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108 lines (68 loc) · 5.07 KB


To develop this project locally, you will need to be running NodeJS v20 and pnpm v9.

Environment Variables

If you have not done so already, fork this repository to your account and clone it.


This project uses 1Password's CLI to manage environment variables. If you do not use 1password, or do not have the CLI set up, these instructions may not work for you.

If you aren't sure how to structure your secret references, take a look at dev.env.

You'll need to head over to the Discord Developer Portal and create your application.

  • Select the Applications tab on the left sidebar.
  • Click the New Application button.
  • Give your application a name and click Create.
  • Select the Bot tab on the left sidebar.
  • Click the Add Bot button.
  • Click the Copy button to copy your bot's token.

Add the token to 1password, and paste the secret reference as TOKEN in your dev.env file

Switch back to the General Information tab and copy the Client ID. Paste that secret reference as BOT_ID in your dev.env file.

Next, head over to MongoDB Atlas and either set up an account or sign in. Choose the database you'd like to use, and get your connection string. Paste the secret reference from 1password as MONGO_URI in your .env file.

The bot uses two Discord webhooks, one for debug logging and one for moderation action logs. For local testing, you can use the same webhook URL for both. Right-click on a channel in your server, select Edit Channel, and pick the Integrations tab on the sidebar. Click the Create Webhook button, give it a name, and copy the URL. Paste the secret references as DEBUG_HOOK and MOD_HOOK in your .env file.

If you haven't already enabled Developer Mode in your Discord client, you can do this by opening your user/app setting and selecting Advanced, then toggling Developer Mode on.

Right-click on your Discord server icon (the one in which you'll be running the bot) and select Copy ID. This goes in your .env file as HOME_GUILD.


This bot is designed for a single-guild use case. Commands will only be registered in the server specified by HOME_GUILD.

Finally, for the private conversation system, you need to specify a moderation role (which gets added to each ticket) and the category private channels should be opened in. Right-click on the role you'd like to use and select Copy ID. Paste that as MOD_ROLE in your .env file. Right-click on the category you'd like to use and select Copy ID. Paste that as PRIVATE_CATEGORY in your .env file.


If you still prefer to use a raw .env file, you can safely do so - the file will not be committed to git. However, you will need to start the bot manually with node -r dotenv/config prod/index.js. The TSX Development command will NOT work with this approach.

Preparing the Code

Install the dependencies:

pnpm i --frozen-lockfile

Build the code:

pnpm run build

Inviting the Bot

To add the bot to your server, head back to your application page on the developer portal, select the OAuth tab, select URL Generator, and check the bot and application.commands scopes. A second section to select permissions will appear. Check the following permissions:

  • Manage Channels
  • Manage Roles
  • Kick Members
  • Ban Members
  • Time out members (or Moderate Members)

Copy the URL and open it in a new tab. Select the server you'd like to add the bot to and click Continue. Click Authorize to add the bot to your server.

Gateway Intents

Discord marks specific gateway intents as "privileged". Back on your application page, select the Bot tab, and scroll down to the Privileged Gateway Intents section. Check the following intents:

  • Server Members Intent
  • Message Content Intent

Running the Bot

Finally, everything should be set up to run the bot. Start it with:

pnpm start

You should see the bot come online, and a message sent to your debug webhook letting you know the bot is ready.

Submitting a Pull Request

We are happy to accept contributions to this project. Please ensure that all code contributions follow our standard:

pnpm run lint


If you try to use npm to run the lint script, unexpected errors may occur. This is due to the way our external configs are linked in the node_modules directory.

Additionally, all existing test cases should pass:

pnpm run test

If you are adding new features, you should add corresponding tests. Every file in src must have a corresponding .spec.ts file in test, or the suite will not run.


The coverage value in vitest.config.js should NOT be reduced except in situations where added code cannot be tested with the current limitations of the mock package.

If you have any issues or questions, feel free to ask us in Discord.