This demo shows how you can deploy Spring Boot, Spring Framework, Hibernate, Tomcat, Java EE, Jakarta EE, JBoss EAP, and Quarkus applications to App Service (App Service is the premier PaaS platform on Azure). It is the demo for this talk.
We use Azure PostgreSQL but you can use Azure SQL, Azure MySQL, or Oracle DB@Azure. React is used as the JavaScript front-end.
- Install JDK 17 (we used Eclipse Temurin OpenJDK 17 LTS). Make sure JAVA_HOME is set.
- Set up Maven.
- Download this repository somewhere in your file system (easiest way might be to download as a zip and extract).
- If you wish to run locally before deploying to Azure, install Docker.
- You will need an Azure subscription. If you don't have one, you can get one for free for one year here.
- Install the Azure CLI.
- Go to the Azure portal.
- Select 'Create a resource'. In the search box, enter and select 'Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible Server'. Hit create.
- Create a new resource group named todo-app-group-
<your suffix>
(the suffix could be your first name such as "reza"). Specify the Server name to be todo-db-<your suffix>
(the suffix could be your first name such as "reza"). - Choose PostgreSQL and Microsoft Entra authentication. Set the Microsoft Entra admin to your working Azure user. Specify the login name to be postgres. Specify a suitable password.
- Click Next to go to the Networking tab.
- Enable access to Azure services.
- Create the resource. It will take a moment for the database to deploy and be ready for use.
- In the portal home, go to 'All resources'. Find and click on
<your suffix>
. Open the Settings -> Server parameters panel. Set the 'require_secure_transport' parameter to 'OFF', and then hit 'Save'.
Each of the parts of this repository can be run independently, which means you can go directly to the parts that interest you most. The following is just one logical sequence.
- Deploying a Spring Boot application using Java SE on App Service. The spring-boot folder shows how this is done.
- Deploying a Jakarta EE application using JBoss EAP on App Service. The jakartaee folder shows how this is done.
- Deploying a Spring Framework application using Tomcat on App Service. The tomcat folder shows how this is done.
- Deploying a Quarkus application using Java SE on App Service. The quarkus folder shows how this is done.
Once you are done exploring the demo, you should delete the
todo-app-group-<your suffix>
resource group. You can do this by going to
the portal, going to resource groups, finding and clicking on
todo-app-group-<your suffix>
and hitting delete. This is especially
important if you are not using a free subscription.