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888 lines (725 loc) · 19.8 KB


Requires all types/namepaths to be valid JSDoc, Closure compiler, or TypeScript types (configured by settings.jsdoc.mode).

Note that what determines a valid type is handled by our type parsing engine, jsdoc-type-pratt-parser, using settings.jsdoc.mode to determine whether to use jsdoc-type-pratt-parser's "permissive" parsing or the stricter "jsdoc", "typescript", "closure" modes.

The following tags have their "type" portions (the segment within brackets) checked (though those portions may sometimes be confined to namepaths, e.g., @modifies):

  1. Tags with required types: @type, @implements
  2. Tags with required types in Closure or TypeScript: @this, @define (Closure only)
  3. Tags with optional types: @enum, @member (@var), @typedef, @augments (or @extends), @class (or @constructor), @constant (or @const), @module (module paths are not planned for TypeScript), @namespace, @throws, @exception, @yields (or @yield), @modifies (undocumented jsdoc); @param (@arg, @argument), @property (@prop), and @returns (@return) also fall into this category, but while this rule will check their type validity, we leave the requiring of the type portion to the rules require-param-type, require-property-type, and require-returns-type, respectively.
  4. Tags with types that are available optionally in Closure: @export, @package, @private, @protected, @public, @static; @template (TypeScript also)
  5. Tags with optional types that may take free text instead: @throws

The following tags have their name/namepath portion (the non-whitespace text after the tag name) checked:

  1. Name(path)-defining tags requiring namepath: @event, @callback, @exports (JSDoc only), @external, @host, @name, @typedef (JSDoc only), and @template (TypeScript/Closure only); @param (@arg, @argument) and @property (@prop) also fall into this category, but while this rule will check their namepath validity, we leave the requiring of the name portion to the rules require-param-name and require-property-name, respectively.
  2. Name(path)-defining tags (which may have value without namepath or their namepath can be expressed elsewhere on the block): @class, @constructor, @constant, @const, @function, @func, @method, @interface (non-Closure only), @member, @var, @mixin, @namespace, @module (module paths are not planned for TypeScript)
  3. Name(path)-pointing tags requiring namepath: @alias, @augments, @extends (JSDoc only), @lends, @memberof, @memberof!, @mixes, @requires, @this (jsdoc only)
  4. Name(path)-pointing tags (which may have value without namepath or their namepath can be expressed elsewhere on the block): @listens, @fires, @emits.
  5. Name(path)-pointing tags which may have free text or a namepath: @see
  6. Name(path)-pointing tags (multiple names in one): @borrows

...with the following applying to the above sets:

  • Expect tags in set 1-4 to have a valid namepath if present
  • Prevent sets 2 and 4 from being empty by setting allowEmptyNamepaths to false as these tags might have some indicative value without a path or may allow a name expressed elsewhere on the block (but sets 1 and 3 will always fail if empty)
  • For the special case of set 6, i.e., @borrows <that namepath> as <this namepath>, check that both namepaths are present and valid and ensure there is an as between them. In the case of <this namepath>, it can be preceded by one of the name path operators, #, ., or ~.
  • For the special case of @memberof and @memberof! (part of set 3), as per the specification, they also allow #, ., or ~ at the end (which is not allowed at the end of normal paths).

If you define your own tags, settings.jsdoc.structuredTags will allow these custom tags to be checked, with the name portion of tags checked for valid namepaths (based on the tag's name value), their type portions checked for valid types (based on the tag's type value), and either portion checked for presence (based on false name or type values or their required value). See the setting for more details.


  • allowEmptyNamepaths (default: true) - Set to false to bulk disallow empty name paths with namepath groups 2 and 4 (these might often be expected to have an accompanying name path, though they have some indicative value without one; these may also allow names to be defined in another manner elsewhere in the block); you can use settings.jsdoc.structuredTags with the required key set to "name" if you wish to require name paths on a tag-by-tag basis.

