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1839 lines (1515 loc) · 38.5 KB

File metadata and controls

1839 lines (1515 loc) · 38.5 KB


Requires that all function parameters are documented.


Adds @param <name> for each tag present in the function signature but missing in the jsdoc. Can be disabled by setting the enableFixer option to false.

Destructured object and array naming

When the fixer is applied to destructured objects, only the input name is used.

So for:

 * @param cfg
function quux ({foo: bar, baz: bax = 5}) {

...the fixed jsdoc will be:

* @param cfg
* @param
* @param cfg.baz

This is because the input to the function is the relevant item for understanding the function's input, not how the variable is renamed for internal use (the signature itself documents that).

For destructured arrays, the input name is merely the array index.

So for:

 * @param cfg
function quux ([foo, bar]) {

..the fixed jsdoc will be:

* @param cfg
* @param cfg."0"
* @param cfg."1"

Missing root fixing

Note that unless enableRootFixer (or enableFixer) is set to false, missing roots will be added and auto-incremented. The default behavior is for "root" to be auto-inserted for missing roots, followed by a 0-based auto-incrementing number.

So for:

function quux ({foo}, {bar}, {baz}) {

...the default jsdoc that would be added if the fixer is enabled would be:

* @param root0
* @param
* @param root1
* @param
* @param root2
* @param root2.baz

The name of "root" can be configured with unnamedRootBase (which also allows cycling through a list of multiple root names before there is need for any numeric component).

And one can have the count begin at another number (e.g., 1) by changing autoIncrementBase from the default of 0.

Rest Element (RestElement) insertions

The fixer will automatically report/insert jsdoc repeatable parameters if missing.

  * @param {GenericArray} cfg
  * @param {number} cfg."0"
function baar ([a, ...extra]) {


  * @param {GenericArray} cfg
  * @param {number} cfg."0"
  * @param {...any} cfg."1"
function baar ([a, ...extra]) {

Note that the type any is included since we don't know of any specific type to use.

To disable such rest element insertions, set enableRestElementFixer to false.

Note too that the following will be reported even though there is an item corresponding to extra:

  * @param {GenericArray} cfg
  * @param {number} cfg."0"
  * @param {any} cfg."1"
function baar ([a, ...extra]) {

...because it does not use the ... syntax in the type.

Object Rest Property insertions

If the checkRestProperty option is set to true (false by default), missing rest properties will be reported with documentation auto-inserted:

 * @param cfg
 * @param cfg.num
function quux ({num, ...extra}) {


 * @param cfg
 * @param cfg.num
 * @param cfg.extra
function quux ({num, ...extra}) {

You may wish to manually note in your jsdoc for extra that this is a rest property, however, as jsdoc does not appear to currently support syntax or output to distinguish rest properties from other properties, so in looking at the docs alone without looking at the function signature, it may appear that there is an actual property named extra.


An options object accepts the following optional properties:


Whether to enable the fixer. Defaults to true.


Whether to enable the auto-adding of incrementing roots (see the "Fixer" section). Defaults to true. Has no effect if enableFixer is set to false.


Whether to enable the rest element fixer (see "Rest Element (RestElement) insertions"). Defaults to true.


If set to true, will report (and add fixer insertions) for missing rest properties. Defaults to false.

If set to true, note that you can still document the subproperties of the rest property using other jsdoc features, e.g., @typedef:

 * @typedef ExtraOptions
 * @property innerProp1
 * @property innerProp2

 * @param cfg
 * @param cfg.num
 * @param {ExtraOptions} extra
function quux ({num, ...extra}) {

Setting this option to false (the default) may be useful in cases where you already have separate @param definitions for each of the properties within the rest property.

For example, with the option disabled, this will not give an error despite extra not having any definition:

 * @param cfg
 * @param cfg.num
function quux ({num, ...extra}) {

Nor will this:

 * @param cfg
 * @param cfg.num
 * @param cfg.innerProp1
 * @param cfg.innerProp2
function quux ({num, ...extra}) {


Numeric to indicate the number at which to begin auto-incrementing roots. Defaults to 0.


