This tool is useful for making memes, or in my case, turning still images into a great source for datamoshing.
Get FFmpeg & FFplay from:
Get ImageMagick from somwhere like:
For now, you need to set the first few variables in the script to point at the folder that contains FFmpeg, FFplay and convert.
IM :=
FFmpeg :=
FFplay :=
Use the IM button if you want to make an ImageMagick GIF (without dithering).
Oh and I just added random mode now, so you can either make it use random values in between a given set of numbers and still use a radial (or circle) pattern, or use the radio buttons on the Random Menu to set it to Truly Random Mode
You can use a custom mask to define which area you want to vibrate, instead of the entire image.
Final GIF: not the best example but I think you get the point, damn she look cold tho.
oh, yeah you can also use the AVI option (and loop forever if u need) to turn the gif into an AVI that you can use as a source.
This is the type of results you can get:
Or These:
You can find out more about Datamoshing: here
My favorite script to Datamosh with is: here