Context and settings

Context everywhere
Tags For name only unless otherwise stated: alias, augments, borrows, callback, class (for name and type), constant (for name and type), enum (for type), event, external, fires, function, implements (for type), interface, lends, listens, member (for name and type), memberof, memberof!, mixes, mixin, modifies, module (for name and type), name, namespace (for name and type), param (for name and type), property (for name and type), returns (for type), see (optionally for name), this, throws (for type), type (for type), typedef (for name and type), yields (for type)
Aliases extends, constructor, const, host, emits, func, method, var, arg, argument, prop, return, exception, yield
Closure-only For type only: package, private, protected, public, static
Recommended true
Options allowEmptyNamepaths
Settings mode, structuredTags

Failing examples

The following patterns are considered problems:

 * @param {Array<string} foo
function quux() {

// Message: Syntax error in type: Array<string

 * @memberof module:namespace.SomeClass<~
function quux() {

// Message: Syntax error in namepath: module:namespace.SomeClass<~

 * @param someParam<~
function quux() {

// Message: Syntax error in namepath: someParam<~

 * @memberof module:namespace.SomeClass~<
function quux() {

// Message: Syntax error in namepath: module:namespace.SomeClass~<

 * @borrows foo% as bar
function quux() {

// Message: Syntax error in namepath: foo%

 * @borrows #foo as bar
function quux() {

// Message: Syntax error in namepath: #foo

 * @borrows foo as bar%
function quux() {

// Message: Syntax error in namepath: bar%

 * @borrows foo
function quux() {

// Message: @borrows must have an "as" expression. Found ""

 * @see foo%
function quux() {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"structuredTags":{"see":{"name":"namepath-referencing","required":["name"]}}}}
// Message: Syntax error in namepath: foo%

 * @mixes module:namespace.SomeClass~
function quux() {

// Message: Syntax error in namepath: module:namespace.SomeClass~

 * @callback
function quux() {

// "jsdoc/valid-types": ["error"|"warn", {"allowEmptyNamepaths":false}]
// Message: Tag @callback must have a name/namepath.

 * @constant {str%ng}
 const FOO = 'foo';
// Message: Syntax error in type: str%ng

 * @typedef {str%ng} UserString
// Message: Syntax error in type: str%ng

 * @typedef {string} UserStr%ng
// Message: Syntax error in namepath: UserStr%ng

 * @this
 class Bar {};
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"mode":"jsdoc"}}
// "jsdoc/valid-types": ["error"|"warn", {"allowEmptyNamepaths":false}]
// Message: Tag @this must have either a type or namepath in "jsdoc" mode.

 * @aCustomTag
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"structuredTags":{"aCustomTag":{"required":["typeOrNameRequired"]}}}}
// "jsdoc/valid-types": ["error"|"warn", {"allowEmptyNamepaths":false}]
// Message: Tag @aCustomTag must have either a type or namepath.

 * @type
 let foo;
// Message: Tag @type must have a type.

 * @modifies {bar | foo<}
function quux (foo, bar, baz) {}
// Message: Syntax error in type: bar | foo<

 * @private {BadTypeChecked<}
function quux () {}
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"mode":"closure"}}
// Message: Syntax error in type: BadTypeChecked<

 * @this {BadTypeChecked<}
function quux () {}
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"mode":"closure"}}
// Message: Syntax error in type: BadTypeChecked<

 * @define
 function quux () {}
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"mode":"closure"}}
// Message: Tag @define must have a type in "closure" mode.

 * @this
 let foo;
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"mode":"closure"}}
// Message: Tag @this must have a type in "closure" mode.

 * Foo function.
 * @param {[number, string]} bar - The bar array.
function foo(bar) {}
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"mode":"jsdoc"}}
// Message: Syntax error in type: [number, string]

 * @interface name<
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"mode":"jsdoc"}}
// Message: Syntax error in namepath: name<

 * @module name<
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"mode":"jsdoc"}}
// Message: Syntax error in namepath: name<

 * @module module:name<
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"mode":"jsdoc"}}
// Message: Syntax error in namepath: module:name<

 * @interface name
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"mode":"closure"}}
// Message: @interface should not have a name in "closure" mode.

 * @aCustomTag name
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"structuredTags":{"aCustomTag":{"name":false}}}}
// Message: @aCustomTag should not have a name.

 * @typedef {SomeType}
function quux () {}
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"mode":"jsdoc"}}
// "jsdoc/valid-types": ["error"|"warn", {"allowEmptyNamepaths":false}]
// Message: Tag @typedef must have a name/namepath in "jsdoc" mode.

