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Tags: frappe/erpnext



chore(release): Bumped to Version 15.54.4

## [15.54.4](v15.54.3...v15.54.4) (2025-03-12)

### Bug Fixes

* `base_net_rate` Required to Check Valid Range (backport [#46332](#46332)) ([#46382](#46382)) ([877d5bd](877d5bd))
* **account:** update account number from parent company ([428aedc](428aedc))
* Allow rename prospect doctype ([#46352](#46352)) ([de46165](de46165))
* auto email report creation ([#46343](#46343)) ([5cc251a](5cc251a))
* backport translations from develop ([#46428](#46428)) ([9c70376](9c70376))
* calculate due date based on payment term (backport [#46416](#46416)) ([#46479](#46479)) ([7f14744](7f14744))
* change fieldname for cash_flow to export (backport [#46353](#46353)) ([#46366](#46366)) ([23c4252](23c4252))
* check if set_landed_cost_based_on_purchase_invoice_rate is enabled before running patch ([7047fe2](7047fe2))
* clear cashe on employee hierarchy change to reflect updated permissions ([4dfdb2b](4dfdb2b))
* consider account freeze date in recalculate_amount_difference_field patch ([8b67527](8b67527))
* consider stock freeze date in recalculate_amount_difference_field patch ([8264d42](8264d42))
* credit note creation during pos invoice consolidation (backport [#46277](#46277)) ([#46469](#46469)) ([a4b8b4c](a4b8b4c))
* do not recalculate qty for batch items during reposting ([bac36f3](bac36f3))
* doctype name ([1dcbdf3](1dcbdf3))
* enable no copy for serial no field ([3f9df2f](3f9df2f))
* error in production analytics report ([db6ae61](db6ae61))
* error when creating delivery note from pick list ([#46417](#46417)) ([0b92101](0b92101))
* filter batches that going to be zero ([ac97489](ac97489))
* incorrect category in list ([002685f](002685f))
* make 'company_tax_id' and 'company_fiscal_code' as mandatory ([229f4d3](229f4d3))
* not able to save work order with alternative item ([9554a49](9554a49))
* **payment entry:** fetch default bank account based on company (backport [#46379](#46379)) ([#46471](#46471)) ([1371199](1371199))
* pricing rule not ignored in Sales Order ([#46248](#46248)) ([8def42f](8def42f))
* rare precision issue preventing submission of subcontracting order ([6419d02](6419d02))
* recalculate_amount_difference_field patch ([f247f02](f247f02))
* remove no copy for serial no field of purchase receipt item ([baa564f](baa564f))
* rename sla fields patch ([73f11cf](73f11cf))
* rename sla fields patch ([#46465](#46465)) ([5edbd88](5edbd88))
* rename_sla_fields patch ([7bc7557](7bc7557))
* run bank reconciliation as a background job to prevent request timeout ([739cd18](739cd18))
* set correct account currency for deferred expence account in PI ([f96848a](f96848a))
* show remaining qty on 'Complete Job' button instead of full qty ([79e6550](79e6550))
* sla fields patch ([0d044bc](0d044bc))
* stock balance in and out value ([c2001e9](c2001e9))
* **test:** incorrect transaction exchange rate in test case ([b76c968](b76c968))
* typo in sales_invoice_print ([b610621](b610621))
* uom reverts to default upon selecting do not explode ([#45693](#45693)) ([6b1d209](6b1d209))
* validate accounting dimension company in Journal Entry & Stock Entry (backport [#46204](#46204)) ([#46369](#46369)) ([c816f9b](c816f9b))
* validate last_gl_update exists before comparing (backport [#46464](#46464)) ([#46468](#46468)) ([3cef94e](3cef94e))
* validations and account type filter for `Tax Withholding Category` ([#46207](#46207)) ([cc30a01](cc30a01))


chore(release): Bumped to Version 14.83.3

## [14.83.3](v14.83.2...v14.83.3) (2025-03-12)

### Bug Fixes

* **account:** update account number from parent company ([1f54c27](1f54c27))
* not able to save work order with alternative item ([6ca1f9b](6ca1f9b))


chore(release): Bumped to Version 15.54.3

## [15.54.3](v15.54.2...v15.54.3) (2025-03-09)

### Bug Fixes

* consider account freeze date in recalculate_amount_difference_field patch ([34f03d6](34f03d6))
* consider stock freeze date in recalculate_amount_difference_field patch ([a18721d](a18721d))


chore(release): Bumped to Version 15.54.2

## [15.54.2](v15.54.1...v15.54.2) (2025-03-08)

### Bug Fixes

* incorrect category in list ([3bdd4ce](3bdd4ce))
* **test:** incorrect transaction exchange rate in test case ([3015628](3015628))


chore(release): Bumped to Version 15.54.1

## [15.54.1](v15.54.0...v15.54.1) (2025-03-06)

### Bug Fixes

* check if set_landed_cost_based_on_purchase_invoice_rate is enabled before running patch ([12bf31d](12bf31d))
* recalculate_amount_difference_field patch ([041335f](041335f))
* rename_sla_fields patch ([bb553c2](bb553c2))


