Diabetes Management Solution practice project
Execute docker command docker run -p 8083:8083 mgharib/keycloack-auth-server
to run Authorization server on port 8083. Once it is up, you should be able to access it via http://localhost:8083/auth/
- Clone current repo
- Navigate with CMD into openemr-compose
- Execute docker-compose -f openemr-compose.yml up -d
- When all containers are started, you can access to:
- The FHIR server http://localhost:8080/home
- The OpenEMR server: http://localhost:80/
- The MySql database: http://localhost:3306
- Login into OpenEMR
- Username: admin
- Password: pass
- Login for SQL
- Username: openEMR
- Password: openEMR
- Follow steps in below article to configure OpenEMR to be able to export to the FHIR server
- Either add Patients manually using OpenEMR OR run the Database populator program in the Setup Tools Folder
- Follow the Document on the Teams Wiki to set up Procedures
- Blood Glocuse's discrete result Code needs to be '2339-0'
- A1C's discrete result Code needs to be '41995-2'
- Check the Mapping document on the wiki for any other codes that my have been added
- Using a SQL Program like MySql WorkBench or DBeavers, Run the SQL scripts in the Folder: "\dms-practice\Setup Tools\Required Stored Procedures for MySQL"
- Clone current repo
- Open with prefered Java IDE
- use the following commands inside the terminal
- mvn clean
- mvn install
- mvn spring-boot:run
- Once running, visit http://localhost:8083/auth/
- login: emr-admin
- password: pass
- Clone current repo
- Running HDI-HUB lcoally (port 8080)
- mvn clean
- mvn install
- mvn jetty:run
- Running HDI-HUB on Docker (assign port)
- Inside project ide terminal execute mvn package to generate war file
- Inside HDI-HUB directory using Powershell/Terminal
- Install Docker Jetty using docker run -d jetty
- Execute docker build -t fhir/hapiserver .
- Execute docker run -p 8090:8080 fhir/hapiserver
- runs fhir server on port 8090 -Running PMS to test HDI-HUB
- Run Spring Authorization Server (docker works fine)
- use the following commands inside the ide terminal
- mvn clean
- mvn install
- mvn spring-boot:run
- Once running, PMS will post patient and organization information to HDI-HUB server every 5 seconds
- Enter CTRL+C to terminate once enoough patient information is populated
- Make sure you have the latest image of authorization server
docker image pull mgharib/keycloack-auth-server
- Run the authorization server
docker run -p 8083:8083 mgharib/keycloack-auth-server
- Make sure to bring up database-api service on local machine (refer to 'Running Database-api on local machine' given in the last section of this file)
- Navigate with CMD into dms-ui
- Install dependencies
npm install
- Run the server
npm run start
- You should be able to access the ui through http://localhost:4200
- You can login using john@test.com/123
- Installation of docker and pull mariadb and mysql.
- Pull the latest image of openemr using
docker pull openemr/openemr
. - From command line Run
docker-compose up
- Access http://localhost:8300/ to login as
. Password ispass
. - More details at https://hub.docker.com/r/openemr/openemr/.
- Clone current repo
- Run locally (port 15437 is defualt)
- mvn clean install
- spring-boot:run
- Once the Service is running you can hit it using Postman or similar program to send REST requests
- Sample requests and URLs to hit are in the folder 'Database-API\Sample API Calls'