- Philadelphia, PA
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/gilles-b-71325153/
- @darkhunt3r
Security-Tools Public
Scripts I have written to perform various IT Security admin tasks. From validating findings to performing automated attacks
Hitman Public
hitman is a command-line tool written in Rust that extracts IPv4, IPv6 addresses, and fully qualified domain names (FQDNs) from a text file.
Rust GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedSep 24, 2024 -
SMBiote Public
Tool to find SMB service and exploit it
Rust GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedSep 24, 2024 -
Terminus Public
Script that checks HTTP boundaries for user access control security misconfigurations
Hephaestus Public
A collection of git administration tools I wrote to help automate managing my git repos
Sherlock Public
This script is designed to help expedite a web application assessment by automating some of the assessment steps (e.g., running nmap, sublist3r, metasploit, etc.)
OWASP-Janus Public template
This will test various HTTP Request types against a web server
rusturi Public
This is a rust implementation of urinteresting (https://github.com/tomnomnom/hacks/tree/master/urinteresting)
ChatGPTGeneratedScripts Public
Forked from trashpandasec/ChatGPTGeneratedScriptsPraise the machine spirit!
Python UpdatedMay 9, 2023 -
semgrepper Public
Forked from gand3lf/semgrepperAn extension to use Semgrep inside Burp Suite.
superficial-duck Public
This script performs system checks in windows that could aid in privilege escalation
3 UpdatedFeb 2, 2023 -
Evil_AI Public
These tools and scrips have been written using Chat GPT
ADReaper Public
Forked from m0n1x90/ADReaperA fast enumeration tool for Windows Active Directory Pentesting written in Go
DomainDouche Public
Forked from n0kovo/DomainDoucheOSINT tool by n0kovo, abusing SecurityTrails domain suggestion API to find potentially related domains by keyword and brute force.
examples Public
Forked from ory/awesome-oryA curated collection of examples and solutions created and maintained by the Ory Community.
fim Public
Forked from Achiefs/fimFIM is an Open Source Host-based file integrity monitoring tool that performs file system analysis, file integrity checking and real time alerting.
VulnerableService Public
Forked from KentonMcDaniel/VulnerableServiceThis is an intentionally vulnerable service implementation.
CSharp-Scanner Public
Forked from mrsauravsahu/CSharp-ScannerThis repository is for Library code for Scanner Utility that has similar functionalty as the one found in Java. The Scanner class in Java provides helper methods to read the next primitive type fro…
worrisome-bancha.github.io Public
Domain take over github challenge
xerosploit Public
Forked from LionSec/xerosploitEfficient and advanced man in the middle framework
smuggler Public
Forked from defparam/smugglerSmuggler - An HTTP Request Smuggling / Desync testing tool written in Python 3
Crackmapexec-LAPS Public
Forked from T3KX/Crackmapexec-LAPSLAPS module for CrackMapExec
xml2json Public
Quick script to convert xml to json
Findsploit Public
Forked from 1N3/FindsploitFind exploits in local and online databases instantly
Binspector Public
Script design to check binaries for IOCs