -22°F: var(--deep-purple-color)
  • -30°C - -15°C / -22°F - 5°F: var(--dark-blue-color)
  • -15°C - -2°C / 5°F - 28.4°F: var(--blue-color)
  • -2°C - 2°C / 28.4°F - 35.6°F: var(--light-blue-color)
  • 2°C - 8°C / 35.6°F - 46.4°F: var(--cyan-color)
  • 8°C - 16°C / 46.4°F - 60.8°F: var(--teal-color)
  • 16°C - 18°C / 60.8°F - 64.4°F: var(--green-teal-color)
  • 18°C - 20°C / 64.4°F - 68°F: var(--light-green-color)
  • 20°C - 25°C / 68°F - 77°F: var(--success-color)
  • 25°C - 27°C / 77°F - 80.6°F: var(--yellow-color)
  • 27°C - 29°C / 80.6°F - 84.2°F: var(--amber-color)
  • 29°C - 34°C / 84.2°F - 93.2°F: var(--deep-orange-color)
  • 34°C - 50°C / 93.2°F - 122°F: var(--red-color)


Fahrenheit values are converted to apply the correct color. Make sure to set your unit to °F correctly in order to see the accurate color representation.

Image title


type: custom:entity-progress-card
attribute: humidity
theme: humidity

The humidity configuration defines how different humidity levels are represented with colors and icons.
Unlike a linear gradient, this system uses predefined humidity ranges, each associated with a specific color and icon.

The ranges and their corresponding colors are as follows:

  • 0% - 23%: var(--red-color) → Very dry air
  • 23% - 30%: var(--accent-color) → Dry air
  • 30% - 40%: var(--yellow-color) → Slightly dry air
  • 40% - 50%: var(--success-color) → Optimal humidity
  • 50% - 60%: var(--teal-color) → Comfortable humidity
  • 60% - 65%: var(--light-blue-color) → Slightly humid air
  • 65% - 80%: var(--indigo-color) → Humid air
  • 80% - 100%: var(--deep-purple-color) → Very humid air

Each range is visually represented using the mdi:water-percent icon, ensuring a clear and intuitive display of humidity levels.

Image title


type: custom:entity-progress-card
entity: sensor.xxx_voc
unit: ppb
decimal: 0
max_value: 300
theme: voc

The voc configuration defines how different levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are represented using colors and icons.
Instead of a linear gradient, this system categorizes VOC levels into predefined ranges, each associated with a specific color for better visualization.

The ranges and their corresponding colors are as follows:

  • 0 - 300 ppb: var(--success-color) → Good air quality
  • 300 - 500 ppb: var(--yellow-color) → Acceptable air quality
  • 500 - 3000 ppb: var(--accent-color) → Moderate air quality
  • 3000 - 25000 ppb: var(--red-color) → Poor air quality
  • 25000 - 50000 ppb: var(--deep-purple-color) → Hazardous


The information provided in this HA card is based on thresholds from the following source. This color code is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as professional advice or a standard to follow. It is crucial to consult the device's official documentation or current standards for the most accurate and up-to-date information. In case of any discrepancy between the information provided here and the device's documentation or current standards, the latter shall prevail. The lower the value, the better it is generally considered to be. With this card you can use custom_theme to define your own ranges.

Each range is visually represented using the mdi:air-filter icon, ensuring a clear and intuitive display of VOC levels.

Image title

PM 2.5

type: custom:entity-progress-card
entity: sensor.xxx_pm25
unit: µg/m³
decimal: 0
max_value: 50
theme: pm25

The pm25 configuration defines how different concentrations of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) are represented using colors and icons.
Rather than a linear gradient, this system categorizes PM2.5 levels into predefined ranges, each mapped to a specific color for easy interpretation.

The ranges and their corresponding colors are as follows:

  • 0 - 12 µg/m³: var(--success-color) → Good air quality
  • 12 - 35 µg/m³: var(--yellow-color) → Moderate air quality
  • 35 - 55 µg/m³: var(--accent-color) → Unhealthy for sensitive groups
  • 55 - 150 µg/m³: var(--red-color) → Unhealthy air quality
  • 150 - 200 µg/m³: var(--deep-purple-color) → Very unhealthy air quality


The information provided in this HA card is based on thresholds from the following source. This color code is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as professional advice or a standard to follow. It is crucial to consult the device's official documentation or current standards for the most accurate and up-to-date information. In case of any discrepancy between the information provided here and the device's documentation or current standards, the latter shall prevail. The lower the value, the better it is generally considered to be. With this card you can use custom_theme to define your own ranges.

Each range is visually represented using the mdi:air-filter icon, ensuring a clear and intuitive display of PM2.5 pollution levels.

Image title

card_mod / animation

We can use card_mod to add dynamic animations to the icon, enhancing the visual experience and providing a more engaging user interface.


type: custom:entity-progress-card
entity: sensor.hp_envy_6400_series_tri_color_cartridge
name: RVB
icon: mdi:grain
color: rgb(110, 65, 171)
bar_color: rgb(110, 65, 171)
  style: |-
    ha-icon {
      animation: boing 3s ease infinite;
      transform-origin: 50% 90%;
    @keyframes boing {
      0% { transform: scale3d(1, 1, 1); }
      7% { transform: scale3d(1.25, 0.75, 1); }
      10% { transform: scale3d(0.75, 1.25, 1); }
      12% { transform: scale3d(1.15, 0.85, 1); }
      16% { transform: scale3d(0.95, 1.05, 1); }
      19% { transform: scale3d(1.05, 0.95, 1); }
      25% { transform: scale3d(1, 1, 1); }


We expose the ha-icon and ha-shape elements to properly animate the card.


We can use vertical-stack-in-card to group multiple cards into a cohesive layout. This approach is particularly useful when combining custom cards while maintaining a consistent design. Additionally, we leverage auto-entities to dynamically list entities based on specific attributes or filters, allowing for flexible and automatic card generation. Finally, card_mod is used to remove the borders and shadows, ensuring a clean and seamless appearance.


type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card
  - type: custom:auto-entities
        - attributes:
            device_class: battery
            type: custom:entity-progress-card
            entity: this.entity_id
            name: sample
            theme: battery
                .: |-
                  :host {
                    --ha-card-border-width: 0px !important; /* Forcer la suppression des bordures */
                    box-shadow: none !important; /* Supprimer l'ombre pour enlever tout contour */
      method: friendly_name
      square: false
      type: grid
      columns: 2
    card_param: cards

Image title

❓ Troubleshooting

  • Card not loading? Ensure the resource is correctly added to Lovelace.
  • HACS not detecting the card? Clear your browser cache or restart Home Assistant.
  • Want more features? Open a GitHub issue with your request!

👥 Contributing

Want to improve this card? Contributions are welcome! 🚀

📜 License

This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 license.