- Pro
amethyst-player Public
Forked from Project-Amethyst/amethyst-playerWeb app for MIDI controller
autocomplete Public
Forked from withfig/autocompleteIDE-style autocomplete for your existing terminal & shell
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedSep 11, 2023 -
electronic-card-logger Public
IoT project that uses electrical sensors data sent to the public API. This sensor data can is then recorded and can be seen in the interface in realtime. Currently, there is a plot for DHT sensor t…
My Helper functions that I created for use in Technical codes
boilerplates Public
Forked from ChristianLempa/boilerplatesTemplates and configurations for various projects and deployment scenarios
Google-Image-Scraper Public
Forked from ohyicong/Google-Image-ScraperA library to scrap google images
spontane-og-image Public
Forked from vercel/og-imageOpen Graph Image as a Service - generate cards for Twitter, Facebook, Slack, etc
traefik-demo Public
Forked from samarpanda/traefik-demoTraefik: Modern HTTP reverse proxy and load balancing that makes deploying microservices easy
multi-route-optimizer Public archive
An application that will allow the optimization of multiple routes given some constraints
React-Django-To-Do-App Public archive
Forked from divanov11/React-Django-To-Do-App -
CITS3401-Project2 Public
Data Warehouse Project
mkdocs-frinze-template Public template
This is my template for creating documentations that are very accessible, and will include most of the extensions that you will need such as latex, graph, search, navigation, and references for whe…
livinglab-site-v3 Public
Forked from uwasystemhealth/livinglab-site-v3 -
cypress-allure-plugin Public
Forked from Shelex/cypress-allure-plugincypress plugin to use allure reporter api in tests
selfie2anime-blog Public
Forked from SilentByte/selfie2anime-blogThis repository contains the blog of selfie2anime.com
mkdocs-deploy-gh-pages Public
Forked from mhausenblas/mkdocs-deploy-gh-pagesGitHub Action to deploy an MkDocs site to GitHub Pages
open-pixel-art Public
Forked from twilio-labs/open-pixel-artA collaborative pixel art project to teach people how to contribute to open-source
feathers-redux Public
Forked from feathersjs-ecosystem/feathers-reduxIntegrate Feathers with your Redux store
vue-spas Public
Forked from planetoftheweb/vue-spasThis is the repository for my course on building Single Page Applications with Vue.js and Firebase.
React-Firebase Public archive
Forked from LinkedInLearning/react-spas-774920Course For Learning React and Firebase (Firebase and Continous Integration mainly for me). See my deployed version: https://react-spas-frinze.web.app/
cors-anywhere Public
Forked from Rob--W/cors-anywhereCORS Anywhere is a NodeJS reverse proxy which adds CORS headers to the proxied request.
Flask-SocketIO Public archive
Forked from miguelgrinberg/Flask-SocketIOSocket.IO integration for Flask applications.