Develop cross-platform GUI Applications using F# and AvaloniaUI!
FuncUI is a thin layer built on top of AvaloniaUI. It contains abstractions for writing UI applications in different programming styles. It also contains a component & state management system.
FuncUI mostly consists of:
- Virtual DOM
- View DSL
- Component model
π¨ Getting started
π Documentation
π Examples
Please contribute to this library through issue reports, pull requests, code reviews, documentation, and discussion.
A simple counter made with the component library:
type Components =
static member Counter () =
Component (fun ctx ->
let state = ctx.useState 0
DockPanel.create [
DockPanel.children [
Button.create [
Button.onClick (fun _ -> state.Set(state.Current - 1))
Button.content "click to decrement"
Button.create [
Button.onClick (fun _ -> state.Set(state.Current + 1))
Button.content "click to increment"
TextBlock.create [
TextBlock.dock Dock.Top
TextBlock.text (string state.Current)
Find more examples using components in the Components Examples folder.
The same counter as above but using the Avalonia.FuncUI.Elmish
module Counter =
type CounterState = { count : int }
let init = { count = 0 }
type Msg = Increment | Decrement
let update (msg: Msg) (state: CounterState) : CounterState =
match msg with
| Increment -> { state with count = state.count + 1 }
| Decrement -> { state with count = state.count - 1 }
let view (state: CounterState) (dispatch): IView =
DockPanel.create [
DockPanel.children [
Button.create [
Button.onClick (fun _ -> dispatch Increment)
Button.content "click to increment"
Button.create [
Button.onClick (fun _ -> dispatch Decrement)
Button.content "click to decrement"
TextBlock.create [
TextBlock.dock Dock.Top
TextBlock.text (sprintf "the count is %i" state.count)
Find more examples using Elmish in the Elmish Examples folder
The current co-maintainers of Avalonia.FuncUI are
- @Numpsy
- @JordanMarr
- @sleepyfran
- @JaggerJo (project originator)
The default maintainer account for projects under "fsprojects" is @fsprojectsgit - F# Community Project Incubation Space (repo management)
Provided by Voynoic Systems GmbH
Please reach out to if you need a commercial support contract or are interested in contract work.