AgentWeb is a powerful library based on Android WebView.
The first and the most powerful web-based terminal for InterSystems IRIS®, InterSystems Caché®, Ensemble®, HealthShare®, TrakCare® and other products built on top of InterSystems Data Platforms.
[!!!] THIS PROJECT HAS MOVED TO The first and the most powerful web-based terminal for InterSystems Caché®, Ensemble®, HealthShare®, TrakCare®…
Android开发人员不得不收集的工具类集合 | 支付宝支付 | 微信支付(统一下单) | 微信分享 | Zip4j压缩(支持分卷压缩与加密) | 一键集成UCrop选择圆形头像 | 一键集成二维码和条形码的扫描与生成 | 常用Dialog | WebView的封装可播放视频 | 仿斗鱼滑动验证码 | Toast封装 | 震动 | GPS | Location定位 | 图片缩放 | Exif…
🔥 EasyFloat:浮窗从未如此简单(Android可拖拽悬浮窗口,支持页面过滤、自定义动画,可设置单页面浮窗、前台浮窗、全局浮窗,浮窗权限按需自动申请...)
SunnyLy / TakePhoto
Forked from crazycodeboy/TakePhoto一款用于在Android设备上获取照片(拍照或从相册、文件中选择)、裁剪图片、压缩图片的开源工具库
💍A simple and elegant Android native UI framework, free your hands! (一个简洁而优雅的Android原生UI框架,解放你的双手!)
🔥 Android developers should collect the following utils(updating).
基于Netty+TCP+Protobuf实现的Android IM库,包含Protobuf序列化、TCP拆包与粘包、长连接握手认证、心跳机制、断线重连机制、消息重发机制、读写超时机制、离线消息、线程池等功能。
Repo for counting stars and contributing. Press F to pay respect to glorious developers.
Microsoft and GitHub Workers Support 996.ICU
A framework for directly generating shape through Tags, no need to write shape.xml again(通过标签直接生成shape,无需再写shape.xml)