An array of root names to use in the fixer when roots are missing. Defaults to ['root']. Note that only when all items in the array besides the last are exhausted will auto-incrementing occur. So, with unnamedRootBase: ['arg', 'config'], the following:

function quux ({foo}, [bar], {baz}) {

...will get the following jsdoc block added:

* @param arg
* @param
* @param config0
* @param config0."0" (`bar`)
* @param config1
* @param config1.baz


Array of tags (e.g., ['type']) whose presence on the document block avoids the need for a @param. Defaults to an array with inheritdoc. If you set this array, it will overwrite the default, so be sure to add back inheritdoc if you wish its presence to cause exemption of the rule.


When one specifies a type, unless it is of a generic type, like object or array, it may be considered unnecessary to have that object's destructured components required, especially where generated docs will link back to the specified type. For example:

 * @param {SVGRect} bbox - a SVGRect
export const bboxToObj = function ({x, y, width, height}) {
  return {x, y, width, height};

By default checkTypesPattern is set to /^(?:[oO]bject|[aA]rray|PlainObject|Generic(?:Object|Array))$/u, meaning that destructuring will be required only if the type of the @param (the text between curly brackets) is a match for "Object" or "Array" (with or without initial caps), "PlainObject", or "GenericObject", "GenericArray" (or if no type is present). So in the above example, the lack of a match will mean that no complaint will be given about the undocumented destructured parameters.

Note that the / delimiters are optional, but necessary to add flags.

Defaults to using (only) the u flag, so to add your own flags, encapsulate your expression as a string, but like a literal, e.g., /^object$/ui.

You could set this regular expression to a more expansive list, or you could restrict it such that even types matching those strings would not need destructuring.


Set this to an array of strings representing the AST context (or an object with context and comment properties) where you wish the rule to be applied. Overrides the default contexts (see below). May be useful for adding such as TSMethodSignature in TypeScript or restricting the contexts which are checked.

See the "AST and Selectors" section of our README for more on the expected format.


A value indicating whether constructors should be checked. Defaults to true.


A value indicating whether getters should be checked. Defaults to false.


A value indicating whether setters should be checked. Defaults to false.


Whether to require destructured properties. Defaults to true.


Whether to check the existence of a corresponding @param for root objects of destructured properties (e.g., that for function ({a, b}) {}, that there is something like @param myRootObj defined that can correspond to the {a, b} object parameter).

If checkDestructuredRoots is false, checkDestructured will also be implied to be false (i.e., the inside of the roots will not be checked either, e.g., it will also not complain if a or b do not have their own documentation). Defaults to true.


Set to true if you wish to expect documentation of properties on objects supplied as default values. Defaults to false.


Set to true to ignore reporting when all params are missing. Defaults to false.

Context and settings

Context ArrowFunctionExpression, FunctionDeclaration, FunctionExpression; others when contexts option enabled
Tags param
Aliases arg, argument
Recommended true
Options autoIncrementBase, checkConstructors, checkDestructured, checkDestructuredRoots, checkGetters, checkRestProperty, checkSetters, checkTypesPattern, contexts, enableFixer, enableRestElementFixer, enableRootFixer, exemptedBy, ignoreWhenAllParamsMissing, unnamedRootBase, useDefaultObjectProperties
Settings ignoreReplacesDocs, overrideReplacesDocs, augmentsExtendsReplacesDocs, implementsReplacesDocs

Failing examples

The following patterns are considered problems:

function quux (foo) {

// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "foo" declaration.

function quux (foo) {

// "jsdoc/require-param": ["error"|"warn", {"contexts":["FunctionDeclaration"]}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "foo" declaration.

function quux ({foo}) {

// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "root0" declaration.

 * @param foo
function quux (foo, bar, {baz}) {

// "jsdoc/require-param": ["error"|"warn", {"checkDestructured":false}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "bar" declaration.

