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Na de nacht komt ook de dag. Deze website meldt gebeurtenissen uit de wereld van vandaag in relatie met wat de Bijbelse profeten hierover hebben voorzegd.

Why this repo?

As the domain will soon come to an end as the current maintainer is very ill and - according to doctors - will die within a couple of months. And there is no plan to extend and maintain this website after his dead. His domain will be fransfered to this repository.

see his own message on his site


Update: on April 7, 2023 Franklin passed away. His relatives indicate that the domain will continue to exist as long as the government does not take it down because of "disinformation."

How to help me

You are all welcome to help my to transfer this domain by opening issues and pull requests.
Always follow the templates and make sure you also have read the Code of Conduct and Rules for Contributing

  1. Those rules can be found here
2. Or read it here

Rules for Contributing


Allways use the issue templates:

  • use this template if you have a question.
  • for issues regarding a bug or an new feature or request use this template If the issue template isn't followed your issue will be labeled as invalid and be closed

Pull requests

Use the template that has been made available for this.

Don't pull a request for just one or two (max. four issues). Only pull request if there are a lot of changes at once.

VERY IMPORTANT! Changing files in the folder .github will put you at the risk of being blocked. Only change files in the /docs-folder.

Commit message

Keep it simple.

  1. Put in the title box A: if something is added, C for changing something, a R for removing something and a M if something is moved to another file .
  2. Put here after the file name of the file you changed
  3. At the end put the issue number if appliable. So C: docs/index.html fix #74 or R: docs/images/... fix #75. The issue itself will contains all the details.
I hope you will all help to preserve his writings. That's also why I made an organization.

Pinned Loading

  1. Public

    Back-up of domain



Showing 2 of 2 repositories
  • Public

    Back-up of domain

    HTML 0 CC0-1.0 0 0 0 Updated Jan 19, 2024
  • .github Public
    0 CC0-1.0 0 0 0 Updated Apr 18, 2023

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