A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server for Git repository interaction and automation, written in Go. This server provides tools to read, search, and manipulate Git repositories via Large Language Models.
This MCP server provides the following Git operations as tools:
- git_status: Shows the working tree status
- git_diff_unstaged: Shows changes in the working directory that are not yet staged
- git_diff_staged: Shows changes that are staged for commit
- git_diff: Shows differences between branches or commits
- git_commit: Records changes to the repository
- git_add: Adds file contents to the staging area
- git_reset: Unstages all staged changes
- git_log: Shows the commit logs
- git_create_branch: Creates a new branch from an optional base branch
- git_checkout: Switches branches
- git_show: Shows the contents of a commit
- git_init: Initialize a new Git repository
- git_push: Pushes local commits to a remote repository (requires
- Go 1.18 or higher
- Git installed on your system
You can download prebuilt binaries for your platform from the GitHub Releases page.
# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/geropl/git-mcp-go.git
cd git-mcp-go
# Build the server
go build -o git-mcp-go .
The Git MCP Server now uses a command-line structure with subcommands:
├── serve [flags]
│ ├── --repository, -r <path>
│ ├── --mode <shell|go-git>
│ ├── --write-access
│ └── --verbose, -v
└── setup [flags]
├── --repository, -r <path>
├── --mode <shell|go-git>
├── --write-access
├── --auto-approve <tool-list|allow-read-only|allow-local-only>
└── --tool <cline>
The serve
command starts the Git MCP server:
# Run with a specific repository
./git-mcp-go serve -r /path/to/git/repository
# Run with verbose logging
./git-mcp-go serve -v -r /path/to/git/repository
# Run with go-git implementation
./git-mcp-go serve --mode go-git -r /path/to/git/repository
# Enable write access for remote operations
./git-mcp-go serve -r /path/to/git/repository --write-access
The --mode
flag allows you to choose between two different implementations:
- shell: Uses the Git CLI commands via shell execution (default)
- go-git: Uses the go-git library for Git operations where possible
The --write-access
flag enables operations that modify remote state (currently only the push operation). By default, this is disabled for safety.
The setup
command sets up the Git MCP server for use with an AI assistant. Copies itself to ~/mcp-servers/git-mcp-go
and modifies the tools config (cline: cline_mcp_settings.json
) to use that binary.
# Set up for Cline with a specific repository
./git-mcp-go setup -r /path/to/git/repository
# Set up with write access enabled
./git-mcp-go setup -r /path/to/git/repository --write-access
# Set up with auto-approval for read-only tools
./git-mcp-go setup -r /path/to/git/repository --auto-approve=allow-read-only
# Set up with specific tools auto-approved
./git-mcp-go setup -r /path/to/git/repository --auto-approve=git_status,git_log
# Set up with write access and auto-approval for read-only tools
./git-mcp-go setup -r /path/to/git/repository --write-access --auto-approve=allow-read-only
The --auto-approve
flag allows you to specify which tools should be auto-approved (not require explicit user approval):
- allow-read-only: Auto-approve all read-only tools (git_status, git_diff_unstaged, git_diff_staged, git_log, git_show, git_diff)
- allow-local-only: Auto-approve all local-only tools (incl. git_commit, git_add, git_reset, but not git_push)
- comma-separated list: Auto-approve specific tools (e.g., git_status,git_log)
The easiest way to install and register the Git MCP server with Cline is to use the setup command:
# Download linux binary for the latest release
RELEASE="$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/geropl/git-mcp-go/releases/latest)"
DOWNLOAD_URL="$(echo $RELEASE | jq -r '.assets[] | select(.name | contains("linux-amd64")) | .browser_download_url')"
curl -L -o ./git-mcp-go $DOWNLOAD_URL
chmod +x ./git-mcp-go
# Setup the mcp server (call from .gitpod.yml, dotfiles repo, etc.)
./git-mcp-go setup -r /path/to/git/repository --tool=cline --auto-approve=allow-local-only
rm -f ./git-mcp-go
The setup command will:
- Copy the executable to the Cline MCP directory
- Create a registration script that configures Cline to use the Git MCP server
Alternatively, you can manually add this to your claude_desktop_config.json
"mcpServers": {
"git": {
"command": "/path/to/git-mcp-go",
"args": ["-r", "/path/to/git/repository", "--mode", "shell"]
This server is implemented using:
- mcp-go: Go SDK for the Model Context Protocol
- go-git: Pure Go implementation of Git (used for the
For operations not supported by go-git, the server falls back to using the Git CLI.
The server includes comprehensive tests for all Git operations. The tests are designed to run against both implementation modes:
# Run all tests
go test ./pkg -v
# Run specific tests
go test ./pkg -v -run TestGitOperations/push
The test suite creates temporary repositories for each test case and verifies that the operations work correctly in both modes.
This project uses GitHub Actions for continuous integration and deployment:
- Automated tests run on every pull request to the main branch
- Releases are created when a tag with the format
is pushed - Each release includes binaries for multiple platforms:
- Linux (amd64, arm64)
- macOS (amd64, arm64)
- Windows (amd64)
To create a new release:
# Tag the current commit
git tag v1.0.0
# Push the tag to GitHub
git push origin v1.0.0
This project is licensed under the MIT License.