 * @param foo
function quux (foo, bar, {baz}) {

// "jsdoc/require-param": ["error"|"warn", {"checkDestructuredRoots":false}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "bar" declaration.

function quux ({foo}) {

// "jsdoc/require-param": ["error"|"warn", {"enableFixer":false}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "root0" declaration.

function quux ({foo: bar = 5} = {}) {

// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "root0" declaration.

 * @param
function quux ({foo}) {

// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "root0" declaration.

 * @param
function quux ({foo}) {

// "jsdoc/require-param": ["error"|"warn", {"autoIncrementBase":1}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "root1" declaration.

 * @param options
function quux ({foo}) {

// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "" declaration.

 * @param
function quux ({ foo, bar: { baz }}) {

// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "root0" declaration.

function quux ({foo}, {bar}) {

// "jsdoc/require-param": ["error"|"warn", {"unnamedRootBase":["arg"]}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "arg0" declaration.

function quux ({foo}, {bar}) {

// "jsdoc/require-param": ["error"|"warn", {"unnamedRootBase":["arg","config"]}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "arg" declaration.

function quux ({foo}, {bar}) {

// "jsdoc/require-param": ["error"|"warn", {"enableRootFixer":false,"unnamedRootBase":["arg","config"]}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "arg" declaration.

function quux (foo, bar) {

// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "foo" declaration.

 * @param foo
function quux (foo, bar) {

// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "bar" declaration.

 * @param bar
function quux (foo, bar, baz) {

// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "foo" declaration.

 * @param foo
 * @param bar
function quux (foo, bar, baz) {

// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "baz" declaration.

 * @param baz
function quux (foo, bar, baz) {

// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "foo" declaration.

 * @param
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"param":"arg"}}}
// Message: Missing JSDoc @arg "foo" declaration.

 * @override
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"overrideReplacesDocs":false}}
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "foo" declaration.

 * @ignore
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"ignoreReplacesDocs":false}}
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "foo" declaration.

 * @implements
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"implementsReplacesDocs":false}}
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "foo" declaration.

 * @augments
function quux (foo) {

// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "foo" declaration.

 * @extends
function quux (foo) {

// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "foo" declaration.

 * @override
class A {
  quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"overrideReplacesDocs":false}}
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "foo" declaration.

 * @ignore
class A {
  quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"ignoreReplacesDocs":false}}
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "foo" declaration.

 * @implements
class A {
  quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"implementsReplacesDocs":false}}
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "foo" declaration.

 * @augments
class A {
  quux (foo) {

// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "foo" declaration.

 * @extends
class A {
  quux (foo) {

// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "foo" declaration.

export class SomeClass {
   * @param property
  constructor(private property: string, private foo: number) {}
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "foo" declaration.

 * @param
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"param":false}}}
// Message: Unexpected tag `@param`

function quux ({bar, baz}, foo) {
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "root0" declaration.

function quux (foo, {bar, baz}) {
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "foo" declaration.

function quux ([bar, baz], foo) {
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "root0" declaration.

function quux (foo) {
// "jsdoc/require-param": ["error"|"warn", {"exemptedBy":["notPresent"]}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "foo" declaration.

 * @inheritdoc
function quux (foo) {

// "jsdoc/require-param": ["error"|"warn", {"exemptedBy":[]}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "foo" declaration.

 * @inheritdoc
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"mode":"closure"}}
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "foo" declaration.

 * Assign the project to a list of employees.
 * @param {object[]} employees - The employees who are responsible for the project.
 * @param {string} employees[].name - The name of an employee.
 * @param {string} employees[].department - The employee's department.
function assign (employees, name) {

// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "name" declaration.

interface ITest {
 * Test description.
TestMethod(id: number): void;
// "jsdoc/require-param": ["error"|"warn", {"contexts":["TSMethodSignature"]}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "id" declaration.

