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281 lines (188 loc) · 8.61 KB

Contributing to Trippy

Contributions to Trippy are most welcome, whether you wish to report a bug, request a feature, or contribute code.

Raise issues and feature requests in the GitHub issue tracker and raise all changes as GitHub pull requests.


This section describes how to set up a development environment and the development process for Trippy.

Development tools

The following tools are needed for local development. Note that most of the following are checked during CI, so it is recommended to run these checks locally before submitting a pull request.


Trippy is written in Rust and requires the Rust toolchain to build and run. As well as default components such as cargo, you will need rustfmt and clippy for code formatting and linting.


Trippy uses the stable toolchain.

To install rustfmt and clippy:

rustup component add rustfmt clippy

To format the Rust code:

cargo fmt --all


Trippy uses default settings for code formatting.

To lint the Rust code:

cargo clippy --workspace --all-features --tests -- -Dwarnings


Clippy configuration is defined at the workspace level in the root Cargo.toml file.

Cargo deny

If you add or update dependencies, you must run Cargo deny to ensure that the licenses of the dependencies are acceptable.

cargo deny check --hide-inclusion-graph

The allowed licenses are defined in the deny.toml file.

Cargo insta

If you make changes that impact the command line interface arguments, manual pages or shell completions, you must update the testing snapshots using Cargo insta.

After making your changes, run cargo test to generate the new snapshots followed by cargo insta to review and update the snapshots.

cargo test && cargo insta review

Cargo spelling

If you make changes to code documentation, you must run Cargo spellcheck to ensure they are free from misspellings and typos.

To check the spelling:

cargo spellcheck check

The configuration for spellcheck is defined in the .config/spellcheck.toml file and the custom dictionary is defined in the .config/trippy.dic file.

Cargo msrv

If you add or update dependencies, you should use the Cargo msrv tool to check the Minimum Supported Rust Version (MSRV) to ensure that the new dependencies are compatible with the current MSRV.

To check the MSRV of the trippy crate:

cargo msrv verify --manifest-path crates/trippy/Cargo.toml-- cargo check


The dprint tool is needed to ensure consistent formatting of the non-Rust portions of the codebase and docs.

To format the non-Rust code:

dprint fmt

The configuration for dprint is defined in the dprint.json file.


If you make changes to the Dockerfile, you should build the Docker image locally to ensure it builds correctly.

docker build . -t trippy:dev


If you add new files that are required at build time then you must update the Dockerfile to include them explicitly.

Development process

This section describes the development process for Trippy.

Conventional commits

All commit messages should follow the Conventional Commits format.

The commit message should be structured as follows:

<type>[optional scope]: <description>

Where type is one of the following:

  • feat: A new feature
  • fix: A bug fix
  • chore: Build process, dependency and version updates
  • docs: Documentation only changes
  • style: Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc)
  • refactor: A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
  • test: Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests
  • build: Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies
  • ci: Changes to our CI configuration files and scripts
  • revert: Reverts a previous commit

The scope is optional and, if given, should be the name of the crate being modified, currently one of core, packet, dns, privilege, tui or trippy.


Small do-one-things commits are preferred over large do-many-things commits. This makes changes easier to review and revert if necessary. For example, if you are adding a new feature and fixing a bug, it is better to create two separate commits.


Instructions for releasing a new 0.xx.0 version of Trippy.

Many distribution packages are managed by external maintainers, however the following are managed by the Trippy maintainers:

  • GitHub Releases
  • Docker
  • Snapcraft
  • WinGet
  • Ubuntu PPA


  • Check the MSRV (Minimum Supported Rust Version) in the trippy crate Cargo.toml is still correct.


The MSRV should typically be the version from around 1 year before the current date to maximise compatibility.

  • Update all dependencies to the latest SemVer compatible versions


Some distributions may not support the latest versions of all dependencies, so be conservative with updates.

  • Record and add an assets/0.xx.0/demo.gif for the new version
  • Update the with details of the features in the new version
  • Update the for the new version
  • Update the for the new version
  • Update the version to 0.xx.0 in Cargo.toml, snap/snapcraft.yaml & ubuntu-ppa/


Trippy is tested extensively in CI on Linux, Windows and macOS for every pull request. However, it is recommended to test the release binaries on all platforms before release.

GitHub Releases

  • Tag the release with the version number 0.xx.0 and push the tag to GitHub:
git tag 0.xx.0
git push origin tag 0.xx.0

This will trigger the GitHub Actions workflow to build the release binaries and publish them to the GitHub release page.

  • Edit GitHub release page and copy the relevant sections from and Refer to previous releases for the format.

  • Publish all crates to (in order):
cargo publish trippy-dns
cargo publish trippy-packet
cargo publish trippy-privilege
cargo publish trippy-core
cargo publish trippy-tui
cargo publish trippy


From the repository root directory:

docker build . -t fujiapple/trippy:0.xx.0 -t fujiapple/trippy:latest
docker push fujiapple/trippy:0.xx.0
docker push fujiapple/trippy:latest


  • Promote the first 0.xx.0 build to the latest/stable channel from the Snapcraft releases page


  • Download the latest release Windows zip from the GitHub releases page
  • Determine the SHA256 checksum of the release:
shasum -a 256
  • Update the winget fork to the latest upstream
  • Checkout the fork and create a branch called fujiapple852-trippy-0.xx.0
  • Go to the Trippy directory
cd winget-pkgs/manifests/f/FujiApple/Trippy
  • Copy the previous 0.yy.0 directory to a new directory for the new 0.xx.0 version
  • Update the PackageVersion, ReleaseDate and update all paths to the new version
  • Update the InstallerSha256 with the checksum from the previous step
  • Update the release notes from
  • Commit the changes with message:
update fujiapple852/trippy to 0.xx.0
  • Push the branch to the fork and create a pull request against the upstream winget-pkgs repository

Ubuntu PPA

See the Ubuntu PPA

Help wanted

There are several the issues tagged as help wanted in the GitHub issue tracker for which I would be especially grateful for assistance.


This project is distributed under the terms of the Apache License (Version 2.0).

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in time by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.