- Madison, Wisconsin
- 5h behind
A small clojure tool for making little control UIs while using the repl!
An alternate syntax for Clojure inspired by Pollen.
Topics in Programming Languages: Denotational Semantics, Spring 2018 Course at Indiana University
Union Types (ADTs, sum types) built on clojure.spec
Analyze how a Git repo grows over time
A Clojure Development Environment package for the Atom editor
Recompile Java code without restarting the REPL
Staged compilation for Clojure through environment & special-form aware syntax-quoting.
Lean Hash Array Mapped Trie implementation in ClojureScript
DOrder -- Automatically Learning Shape Specifications
A playground for type theory implementations in Racket
core.typed annotations for the clojure.tools.logging library
Converts Typed Clojure types to Prismatic Schemas for runtime checking
typedclojure / core.typed
Forked from clojure/core.typedMirror of core.typed for internal development.
A project encompassing various Thamil language-specific computing ideas
node.js client for a Clojure nrepl server.
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