 * A test class.
abstract class TestClass
 * A test method.
abstract TestFunction(id);
// "jsdoc/require-param": ["error"|"warn", {"contexts":["TSEmptyBodyFunctionExpression"]}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "id" declaration.

 * A test class.
declare class TestClass
// "jsdoc/require-param": ["error"|"warn", {"contexts":["TSEmptyBodyFunctionExpression"]}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "id" declaration.

 * A test function.
declare let TestFunction: (id) => void;
// "jsdoc/require-param": ["error"|"warn", {"contexts":["TSFunctionType"]}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "id" declaration.

 * A test function.
let TestFunction: (id) => void;
// "jsdoc/require-param": ["error"|"warn", {"contexts":["TSFunctionType"]}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "id" declaration.

 * A test function.
function test(
  processor: (id: number) => string
) {
  return processor(10);
// "jsdoc/require-param": ["error"|"warn", {"contexts":["TSFunctionType"]}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "id" declaration.

 * A test function.
let test = (processor: (id: number) => string) =>
  return processor(10);
// "jsdoc/require-param": ["error"|"warn", {"contexts":["TSFunctionType"]}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "id" declaration.

class TestClass {
  * A class property.
  public Test: (id: number) => string;
// "jsdoc/require-param": ["error"|"warn", {"contexts":["TSFunctionType"]}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "id" declaration.

class TestClass {
   * A class method.
  public TestMethod(): (id: number) => string
// "jsdoc/require-param": ["error"|"warn", {"contexts":["TSFunctionType"]}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "id" declaration.

interface TestInterface {
 * An interface property.
Test: (id: number) => string;
// "jsdoc/require-param": ["error"|"warn", {"contexts":["TSFunctionType"]}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "id" declaration.

interface TestInterface {
   * An interface method.
  TestMethod(): (id: number) => string;
// "jsdoc/require-param": ["error"|"warn", {"contexts":["TSFunctionType"]}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "id" declaration.

 * A function with return type
function test(): (id: number) => string;
// "jsdoc/require-param": ["error"|"warn", {"contexts":["TSFunctionType"]}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "id" declaration.

 * A function with return type
let test = (): (id: number) => string =>
  return (id) => `${id}`;
// "jsdoc/require-param": ["error"|"warn", {"contexts":["TSFunctionType"]}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "id" declaration.

 * @param baz
 * @param options
function quux (baz, {foo: bar}) {

// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "" declaration.

class Client {
   * Set collection data.
   * @param  {Object}   data                    The collection data object.
   * @param  {number}   data.last_modified
   * @param  {Object}   options            The options object.
   * @param  {Object}   [options.headers]       The headers object option.
   * @param  {Number}   [options.retry=0]       Number of retries to make
   *     when faced with transient errors.
   * @param  {Boolean}  []          The safe option.
   * @param  {Boolean}  [options.patch]         The patch option.
   * @param  {Number}   [options.last_modified] The last_modified option.
   * @return {Promise<Object, Error>}
  async setData(
    data: { last_modified?: number },
    options: {
      headers?: Record<string, string>;
      safe?: boolean;
      retry?: number;
      patch?: boolean;
      last_modified?: number;
      permissions?: [];
    } = {}
  ) {}
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "options.permissions" declaration.

function quux (foo) {

// "jsdoc/require-param": ["error"|"warn", {"enableFixer":false}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "foo" declaration.

class Client {
   * Set collection data.
   * @return {Promise<Object, Error>}
  async setData(
    data: { last_modified?: number }
  ) {}
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "data" declaration.

 * @param cfg
 * @param cfg.num
function quux ({num, ...extra}) {
// "jsdoc/require-param": ["error"|"warn", {"checkRestProperty":true}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "cfg.extra" declaration.

 * @param cfg
 * @param cfg.opts
 * @param cfg.opts.num
function quux ({opts: {num, ...extra}}) {
// "jsdoc/require-param": ["error"|"warn", {"checkRestProperty":true}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "cfg.opts.extra" declaration.