chore(release): Bumped to Version 15.54.0

# [15.54.0](v15.53.4...v15.54.0) (2025-03-05)

### Bug Fixes

* Accounting Period validation throwing for different companies ([6df9cf3](6df9cf3))
* Add company filter at get_invoice method (backport [#46238](#46238)) ([#46299](#46299)) ([4f80ddd](4f80ddd))
* Add permission check in POS's `Toggle Recent Orders` (backport [#46010](#46010)) ([#46274](#46274)) ([7759775](7759775))
* adding cost center on pos invoice items while applying product discount (backport [#46082](#46082)) ([#46322](#46322)) ([9a433a6](9a433a6))
* **asset depreciation schedules:** enable auto commit ([899e468](899e468))
* auto allocation for negative amount outstanding for Customers in Payment Entry ([78a329e](78a329e))
* Batch Price gets updated only if it is a billed item ([dbd47df](dbd47df))
* Batch Price gets updated only if it is a billed item ([8ed512f](8ed512f))
* change voucher_type and voucher_no field type to data ([3a03865](3a03865))
* Close and Reopen buttons dissapear after saving changes ([#46048](#46048)) ([506dd3c](506dd3c))
* consider journal entry and return invoice in paid_amount calculation (backport [#46129](#46129)) ([#46319](#46319)) ([836fd8f](836fd8f))
* consolidate gl entries by project in General Ledger Report (backport [#46314](#46314)) ([#46321](#46321)) ([6aa8803](6aa8803))
* Convert tuple of tuples to list of dicts for dot notation access ([#46062](#46062)) ([ef19551](ef19551))
* delivery note from sales order uom conversion mistake ([d10add4](d10add4))
* depreciation and balances report correction (backport [#46259](#46259)) ([#46305](#46305)) ([087dde5](087dde5))
* discount accounting for v15 ([f609012](f609012))
* do not include opening invoices in billed items to be received report ([eee500f](eee500f))
* don't allow renaming account while system is actively in use (backport [#46176](#46176)) ([#46210](#46210)) ([faee8d6](faee8d6))
* dont update rate of free item when batch is updated ([9e649d8](9e649d8))
* error ([61d5680](61d5680))
* exclude already consumed purchase receipt items from asset capitalization (backport [#46329](#46329)) ([#46336](#46336)) ([6c1ceff](6c1ceff))
* exclude cancelled gl entries ([5e08386](5e08386))
* fiscal year error ([7b13d8c](7b13d8c))
* fixing test case ([9f4311e](9f4311e))
* if invoice is return then add amount in proper column ([0a65217](0a65217))
* Include additional account types for Expense Account in LCV (backport [#46206](#46206)) ([#46296](#46296)) ([88234bb](88234bb))
* incorrect batch picked ([e94f0b1](e94f0b1))
* incorrect batch picked in the pick list (backport [#45761](#45761)) ([#46315](#46315)) ([5a3073c](5a3073c))
* incorrectly billed amount in the purchase receipt ([c247cf8](c247cf8))
* Naming of Purchase Amount (backport [#46051](#46051)) ([#46324](#46324)) ([aaf35c5](aaf35c5))
* only include submitted docs for internal received quantity validation (backport [#46262](#46262)) ([#46304](#46304)) ([5ae9faa](5ae9faa))
* patch ([5e06e4a](5e06e4a))
* patch ([8f2fdca](8f2fdca))
* patch path ([af49f5a](af49f5a))
* **patch:** Ensure SLE indexes (backport [#46131](#46131)) ([#46135](#46135)) ([f3cafef](f3cafef))
* payment entry exchange gain loss issue ([3fb9033](3fb9033))
* pos item detail serial no field (backport [#46211](#46211)) ([#46212](#46212)) ([de0dfbc](de0dfbc))
* pos item selection using serial no (backport [#46200](#46200)) ([#46203](#46203)) ([0f263bc](0f263bc))
* **pos:** get parent item group without user permission ([#46020](#46020)) ([29f3aac](29f3aac))
* production analytics report ([5668795](5668795))
* rate changing on the deliver note ([75bc68b](75bc68b))
* rearrange stock settings fields ([87703c6](87703c6))
* removed mandatory property for the cost center field ([a94292a](a94292a))
* rename some sla fields ([c5717b9](c5717b9))
* replacing serial and batch bundle on pos with auto fetch serial nos (backport [#46236](#46236)) ([#46337](#46337)) ([1e85f69](1e85f69))
* **report:** allow `Closed` purchase orders to be visible ([20c4487](20c4487))
* **report:** allow `Closed` sales orders to be visible ([8799af9](8799af9))
* **report:** filter sales / purchase orders based on date filters ([2221bf1](2221bf1))
* revamp logic (split parent and child) ([7437cea](7437cea))
* revert last commit ([a09c57f](a09c57f))
* set landed cost based on purchase invoice rate ([fdaf5fa](fdaf5fa))
* set taxes before calculating taxes and totals ([90dea42](90dea42))
* source warehouse not fetched in bom creator ([6157fed](6157fed))
* stock qty not recalculate on changing of the qty ([331798b](331798b))
* stock reservation issue while making Purchase Invoice ([8bd7195](8bd7195))
* syntax error ([1790bcc](1790bcc))
* syntax error ([bd48d39](bd48d39))
* syntax error ([cc535b7](cc535b7))
* test case for debit note ([a8b31df](a8b31df))
* tests ([46b0734](46b0734))
* tests ([d413039](d413039))
* translation DE ([ddcf79d](ddcf79d))
* use else instead of unnecessary elif ([6f760d1](6f760d1))
* use valuation method from settings in stock ageing report (backport [#46068](#46068)) ([#46297](#46297)) ([d02d005](d02d005))
* use value from currency exchange when exchange api is disabled (backport [#46137](#46137)) ([#46309](#46309)) ([ccc0358](ccc0358))
* **workspace:** enable is_query_report on purchase reports (backport [#46249](#46249)) ([#46306](#46306)) ([363129b](363129b))
* Wrong Overdue Status in Sales Invoices (Floating-point arithmetic) (backport [#46146](#46146)) ([#46310](#46310)) ([1ff0858](1ff0858))