 * @private {SomeType}
function quux () {}
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"mode":"jsdoc"}}
// Message: @private should not have a bracketed type in "jsdoc" mode.

 * @aCustomTag {SomeType}
function quux () {}
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"structuredTags":{"aCustomTag":{"type":false}}}}
// Message: @aCustomTag should not have a bracketed type.

 * @see foo%
function quux() {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"structuredTags":{"see":{"name":false,"required":["name"]}}}}
// Message: Cannot add "name" to `require` with the tag's `name` set to `false`

 * @see foo%
function quux() {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"structuredTags":{"see":{"required":["type"],"type":false}}}}
// Message: Cannot add "type" to `require` with the tag's `type` set to `false`

 * @see foo%
function quux() {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"structuredTags":{"see":{"name":false,"required":["typeOrNameRequired"]}}}}
// Message: Cannot add "typeOrNameRequired" to `require` with the tag's `name` set to `false`

 * @see foo%
function quux() {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"structuredTags":{"see":{"required":["typeOrNameRequired"],"type":false}}}}
// Message: Cannot add "typeOrNameRequired" to `require` with the tag's `type` set to `false`

 * @template T<~, R
 * @param {function(!T): !R} parser
 * @return {function(!Array<!T>): !Array<!R>}
parseArray = function(parser) {
    return function(array) {
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"mode":"closure"}}
// Message: Syntax error in namepath: T<~

 * @template T, R<~
 * @param {function(!T): !R} parser
 * @return {function(!Array<!T>): !Array<!R>}
parseArray = function(parser) {
    return function(array) {
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"mode":"closure"}}
// Message: Syntax error in namepath: R<~

 * @template    T, R<~
 * @param {function(!T): !R} parser
 * @return {function(!Array<!T>): !Array<!R>}
parseArray = function(parser) {
    return function(array) {
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"mode":"closure"}}
// Message: Syntax error in namepath: R<~

 * @suppress
function quux () {}
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"mode":"closure"}}
// Message: Tag @suppress must have a type in "closure" mode.

 * @suppress {visibility} sth
function quux () {}
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"mode":"closure"}}
// Message: @suppress should not have a name in "closure" mode.

 * @suppress {visibility|blah}
function quux () {}
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"mode":"closure"}}
// Message: Syntax error in suppress type: blah

 * @param {Object[]} employees
 * @param {string} employees[.name - The name of an employee.
function quux () {}
// Message: Invalid name: unpaired brackets

 * @param {Object[]} employees
 * @param {string} [] - The name of an employee.
function quux () {}
// Message: Invalid name: empty name

 * @param {string} [name=] - The name of an employee.
function quux () {}
// Message: Invalid name: empty default value

 * @param {string} [name==] - The name of an employee.
function quux () {}
// Message: Invalid name: invalid default value syntax

 * @type {{message: string?}}
function quux (items) {
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"mode":"closure"}}
// Message: Syntax error in type: JsdocTypeNullable

 * @type {[message: string?]}
function quux (items) {
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"mode":"typescript"}}
// Message: Syntax error in type: JsdocTypeNullable

 * An inline {@link} tag without content.
// Message: Inline tag "link" missing content

 * An inline {@tutorial} tag without content.
// Message: Inline tag "tutorial" missing content

 * @param {SomeType} aName An inline {@link} tag without content.
// Message: Inline tag "link" missing content

Passing examples

The following patterns are not considered problems:

 * @param {Array<string>} foo
function quux() {


 * @param {string} foo
function quux() {


 * @param foo
function quux() {


 * @borrows foo as bar
function quux() {


 * @borrows foo as #bar
function quux() {


 * @see foo%
function quux() {


 * @alias module:namespace.SomeClass#event:ext_anevent
function quux() {


 * @callback foo
function quux() {


 * @callback
function quux() {

// "jsdoc/valid-types": ["error"|"warn", {"allowEmptyNamepaths":true}]

 * @class
function quux() {


 * @see {@link foo}
function quux() {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"structuredTags":{"see":{"name":"namepath-referencing","required":["name"]}}}}