 * @param {GenericArray} cfg
 * @param {number} cfg."0"
function baar ([a, ...extra]) {
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "cfg."1"" declaration.

 * @param a
function baar (a, ...extra) {
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "extra" declaration.

 * Converts an SVGRect into an object.
 * @param {SVGRect} bbox - a SVGRect
const bboxToObj = function ({x, y, width, height}) {
  return {x, y, width, height};
// "jsdoc/require-param": ["error"|"warn", {"checkTypesPattern":"SVGRect"}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "bbox.x" declaration.

 * Converts an SVGRect into an object.
 * @param {object} bbox - a SVGRect
const bboxToObj = function ({x, y, width, height}) {
  return {x, y, width, height};
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "bbox.x" declaration.

module.exports = class GraphQL {
   * @param fetchOptions
   * @param cacheKey
  fetch = ({ url, ...options }, cacheKey) => {
// "jsdoc/require-param": ["error"|"warn", {"checkRestProperty":true}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "fetchOptions.url" declaration.

(function() {
	 * A function.
	function f(param) {
		return !param;
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "param" declaration.

 * Description.
 * @param {Object} options
 * @param {Object}
function quux ({ foo: { bar } }) {}
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "" declaration.

 * Description.
 * @param {FooBar} options
 * @param {FooBar}
function quux ({ foo: { bar } }) {}
// "jsdoc/require-param": ["error"|"warn", {"checkTypesPattern":"FooBar"}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "" declaration.

 * Description.
 * @param {Object} options
 * @param {FooBar} foo
function quux ({ foo: { bar } }) {}
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "" declaration.

 * Description.
 * @param {Object} options
 * @param
function quux ({ foo: { bar } }) {}
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "" declaration.

 * Description.
 * @param {object} options Options.
 * @param {object} A description.
 * @param {object}
function foo({ foo: { bar: { baz } }}) {}
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "" declaration.

* Returns a number.
* @param {Object} props Props.
* @param {Object} props.prop Prop.
* @return {number} A number.
export function testFn1 ({ prop = { a: 1, b: 2 } }) {
// "jsdoc/require-param": ["error"|"warn", {"useDefaultObjectProperties":true}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "props.prop.a" declaration.

/** Foo. */
function foo(a, b, c) {}
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "a" declaration.

 * @param foo Some number.
 * @param bar Some number.
export function myPublicFunction(foo: number, bar: number, baz: number) {}
// "jsdoc/require-param": ["error"|"warn", {"contexts":[{"comment":"JsdocBlock:has(JsdocTag[tag=\"param\"])","context":"FunctionDeclaration"}]}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "baz" declaration.

 * [A description]
class A {
   * openConfirmModal
   * @memberof CreateEditTestWizardComponent
  public openConfirmModal(btnState: string) {
    this.modalBtnState = btnState;
// "jsdoc/require-param": ["error"|"warn", {"contexts":["MethodDefinition"]}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "btnState" declaration.

class A {
   * @param root0
   * @param
  quux({ foo }, { bar }) {
    console.log(foo, bar);
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "root1" declaration.

 * Some desc.
 * @param a
function quux (a, b) {}
// "jsdoc/require-param": ["error"|"warn", {"ignoreWhenAllParamsMissing":true}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "b" declaration.

Passing examples

The following patterns are not considered problems:

 * @param foo
function quux (foo) {


 * @param root0
 * @param
function quux ({foo}) {


 * @param root0
 * @param
 * @param root1
 * @param
function quux ({foo}, {bar}) {


 * @param arg0
 * @param
 * @param arg1
 * @param
function quux ({foo}, {bar}) {

// "jsdoc/require-param": ["error"|"warn", {"unnamedRootBase":["arg"]}]

 * @param arg
 * @param
 * @param config0
 * @param
 * @param config1
 * @param config1.baz
function quux ({foo}, {bar}, {baz}) {

// "jsdoc/require-param": ["error"|"warn", {"unnamedRootBase":["arg","config"]}]

