This action can be used to create consistent GitHub issues on a schedule. Great for standardizing project management, scrum ceremonies, and other recurring tasks.
- uses: garnertb/weekly-issue-action@v1
# Assignees for the issue
# Required: false
- assignees: ''
# Project column name to add issue to, e.g. To Do.
# Required if "project" is set.
# Required: false
# Default: "Weekly sync issue"
- body: ''
# Whether to close the previous weekly issue when creating new one
# Required: false
- close-previous: ''
# Date string used to add the date to the title of the issue
# Required: false
# Default: "this friday"
- date-string: ''
# The format passed to the date command
# Required: false
# Default: "%m/%d/%Y"
- date-string-format: ''
# Required: false
# Default: "Weekly issue for week of "
- title: ''
# Comma delimited list of existing issue labels to be applied to new issue, e.g. "bug, ci".
# Required: false
# Default: "weekly-sync"
- labels: ''
# Whether to link to the previous weekly issue when creating a new one
# Required:
# Default: "true"
- linked-comments: ''
# Text of the comment on the previous issue that links to the new issue.
# Requires "linked-comments, labels".
# Required: false
# Default: "Next in series: #{{ newIssueNumber }}"
- linked-comments-previous-issue-text: ''
# Text of the comment on the new issue that links to the previous issue.
# Requires "linked-comments, labels".
# Required: false
# Default: "Previous in series: #{{ previousIssueNumber }}"
- linked-comments-new-issue-text: ''
# Milestone number (not ID or name) to add issue to, e.g. 2.
# Required: false
- milestone: ''
# Project number (not ID or name) to add issue to, e.g. 2.
# Required: false
- project: ''
# Whether the issue should be pinned.
# Required: false
# Default: "true"
- pinned: ''
# Boolean whether to round robin the provided assignees, e.g. for first responder duties.
# Requires "labels", "assignees".
# default: 'false'
# Required: false
- rotate-assignees: ''
# GitHub token
# Required: false
# Default: "${{ github.token }}"
- token: ''
# Project type the "project" number corresponds to, e.g. user, organization, or repository project.
# Organization and user projects require a GitHub App installation access token, OAuth token, or Personal Access Token.
# Read more here:
# Required: false
# Default: "repository"
- project-type: ''
The GitHub token needs to have repo
permissions to create new issues.
- id: create-issue
uses: garnertb/weekly-issue-action@v1
# "This friday" gets passed to the gnu date command and the returned date
# is accessible through the step output.
date-string: "this friday"
title: Weekly sync for ${{ }}
body: |-
## Weekly Sync
<!-- Items actively working or blocked -->
### In Progress
### PRs Needing Review
<!-- Outstanding PRS -->
### Security
<!-- Security-related Issues/PRS -->
### Expenses
<!-- Image from AWS Cost Explorer -->
### Deployments
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
In this example, the action will create an issue titled "Weekly sync for for week of [the date of Friday in MM/DD/YYYY]". See output 👇.