### Features

* add new Closed and Stopped rows ([7749814](7749814))
* add total weight in shipment ([#46049](#46049)) ([171df3a](171df3a))
* create sales invoice print format ([#45403](#45403)) ([1a382eb](1a382eb))
* **received items to be billed:** add company and date filters (backport [#46271](#46271)) ([#46302](#46302)) ([400f4f3](400f4f3))
* **Sales Invoice:** add items row via "Fetch Timesheet" (backport [#46071](#46071)) ([#46311](#46311)) ([1c6e464](1c6e464))

### Performance Improvements

* don't track seen for POS Invoice (backport [#46187](#46187)) ([#46189](#46189)) ([41ab7f3](41ab7f3))
* patch ([ee41e55](ee41e55))
* replace if function in query ([d0b8e0d](d0b8e0d))


chore(release): Bumped to Version 14.83.2

## [14.83.2](v14.83.1...v14.83.2) (2025-03-05)

### Bug Fixes

* Add permission check in POS's `Toggle Recent Orders` (backport [#46010](#46010)) ([#46273](#46273)) ([557a05b](557a05b))
* auto allocation for negative amount outstanding for Customers in Payment Entry ([8e02dcf](8e02dcf))
* change voucher_type and voucher_no field type to data ([df4f4d9](df4f4d9))
* consolidate gl entries by project in General Ledger Report (backport [#46314](#46314)) ([#46320](#46320)) ([b3b7e62](b3b7e62))
* do not include opening invoices in billed items to be received report ([cedf577](cedf577))
* don't allow renaming account while system is actively in use (backport [#46176](#46176)) ([#46209](#46209)) ([167069b](167069b))
* exclude cancelled gl entries ([369a692](369a692))
* incorrect batch picked in the pick list ([ac25d3e](ac25d3e))
* incorrectly billed amount in the purchase receipt ([ca94ad3](ca94ad3))
* inventory dimension for maintence visit ([69a8e0d](69a8e0d))
* only include submitted docs for internal received quantity validation (backport [#46262](#46262)) ([#46303](#46303)) ([90b5f0b](90b5f0b))
* **patch:** Ensure SLE indexes (backport [#46131](#46131)) ([#46134](#46134)) ([f8bbcab](f8bbcab))

### Performance Improvements

* don't track seen for POS Invoice (backport [#46187](#46187)) ([#46188](#46188)) ([b41ee66](b41ee66))


chore(release): Bumped to Version 15.53.4

## [15.53.4](v15.53.3...v15.53.4) (2025-03-03)

### Bug Fixes

* removed mandatory property for the cost center field ([8eddc09](8eddc09))


chore(release): Bumped to Version 15.53.3

## [15.53.3](v15.53.2...v15.53.3) (2025-03-03)

### Bug Fixes

* stock qty not recalculate on changing of the qty ([9186f13](9186f13))


chore(release): Bumped to Version 15.53.2

## [15.53.2](v15.53.1...v15.53.2) (2025-02-26)

### Bug Fixes

* check value as int ([97d3e86](97d3e86))
* enable fetch_timesheet_in_sales_invoice in test ([feb64cb](feb64cb))
* incorrect stock value difference for adjustment entry ([96d44e3](96d44e3))
* inventory dimension for maintence visit ([ec3b281](ec3b281))
* no permission to get project settings in sales invoice ([b8281c3](b8281c3))
* pos opening entry dialog not saving on change data (backport [#46066](#46066)) ([#46067](#46067)) ([0ae2d61](0ae2d61))
* **project settings:** add checkbox to auto fetch timesheet in sales invoice ([b3c1df8](b3c1df8))
* **sales invoice:** check fetch_timesheet_in_sales_invoice enabled before fetching the timesheet ([b1095bb](b1095bb))
* valuation rate for batch ([c72dab4](c72dab4))