- Pro
homeassistant-solax-modbus Public
Forked from wills106/homeassistant-solax-modbusSolaX Power Modbus custom_component for Home Assistant (Supports some Ginlong Solis, Growatt, Sofar Solar, TIGO TSI & Qcells Q.Volt Hyb)
GoProX Public
The missing GoPro data and workflow manager for macOS
homeassistant-powercalc Public
Forked from bramstroker/homeassistant-powercalcCustom component to calculate estimated power consumption of lights and other appliances
Python MIT License UpdatedFeb 10, 2023 -
hass-frontend Public
Forked from home-assistant/frontend🍭 Frontend for Home Assistant
TypeScript Other UpdatedJan 3, 2023 -
core Public
Forked from home-assistant/core🏡 Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first.
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 23, 2022 -
homebrew-core Public
Forked from Homebrew/homebrew-core🍻 Default formulae for the missing package manager for macOS (or Linux)
Ruby BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedJun 8, 2022 -
Modix3D Public
Configurations and Modifications for the Modix3D printers
minima Public
Forked from jekyll/minimaMinima is a one-size-fits-all Jekyll theme for writers.
CSS MIT License UpdatedJun 11, 2020 -
code-server-python Public
VSCode Code Server for Python Developers and Data Scientists
home-assistant.io Public
Forked from home-assistant/home-assistant.io📘 Home Assistant User documentation
HTML Other UpdatedJan 13, 2020 -
spksrc Public
Forked from fredrike/spksrcCross compilation framework to create native packages for the Synology's NAS
dsm-reverse-proxy-websocket Public
Forked from orobardet/dsm-reverse-proxy-websocketConfiguration fix for Synology DSM 6 reverse proxy to handle websocket
HTML UpdatedMay 24, 2018 -
SMA-Cluster-Controller-Python-Web-Scraper Public
Forked from AlsoEnergyMPT/SMA-Cluster-Controller-Python-Web-ScraperA proof of concept script demonstrating how to connect to a remote SMA Cluster Controller and parse its XML files for the instantaneous data values of attached inverters faster than the modbus inte…
Python UpdatedApr 25, 2018 -
unifi-play Public
Ubiquiti Unifi Controller
ubiquiti-docker Public
Forked from ctindel/ubiquiti-dockerJavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 29, 2017 -
UniFi-Video-Controller Public
Forked from pducharme/UniFi-Video-ControllerDocker for Unifi-Video Controller (Ubiquiti Networks)
Shell UpdatedMay 20, 2017 -
blog Public
Forked from hypriot/blogRepository for the Hypriot Blog at
JavaScript UpdatedSep 5, 2016 -
homebrew Public
Forked from Homebrew/legacy-homebrew🍺 The missing package manager for OS X.
Ruby Other UpdatedJun 15, 2016 -
flash Public
Forked from hypriot/flashCommand line script to flash SD card images for the Raspberry Pi
Shell MIT License UpdatedJun 14, 2016 -
cement Public
Forked from datafolklabs/cementCLI Application Framework for Python
Python Other UpdatedJun 14, 2016 -
unifi-api Public
Forked from calmh/unifi-apiAn API towards the Ubiquity Networks UniFi controller
Python MIT License UpdatedJan 4, 2016 -
PyTd Public
Forked from Teradata/PyTdA Python Module to make it easy to script powerful interactions with Teradata Database in a DevOps friendly way.
Python MIT License UpdatedJan 4, 2016 -
Kunena-Forum Public
Forked from Kunena/Kunena-ForumKunena - Forum/Bulletin Board/Discussions component for Joomla - This is the 2.0 main development branch; please do not open issues regarding earlier versions of Kunena
python-nest Public
Forked from jkoelker/python-nestPython API and command line tool for talking to the Nest™ Thermostat
Python Other UpdatedDec 30, 2015 -
pubkey Public
Simple public key distribution for your infrastructure.
SoCo (Sonos Controller) is a simple Python class that allows you to programmatically control Sonos speakers.
Python MIT License UpdatedNov 6, 2015 -
rainmachine Public
Backup/Restore utility for rainmachine sprinkler controllers http://rainmachine.com
Python MIT License UpdatedOct 17, 2015 -
phpdox Public
Forked from theseer/phpdoxDocumentation generator for PHP Code using standard technology (SRC, DOCBLOCK, XML and XSLT)