 * @fires module:namespace.SomeClass#event:ext_anevent
function quux() {


 * @memberof module:namespace.SomeClass~
function quux() {


 * @memberof! module:namespace.SomeClass.
function quux() {


function quux() {


 * @aCustomTag
function quux() {


 * @constant {string}
 const FOO = 'foo';

 * @constant {string} FOO
 const FOO = 'foo';

 * @extends Foo
 class Bar {};

 * @extends Foo<String>
 class Bar {};

 * @extends {Foo<String>}
 class Bar {};
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"mode":"closure"}}

 * @typedef {number | string} UserDefinedType

 * @typedef {number | string}
let UserDefinedGCCType;
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"mode":"closure"}}

 * @modifies {foo | bar}
function quux (foo, bar, baz) {}

 * @this {Navigator}
function quux () {}
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"mode":"closure"}}

 * @export {SomeType}
function quux () {}
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"mode":"closure"}}

 * @define {boolean}
function quux () {}
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"mode":"closure"}}

 * @define
 function quux () {}

 * Foo function.
 * @interface foo
function foo(bar) {}
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"mode":"typescript"}}

 * Foo function.
 * @param {[number, string]} bar - The bar array.
function foo(bar) {}
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"mode":"typescript"}}

 * Foo function.
 * @param {[number, string]} bar - The bar array.
function foo(bar) {}

 * Foo function.
 * @param {[number, string]} bar - The bar array.
function foo(bar) {}
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"mode":"permissive"}}

 * @typedef {SomeType}
function quux () {}
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"mode":"closure"}}
// "jsdoc/valid-types": ["error"|"warn", {"allowEmptyNamepaths":false}]

 * @private {SomeType}
function quux () {}
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"mode":"closure"}}

 * @param
function quux() {

// "jsdoc/valid-types": ["error"|"warn", {"allowEmptyNamepaths":false}]

 * @see
function quux() {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"structuredTags":{"see":{"name":"namepath-referencing"}}}}

 * @template T, R
 * @param {function(!T): !R} parser
 * @return {function(!Array<!T>): !Array<!R>}
parseArray = function(parser) {
    return function(array) {
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"mode":"closure"}}

 * @template T, R<~
 * @param {function(!T): !R} parser
 * @return {function(!Array<!T>): !Array<!R>}
parseArray = function(parser) {
    return function(array) {
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"mode":"jsdoc"}}

 * @template {string} K - K must be a string or string literal
 * @template {{ serious: string }} Seriousalizable - must have a serious property
 * @param {K} key
 * @param {Seriousalizable} object
function seriousalize(key, object) {
  // ????
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"mode":"typescript"}}

 * @module foo/bar

 * @module module:foo/bar

 * @template invalid namepath,T Description
function f() {}
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"mode":"closure"}}

 * Description of complicated type.
 * @template T Description of the T type parameter.
 * @template U - Like other tags, this can have an optional hyphen before the description.
 * @template V,W More parameters
 * @template W,X - Also with a hyphen
type ComplicatedType<T, U, V, W, X> = never

/** Multi-line typedef for an options object type.
 * @typedef {{
 *   prop: number
 * }} MyOptions

 * @extends {SomeType}
class quux {}
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"mode":"typescript"}}

 * @suppress {visibility|underscore}
function quux() {
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"mode":"closure"}}

 * @param {string} id
 * @param {Object} options
 * @param {boolean} options.isSet
 * @param {string} options.module
function quux ( id, options ) {

 * Assign the project to a list of employees.
 * @param {Object[]} employees - The employees who are responsible for the project.
 * @param {string} employees[].name - The name of an employee.
 * @param {string} employees[].department - The employee's department.
function assign(employees) {
  // ...
// "jsdoc/valid-types": ["error"|"warn", {"allowEmptyNamepaths":true}]

 * @param {typeof obj["level1"]["level2"]} foo
 * @param {Parameters<testFunc>[0]} ghi
 * @param {{[key: string]: string}} hjk
function quux() {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"mode":"typescript"}}

 * @returns {Promise<{publicKey, privateKey}>} - The public and private key

 * Some other {@inline} tag.

 * @param {SomeType} aName An inline {@link text} tag with content.

 * An inline {@link text} tag with content.

 * @param typeof
 * @param readonly
 * @param import
 * @param is
function quux() {


 * @import { TestOne, TestTwo } from "./types"