Here's how to install termshark on various OSes and with various package managers.
- termshark: The official package.
- termshark-git: Compiles from source, made by Thann
Termshark is only available in unstable/sid at the moment.
apt update
apt install termshark
Thanks to Ryan Steinmetz
Termshark is in the FreeBSD ports tree! To install the package, run:
pkg install termshark
To build/install the port, run:
cd /usr/ports/net/termshark/ && make install clean
brew update
brew install termshark
sudo port selfupdate
sudo port install termshark
apt update
apt install termshark
Thanks to Patrick Winter
nix-channel --add
nix-channel --update
nix-env -iA nixpkgs.termshark
Thanks to mharjac
Termshark can be easily installed on almost all major distros just by issuing:
snap install termshark
Note there is a big caveat with Snap and the architecture of Wireshark that prevents termshark being able to read network interfaces. If installed via Snap, termshark will only be able to work with pcap files. See this explanation.
pkg install root-repo
pkg install termshark
Note that termshark does not require a rooted phone to inspect a pcap, but it does depend on tshark which is itself in Termux's root-repo for programs that do work best on a rooted phone.
If you would like to use termshark's copy-mode to copy sections of packets to your Android clipboard, you will also need Termux:API. Install from the Play Store, then from termux, type:
pkg install termux-api

If you are running Ubuntu 19.10 (eoan) or higher, termshark can be installed like this:
sudo apt install termshark
For Ubuntu < 19.10, you can use the PPA nicolais/termshark to install termshark:
sudo add-apt-repository --update ppa:nicolais/termshark
sudo apt install termshark
Thanks to Nicolai Søberg