 * @inheritdoc
function quux (foo) {


 * @inheritDoc
function quux (foo) {


 * @arg foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"param":"arg"}}}

 * @override
 * @param foo
function quux (foo) {


 * @override
function quux (foo) {


 * @override
class A {
  quux (foo) {


 * @override
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"overrideReplacesDocs":true}}

 * @ignore
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"ignoreReplacesDocs":true}}

 * @implements
class A {
  quux (foo) {


 * @implements
function quux (foo) {


 * @implements
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"implementsReplacesDocs":true}}

 * @implements
 * @param foo
function quux (foo) {


 * @augments
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"augmentsExtendsReplacesDocs":true}}

 * @augments
 * @param foo
function quux (foo) {


 * @extends
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"augmentsExtendsReplacesDocs":true}}

 * @extends
 * @param foo
function quux (foo) {


 * @override
class A {
  * @param foo
  quux (foo) {


 * @override
class A {
  quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"overrideReplacesDocs":true}}

 * @ignore
class A {
  quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"ignoreReplacesDocs":true}}

 * @implements
class A {
  quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"implementsReplacesDocs":true}}

 * @implements
class A {
   * @param foo
  quux (foo) {


 * @augments
class A {
  quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"augmentsExtendsReplacesDocs":true}}

 * @augments
class A {
   * @param foo
  quux (foo) {


 * @extends
class A {
  quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"augmentsExtendsReplacesDocs":true}}

 * @extends
class A {
   * @param foo
  quux (foo) {


 * @internal
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"ignoreInternal":true}}

 * @private
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"ignorePrivate":true}}

 * @access private
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"ignorePrivate":true}}

// issue 182: optional chaining
/** @const {boolean} test */
const test = something?.find(_ => _)

/** @type {RequestHandler} */
function foo(req, res, next) {}

 * @type {MyCallback}
function quux () {

// "jsdoc/require-param": ["error"|"warn", {"exemptedBy":["type"]}]

 * @override
var A = class {
  quux (foo) {


export class SomeClass {
   * @param property
  constructor(private property: string) {}

 * Assign the project to an employee.
 * @param {object} employee - The employee who is responsible for the project.
 * @param {string} - The name of the employee.
 * @param {string} employee.department - The employee's department.
function assign({name, department}) {
  // ...

export abstract class StephanPlugin<O, D> {

     * Called right after Stephan loads the plugin file.
     * @example
     * type Options = {
     *      verbose?: boolean;
     *      token?: string;
     * }
     * ```
     * Note that your Options type should only have optional properties...
     * @param args Arguments compiled and provided by StephanClient.
     * @param args.options The options as provided by the user, or an empty object if not provided.
     * @param args.client The options as provided by the user, or an empty object if not provided.
     * @param defaultOptions The default options as provided by the plugin, or an empty object.
    public constructor({options, client}: {
        options: O;
        client: unknown;
    }, defaultOptions: D) {


function quux (foo) {

// "jsdoc/require-param": ["error"|"warn", {"contexts":["ArrowFunctionExpression"]}]

* A function with return type
* @param id
let test = (): (id: number) => string =>
  return (id) => `${id}`;
// "jsdoc/require-param": ["error"|"warn", {"contexts":["TSFunctionType"]}]

/** @abstract */
class base {
/** @param {boolean} arg0 */
constructor(arg0) {}

class foo extends base {
/** @inheritDoc */
constructor(arg0) {
this.arg0 = arg0;
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"mode":"closure"}}

    export abstract class StephanPlugin<O, D> {

     * Called right after Stephan loads the plugin file.
     * @example
     * type Options = {
     *      verbose?: boolean;
     *      token?: string;
     * }
     * ```
     * Note that your Options type should only have optional properties...
     * @param args Arguments compiled and provided by StephanClient.
     * @param args.options The options as provided by the user, or an empty object if not provided.
     * @param args.client The options as provided by the user, or an empty object if not provided.
     * @param The name of the client.
     * @param defaultOptions The default options as provided by the plugin, or an empty object.
    public constructor({ options, client: { name } }: {
        options: O;
        client: { name: string };
    }, defaultOptions: D) {


