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180 lines (144 loc) · 9.15 KB

File metadata and controls

180 lines (144 loc) · 9.15 KB



  • Better navigation defaults for the hex view, and some vim key integration (thanks @uzxmx).

[2.4.0] - 2022-07-11


  • You can now search for information in packets, in similar fashion to Wireshark's packet search. Hit ctrl-f to open the search bar.
  • Termshark now supports Wireshark-like profiles. Access via the new minibuffer profile commands: create to make a new profile; use to switch profile. A profile can be "linked" to a Wireshark profile to make use of Wireshark color profiles in termshark.


  • Now you can build and install termshark with one command: go install
  • Fixed a bug that resulted in stream reassembly sporadically failing and displaying a blank screen.
  • Termshark will now, by default, suppress errors from tshark. You can change this via the minibuffer set suppress-tshark-errors command.
  • Added a summary of standard error to the error dialogs displayed when a tshark process fails to run correctly (has a non-zero exit code).
  • Fixed a race condition that caused extcap captures (e.g. randpkt) to sporadically fail.
  • Dark-mode is now the default in the absence of a specific user-setting.
  • Fixed a bug that caused mouse-clicks within the hex view to not function correctly if the viewport was not at the top of the data to be displayed.
  • When focus is in the packet hex view, the mouse wheel will no longer move the cursor - instead it will move the scroll position.
  • If the display filter is empty, it is now displayed in cyan to indicate it is not yet either valid or invalid. This can be changed via the filter-empty theme element.
  • In the conversations view, a column of IP addresses is now sorted numerically rather than lexicographically.
  • Various text input widgets now support "bracketed-paste" meaning they understand when content is pasted into the terminal. The result is a smoother interface with fewer updates.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the "client pkts" and "server pkts" counts in the stream reassembly view not to be updated.

[2.3.0] - 2021-09-04


  • Termshark's columns can now be changed via the minibuffer columns command. Columns can be added, removed or hidden from view. If your Wireshark config is available, termshark can import your Wireshark column configuration. Custom columns can be chosen via a display filter expression.
  • The packet structure view now provides a contextual menu with options to
    • apply the structure filter as a custom column
    • prepare or apply the same filter as a display filter
  • A new console-command, "wormhole", allows you to send termshark's current pcap with magic wormhole. Pair with the tmux plugin tmux-wormhole to open the pcap quickly in Wireshark.
  • Added a -w flag - if supplied for a live capture, termshark will write the packets to this capture file.
  • Added a config option, main.disk-cache-size-mb, that can be set to have termshark limit the size of its pcap cache directory. When the directory size exceeds its limit, termshark deletes oldest pcap files first.
  • Added a workflow that helps a user to upgrade from a low-color TERM setting if termshark detects that there is a 256-color version available in the terminfo database.
  • Added 8-color light and dark themes for TERMs such as xterm and screen.
  • Termshark is now available for M1 on Mac.


  • Fixed a bug that caused "And" and "Or" conversation filters to be incorrect if the current display filter is empty.
  • Fixed a bug that caused multi-token capture filters to fail.
  • Fixed a bug that slowed down the user's interaction with the display filter widget.