* @param {string} cb
function createGetter (cb) {
  return function (...args) {

 * @param cfg
 * @param cfg.num
function quux ({num, ...extra}) {

  * @param {GenericArray} cfg
  * @param {number} cfg."0"
function baar ([a, ...extra]) {
// "jsdoc/require-param": ["error"|"warn", {"enableRestElementFixer":false}]

  * @param a
function baar (a, ...extra) {
// "jsdoc/require-param": ["error"|"warn", {"enableRestElementFixer":false}]

* Converts an SVGRect into an object.
* @param {SVGRect} bbox - a SVGRect
const bboxToObj = function ({x, y, width, height}) {
  return {x, y, width, height};

* Converts an SVGRect into an object.
* @param {object} bbox - a SVGRect
const bboxToObj = function ({x, y, width, height}) {
  return {x, y, width, height};
// "jsdoc/require-param": ["error"|"warn", {"checkTypesPattern":"SVGRect"}]

class CSS {
   * Set one or more CSS properties for the set of matched elements.
   * @param {Object} propertyObject - An object of property-value pairs to set.
  setCssObject(propertyObject: {[key: string]: string | number}): void {

 * @param foo
 * @param bar
 * @param cfg
function quux (foo, bar, {baz}) {

// "jsdoc/require-param": ["error"|"warn", {"checkDestructured":false}]

 * @param foo
 * @param bar
function quux (foo, bar, {baz}) {

// "jsdoc/require-param": ["error"|"warn", {"checkDestructuredRoots":false}]

 * @param root
 * @param
function quux ({"foo": bar}) {


 * @param root
 * @param root."foo"
function quux ({foo: bar}) {


 * Description.
 * @param {string} b Description `/**`.
module.exports = function a(b) {;

 * Description.
 * @param {Object} options Options.
 * @param {FooBar} foo description.
function quux ({ foo: { bar } }) {}

 * Description.
 * @param {FooBar} options
 * @param {Object}
function quux ({ foo: { bar } }) {}
// "jsdoc/require-param": ["error"|"warn", {"checkTypesPattern":"FooBar"}]

 * @param obj
 * @param
 * @param"0"
 * @param"1"
 * @param"2"
 * @param obj.defaulting
 * @param obj.defaulting."0"
 * @param obj.defaulting."1"
function Item({
  data: [foo, bar, ...baz],
  defaulting: [quux, xyz] = []
}) {

* Returns a number.
* @param {Object} props Props.
* @param {Object} props.prop Prop.
* @return {number} A number.
export function testFn1 ({ prop = { a: 1, b: 2 } }) {
// "jsdoc/require-param": ["error"|"warn", {"useDefaultObjectProperties":false}]

 * @param this The this object
 * @param bar number to return
 * @returns number returned back to caller
function foo(this: T, bar: number): number {
  return bar;

 * @param bar number to return
 * @returns number returned back to caller
function foo(this: T, bar: number): number {
  return bar;

/** {@link someOtherval} */
function a (b) {}
// "jsdoc/require-param": ["error"|"warn", {"contexts":[{"comment":"*:not(JsdocBlock:has(JsdocInlineTag[tag=link]))","context":"FunctionDeclaration"}]}]

 * Returns the sum of two numbers
 * @param options Object to destructure
 * @param options.a First value
 * @param options.b Second value
 * @returns Sum of a and b
function sumDestructure(this: unknown, { a, b }: { a: number, b: number }) {
  return a + b;

const inner = (c: number, d: string): void => {
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"contexts":["VariableDeclaration"]}}

 * Some desc.
function quux (a, b) {}
// "jsdoc/require-param": ["error"|"warn", {"ignoreWhenAllParamsMissing":true}]