[2.2.0] - 2021-01-03


  • Termshark is now available for linux/arm64, NetBSD and OpenBSD.
  • Vim keys h, j, k and l can now be used in widgets that accept left, down, up and right user input.
  • Termshark's tables support vim-style navigation - use G to go to the bottom, gg to go to the top, or add a numeric prefix.
  • Other vim-style navigation keypresses are now implemented :r/:e to load a pcap, :q! to quit, ZZ to quit, C-w C-w to cycle through views and C-w = to reset spacing.
  • You can now set packet marks with the m key (e.g. ma, mb). Jump to packet marks with the ' key (e.g. 'a, 'b). Set cross-file packet marks with capital letters (e.g. mA, mB). Jump to last location with ''.
  • Display termshark's log file via the new menu option "Show Log"
  • Termshark now provides last-line mode/a minibuffer for issuing commands. Access it with the ":" key.
  • Termshark provides the following minibuffer commands:
    • recents - pick a pcap from recently loaded files.
    • filter - pick a display filter from the recently used list.
    • set - set various config properties.
    • marks - display currently set local and cross-file packet marks.
  • Map keys to other key sequences using a vim-style map command e.g. map <f1> ZZ. Use vim-syntax to express keystrokes - alphanumeric characters, and angle brackets for compound keys (<C-s>, <A-\>, <esc>, <space>, <enter>)
  • Added support for themes. See this example. Themes are loaded from ~/.config/termshark/themes/ or from a small cache built-in to termshark. A new minibuffer command theme can be used to change theme; no-theme turns off theming.


  • Fixed a race condition that allowed an invalid Wireshark display filter to be applied.
  • Fixed race conditions that resulted in spurious warnings about a failure to kill tshark processes
  • If auto-scroll is enabled, and you navigate to a different packet in the packet list view during a live capture, auto-scroll is resumed if you hit 'G' or the end key.
  • Fixed a problem preventing the correct operation of piped input to termshark on freebsd.
  • The Escape key no longer opens the main menu. Instead it puts focus on the menu button. Hit Enter to open. This is more intuitive with the presence of ":" to open the minibuffer.

2.1.1 - 2020-02-02


  • Termshark now provides a conversations view for the most common conversation types.
  • Termshark now supports multiple live captures/interfaces on the command-line e.g. termshark -i eth0 -i eth1
  • Termshark's packet hex view displays a scrollbar if the data doesn't fit in the space available.
  • Termshark can show a capture file's properties using the capinfos binary (bundled with tshark).
  • Termshark now supports extcap interfaces by default.

2.0.3 - 2019-12-23


  • Termshark now colorizes its packet list view by default, using the current Wireshark colorfilter rules.
  • Termshark now supports tshark's -t option to specify the timestamp format in the packet list view.


  • Fixed a potential deadlock when reassembling very long streams.

[2.0.2] - 2019-11-11


  • Internal Go API name changes that I didn't understand when I released termshark V2.

[2.0.1] - 2019-11-10


  • Fix a mistake that caused a build break on homebrew.

2.0.0 - 2019-11-10


  • Termshark supports TCP and UDP stream reassembly. See termshark's "Analysis" menu.
  • By popular demand, termshark now has a dark mode! To turn on, run termshark and open the menu.
  • Termshark can be configured to "auto-scroll" when reading live data (interface, fifo or stdin).
  • Termshark uses less CPU, is less laggy under mouse input, and will use less than half as much RAM on larger pcaps.
  • Termshark now supports piped input e.g.
$ tshark -i eth0 -w - | termshark
  • Termshark now supports input from a fifo e.g.
1$ mkfifo myfifo
1$ tshark -i eth0 -w myfifo
2$ termshark -r myfifo
  • Termshark supports running its UI on a different tty (make sure the tty doesn't have another process competing for reads and writes). This is useful if you are feeding termshark with data from a process that writes to stderr, or if you want to see information displayed in the terminal that would be covered up by termshark's UI e.g.
termshark -i eth0 --tty=/dev/pts/5
  • Like Wireshark, termshark will now preserve the opened and closed structure of a packet as you move from one packet to the next. This lets the user see differences between packets more easily.
  • Termshark can now be installed for MacOS from Homebrew.
  • Termshark now respects job control signals sent via the shell i.e. SIGTSTP and SIGCONT.
  • Termshark on Windows no longer depends on the Cygwin tail command (and thus a Cygwin installation).
  • The current packet capture source (file, interface, pipe, etc) is displayed in the termshark title bar.
  • Termshark can be configured to eagerly load all pcap PDML data, rather than 1000 packets at a time.


  • You can now simply hit enter in the display filter widget to make its value take effect.

1.0.0 - 2019-04-17

  • Initial release.